
We need Osu! in other OS

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Hi, my name is Azern as you can see. I'm a low-mid player in Osu! standard and mid-player in Osu!mania (hope so). Well, enough with the introduction, let's get to the topic :lol: .


I'm not sure if I the first one to say it or the #xx. I just want to say these things.
Why I say it, well... I'm a both Linux and Windows user in daily life. But between these two, I'd prefer Linux to use on my work. Not only work, I use it watching anime and playing any Visual Novel I like. But then, when I want to play Osu! again, I must to restart my PC, wait about 2 minutes until it's ready and so. From here, there's not really any problem for it.

But, the real problem is the time I use to restart my PC from Linux to Windows and vice versa. It take about 2 minutes, while my free time at work just a few minutes.
Just take 15 minutes as example. 2 x 2 minutes (more or less) use to restarting PC, rest of it use to play. 1 (average) song take about 3 minutes. Waiting for other player to joining a room about 3-7 minutes. That's waiting a player to join, not the wait time for downloading (if must) and take a deal which mode and what mods we will use. Man.... it's a pain in the ass :o .

The other problem is, Osu! need .NET framework 3.5 to work on. In Linux, it can only run anyhting.exe file using wine. But it can't recognize the .NET framework, so Osu! won't run in Linux.

Maybe, it's not only me feel the same way. That's why I said we need Osu! in other OS. Because Osu! is a really awesome game and I want to play it on my favorite OS.

So, is there any other way I can use so that I could play Osu! in Linux or any other OS. OR... we should really make something for Linux so Osu! could be run?
I know working on those programming is really ... just say "spinning-your-brain". So, if there anyone can propose that Osu! could be playing in other OS to the developer, it's gonna be awesome :) .

  • If there any Linux user out there that play Osu! through Linux, please tell me the way
    I really apologize for my horrible grammar
Compile it your bloody self if you want it so much.
Also, for linux theirs wine and virtual machines. For mac theirs boot camp and wine for mac as well as the osu mac port.
Seriously, if you want it on linux then compile it yourself!
compile? what?

winetricks corefonts gdiplus dotnet35
download osume.exe from
wine osume.exe
Regardless of whatever the installer says, you do not need 3.5, unless something has changed since yesterday.

- Download Wine (if using Ubuntu or likewise, add the official PPA)
- Setup a 32-bit WINEARCH (run WINEARCH=win32 winecfg)
- Use winetricks to ONLY download dotnet20 (you don't need gdiplus unless you "really" want the few things it affects to look nice, at the cost of downloading about 1GB; but really for the sake of simplicity and not messing things up, don't even worry about gdiplus)
- Grab osume.exe (linked above somewhere)
- Make an osu! folder somewhere in the Wine prefix (just make an osu! folder in the Program Files folder)
- Drop osume.exe there and run it
- Win

I did those exact same steps yesterday, and osu! ran fine. Tested on Xubuntu 13.10 x86_64 + Wine 1.7.1 (CSMT-patched) + fglrx (13.8b2).

Edit: p/2577747
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