
Per-Mode Ranking Information

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I'll take a brief moment to sum up the effects of today's maintenance. I will likely provide more detail soon, but before the bug reports/complaints come in I would like to set a level of expectation. First of all, not much will have noticeably changed, but you can view per-mode rankings on the website. Read on for more details...

Your plays of osu! are now being counted towards mode-specific stats. This includes accuracy, ranked score, total score, level, total hit counts, playcount, replay watch count and XS/S/A rank counts. These are all being calculated internally, while not all visible in your profiles yet. These will be added in the near future.

The osu! game interface still operates heavily on the osu! game mode. Your user panel will still display osu!-specific stats. Once I figure out the best way to handle displaying mode-specific in-game, this will change.

When you complete a song, the ranking popup dialog will show you correct mode-specific stats (the score required to hit the next rank).

In this migration process, your playcount, total score and level may have dropped. This is because it has been divided between all play modes. If you are a heavy CtB player for instance, your CtB level is going to be really high (and your osu! visible level will have dropped relatively).

Forum display of ranks and level is not being updated. This will be fixed soon.

Please only ask questions that are not answered above.

NOTE: if your level is 0, play once to recalculate it.
I was just wondering why this happens (see attachment).

When I search for my name, the page goes haywire.

Does this happen to anyone else ?
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Doesn't happen in my Firefox. :P

Ekaru wrote:

Doesn't happen in my Firefox. :P
It's normal in my firefox too, maybe peppy needs to fix some bugs for other browsers
This may be unrelated but after the update my acc after signing on dropped by about 2%...any reason for this?
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DeathxShinigami wrote:

This may be unrelated but after the update my acc after signing on dropped by about 2%...any reason for this?
Yes, accuracy calculations were fixed.

Nozomori wrote:

Ekaru wrote:

Doesn't happen in my Firefox. :P
It's normal in my firefox too, maybe peppy needs to fix some bugs for other browsers
It happens in Chromium too.

ThePassingShadow wrote:

Also the page numbers disappeared.
Sounds interesting. ;)
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Fixed browser misalignment.
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Un-confirmed :<

Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_7; en-ca) AppleWebKit/530.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.1 Safari/530.18
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Clear your cache or force refresh. Damn non-cache-abiding browsers >:(.

Also remember to do this in the future.
Aah it's working now..

(I didn't actually do anything, but yay!)

mattyu007 wrote:

Aah it's working now..

(I didn't actually do anything, but yay!)
CTRL+F5 would havw worked too :P
Help ! :(

I need to restore my old Level ( 47 )

( after i open the game i'm shocked to see my lvl 0 )

I remember Before i playing any maps | my lvl 0

After play ... lvl up to 14 ( Scared ) :o

I think that my lvl stop here ...

Plese Peppy Need Some Help To REST My Old lvl :shock:

( sorry 4 bad english :oops: )
MAXAM, the levels you gained through playing Catch the Beat have been taken away. Level now only shows the scores obtained through osu! standard. If you wish to regain your old level, play osu! standard more.
There will evenutally be a display of your CtB level, though. They're now seperate levels.
Well, reading about fixes and so on, shouldn't only lvl and so have changed?

My accuracy was heavily affected, I have only 3 - 4 songs with low accuracy(farucon, scatman and such kinda ones) , and most of em above 99% or even 100% since I actually play for accuracy. I had 99'04% acc and now it dropped to 97%, and aproved (but not ranked) songs also count on my accuracy :S So I think it has something to do with aproved but not ranked songs? aren't they suposed not to count for rank?
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