
Help breakign a habit

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Well on osu im having a really hard time with accuracy, i can play fast songs but accuracy is about the same as slower ones. Tryign to do slower maps to train accuracy but i have a hard time when the osu notes switch with what they go to like going with vocals then go to snare etc. and my brain keeps hitting with the vocals. but on faster songs ive noticed stick with one instrument etc(so my accuracy tend to be a bit better). I think its a guitar playing habit i ignore all the other instrument and hard focus on guitar so my mind sticks to it(and also adhd lol).but now its making osu quite difficult to play now that im slowing down for accuracy. any tips on stopping this or is it normal, do i need more practice, or do i need serious focus training to stop it cuz its getting really annoying.
keep playing fast maps
focus more on the beatmaps hitsounds then the actual song
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