
Chiyoko - Burning your soul

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 2:37:31 PM

Artist: Chiyoko
Title: Burning your soul
Source: Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka R
Tags: OP Electro_Muster Slow_Step_-First_Love_Comes_Again-
BPM: 180
Filesize: 7550kb
Play Time: 04:03
Difficulties Available:
  1. Hard (3.33 stars, 496 notes)
  2. Insane (4.6 stars, 741 notes)
  3. Normal (1.75 stars, 218 notes)
Download: Chiyoko - Burning your soul
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
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哇 妹儿特><!
IRC mod ._.
22:08 epocsodielaK: Hi
22:09 epocsodielaK: 0 0
22:10 Zweib: hi
22:11 epocsodielaK: 有空吗现在0 0>?
22:11 Zweib: 额怎么?
22:11 epocsodielaK: 上次给你看那张图
22:12 epocsodielaK: 做完了ww
22:12 epocsodielaK: 但是找不到人mod啊orzzzzz
22:12 Zweib: 好吧懂了= =
22:13 Zweib: np
22:13 *epocsodielaK is listening to [ Yuuki Aira - LAMENT ~Yagate Yorokobi wo~ (TV Size)]
22:13 epocsodielaK: 哦不是
22:13 *epocsodielaK is listening to [ Chiyoko - Burning your soul]
22:18 Zweib: timing好像有点问题
22:18 Zweib: offset - 18
22:18 epocsodielaK: 唔。。好
22:21 Zweib: 00:37:254 (5,6,7,8,9,10) - 这个
22:21 Zweib: 用soft试试?
22:22 Zweib: 还有你补个soft_hitnormal进去吧
22:22 Zweib: 我一半是自带音效一半是图里的音效听着有点蛋疼
22:23 epocsodielaK: ok
22:23 Zweib: 01:36:105 (3,1,2,3) - 这形状有点太随意啊
22:24 Zweib: 01:39:772 (5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1) - 这个也有点挫
22:24 epocsodielaK: 0 0这个不行吗
22:26 Zweib: 嘛。。我也不知道改什么形状好
22:26 Zweib: 你看这个怎么样
22:30 Zweib:
22:31 Zweib: 啊老是掉线
22:31 epocsodielaK: 好像还不如之前的0 0
22:31 epocsodielaK: 没事0 0
22:31 epocsodielaK: 再看看别人怎么说吧
22:33 Zweib: 嗯其他都还好...
22:33 Zweib: 就是直滑条那么多总感觉有偷懒的嫌疑
22:33 epocsodielaK: OAO
22:33 Zweib: 稍微乱了点
22:34 epocsodielaK: 那normal跟hard呢0 0
22:35 Zweib: 啊
22:35 Zweib: 只检查了音效好像没漏的
22:35 Zweib: (低难度就随便点就行啦
22:36 epocsodielaK: =v=
22:36 epocsodielaK: 我说难度
22:36 Zweib: 差不多吧。。。。
22:36 Zweib: 可能OD-1会更好点
22:37 Zweib: 喜欢送分图的人会更多的吧
22:37 epocsodielaK: OD我再考虑考虑吧
22:37 epocsodielaK: 想稍微平衡下hd和hr
22:38 Zweib: orz
22:38 epocsodielaK: ._.
22:38 Zweib: 总之加油吧/.\
22:39 Zweib: 差不多就这些 我去post?
22:39 epocsodielaK: 嗯嗯谢啦
Topic Starter

  1. 00:25:420 (2) - x,y(132,177)
  2. 00:36:420 (3) - 强烈建议复制00:35:087 (1) 再旋转一下
  3. 01:29:754 (1) - 虽然想忍着不吐槽,但是我失败了
  4. 01:48:420 (3,1) - 没叠好
  5. 01:53:087 (3) - 弧度再稍微大点
  6. 02:23:754 (3) - 稍微往右一点点
  1. break好多没用的绿线
  2. 00:36:921 (3,4,5) - 右移动一点,2,3错开点距离
  3. 01:08:920 (2,3) - 没叠好
  4. 01:44:920 (3) - 3和1稍微放远点
  5. 02:22:420 (3) - 虽然知道你想做成心型但是貌似这个没拉好
  6. 02:58:920 (8) - slider尾上的clap有点多余
  7. 03:53:754 (1) - 这个弧度可以做大点
  1. 好多没叠好的地方=.=
  2. 01:40:087 (9) - 我猜这可以nc?
  3. 03:04:420 - break拉到这来?
没了 GL~
Topic Starter

Melt wrote:


  1. 00:25:420 (2) - x,y(132,177)
  2. 00:36:420 (3) - 强烈建议复制00:35:087 (1) 再旋转一下
  3. 01:29:754 (1) - 虽然想忍着不吐槽,但是我失败了 跟后面那个比起来还好呀,等别人给具体改法
  4. 01:48:420 (3,1) - 没叠好
  5. 01:53:087 (3) - 弧度再稍微大点
  6. 02:23:754 (3) - 稍微往右一点点

  1. break好多没用的绿线 已删
  2. 00:36:921 (3,4,5) - 右移动一点,2,3错开点距离
  3. 01:08:920 (2,3) - 没叠好
  4. 01:44:920 (3) - 3和1稍微放远点
  5. 02:22:420 (3) - 虽然知道你想做成心型但是貌似这个没拉好
  6. 02:58:920 (8) - slider尾上的clap有点多余 音乐里有,调整了音量
  7. 03:53:754 (1) - 这个弧度可以做大点
  1. 好多没叠好的地方=.=
  2. 01:40:087 (9) - 我猜这可以nc?试试
  3. 03:04:420 - break拉到这来?
没了 GL~ 谢谢妹儿特:D
Hi ~ :3

  • 00:39:754 (3) - Ctrl + G
    01:11:754 - add circle or 01:11:087 (1) - +1 revers
    01:57:754 (2,3) - make same slider shape
    02:26:421 (4) - opposite slider

    • 01:17:087 (3) - overlapping on 01:16:087 (6) -
      01:56:087 (5) - opposite slider and fix its distance
      02:19:086 (1,2) - make same slider shape

      • 00:55:920 (7,8) - I think distance is too far :(
        03:20:420 (1) - -1 reverse
Topic Starter

-Srui- wrote:

Hi ~ :3

00:39:754 (3) - Ctrl + G this is fine enough imo and it's difficult to find better place :o
01:11:754 - add circle or 01:11:087 (1) - +1 revers ok
01:57:754 (2,3) - make same slider shape ok
02:26:421 (4) - opposite slider i'll consider it

01:17:087 (3) - overlapping on 01:16:087 (6) - ok
01:56:087 (5) - opposite slider and fix its distance fixed a little
02:19:086 (1,2) - make same slider shape ok

00:55:920 (7,8) - I think distance is too far reduced some
03:20:420 (1) - -1 reverse i think it may be annoying but better for fitting the music :3
Thank you for modding :D
Hi~hi~from my queue
normal mod

好听>.</,图也做的好。song setup 里面的design,enable countdown可以勾掉,甜歌不要倒数拉
lettel box感觉可以要也可以不要

01:08:420 (1) - 头finish
01:46:754 (2) - 这个被前面那个挡着感觉不是很好看
02:27:087 (1) - 头finish
02:30:754 (3) - 没包好,丑了
02:48:420 (1) - 不太好看,可以这样?
03:37:754 (1) - finish
03:48:420 (1) - ^

00:57:754 (1) - finish
01:08:420 (1) - ^
02:16:420 (1) - ^
02:27:086 (1) -^ 怎么这里都没加。。
01:13:754 (1) - 听了一下这里应该也有finish,别的难度也看看吧,finish全难度加的一样
02:09:754 (1) - 这儿也有
02:32:420 (1) - 这儿,BGM有的最好都加上,其他难度也是。。其他就不说了检查一下吧

01:27:087 (1) - 这不行,直接一个hitbrust盖住折返箭头
02:52:587 (2) - 太上了。。

good luck
Topic Starter

baldrace wrote:

Hi~hi~from my queue
normal mod

好听>.</,图也做的好。song setup 里面的design,enable countdown可以勾掉,甜歌不要倒数拉
lettel box感觉可以要也可以不要 hao

01:08:420 (1) - 头finish ok
01:46:754 (2) - 这个被前面那个挡着感觉不是很好看修改了0 0
02:27:087 (1) - 头finish fixed
02:30:754 (3) - 没包好,丑了 fixed
02:48:420 (1) - 不太好看,可以这样?修了下
02:59:587转盘这里开始 ok
03:37:754 (1) - finish fixed
03:48:420 (1) - ^ fixed

00:57:754 (1) - finish
01:08:420 (1) - ^
02:16:420 (1) - ^
02:27:086 (1) -^ 怎么这里都没加。。
01:13:754 (1) - 听了一下这里应该也有finish,别的难度也看看吧,finish全难度加的一样
02:09:754 (1) - 这儿也有
02:32:420 (1) - 这儿,BGM有的最好都加上,其他难度也是。。其他就不说了检查一下吧
all fixed, 可能是我耳朵不太好orz
01:27:087 (1) - 这不行,直接一个hitbrust盖住折返箭头 不知道放哪。。先看看别人怎么说0.0
02:52:587 (2) - 太上了。。 fixed

其实normal段除了clap可以跟着音乐加点whistle,默认的不好找个自定义的或者用soft的默认 象征性地加了一些=v=
good luck

From my queue~
thank you for M4M!

  1. Source: "Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka R"
  2. Tags suggetion
    "Slow Step -First Love Comes Again-"
  1. 00:39:754 (3) - Ctrl+G is better
  2. 00:53:754 (1,1) - delete the slider. and the spinner starts at 00:53:754
  3. 01:13:087- add a note
  4. 01:14:420 (2) - finish is necessary?
  5. 01:36:420 (1) - remove NC
  6. 02:37:754 (1) - end at 02:40:420
  7. 03:15:087 (1,2,3) - avoid overlap
  8. 03:54:754 (3,1) - ^
  9. 03:59:087 (1) - end at 04:01:754
  1. 00:43:087 (1,2) - this overlap is not good
  2. 00:53:087- add a note
  3. 01:02:587- ^
  4. 01:03:754 (3,4) - this overlap is not good
  5. 01:45:754 (1,2) - ^
  6. 01:56:421 (1,2) - ^
  7. 02:08:253 (2,3) - ^
  8. 02:11:754- add a note
  9. 02:30:753 (5,7) - avoid overlap
  10. 02:37:920 (1) - end at 02:40:420- And, add note at 02:40:754
  11. 03:14:754 (1,2) - avoid overlap
  12. 03:56:087 (6,1) - ^
  13. 03:59:087 (1) - end at 04:01:754
  14. 03:59:087 (1) - add normal-hitfinish2.wav ?
  1. 00:24:587 (1) - delete
  2. 00:37:754 (1,2) - avoid overlap
  3. 00:46:920 (1) - awkward. How about this?

  4. 01:40:420 (1) - it is better not to cover with before notes
  5. 02:33:586 (1,2) - avoid overlap
  6. 03:32:087 (2,1) - how about this?
  7. 03:37:587 (2) - move to 03:37:420
"normal-hitfinish2.wav" is fine!
nice hit-sound ;)
~Good Luck~
Topic Starter

RandomEffect wrote:

From my queue~
thank you for M4M!

  1. Source: "Ore wa Shoujo Mangaka R"
  2. Tags suggetion
    "Slow Step -First Love Comes Again-" oh, all added, thank you~
  1. 00:39:754 (3) - Ctrl+G is better fixed
  2. 00:53:754 (1,1) - delete the slider. and the spinner starts at 00:53:754 just keep consistency with 00:51:087 (1) -
  3. 01:13:087- add a note no vocal here
  4. 01:14:420 (2) - finish is necessary? fixed
  5. 01:36:420 (1) - remove NC fixed
  6. 02:37:754 (1) - end at 02:40:420 vocal finished here
  7. 03:15:087 (1,2,3) - avoid overlap maybe it doesnt matter :o
  8. 03:54:754 (3,1) - ^ ^
  9. 03:59:087 (1) - end at 04:01:754
vocal finished here
  1. 00:43:087 (1,2) - this overlap is not good it's intentional, it flows well imo :o
  2. 00:53:087- add a note it's intentional
  3. 01:02:587- ^ ^
  4. 01:03:754 (3,4) - this overlap is not good intentional
  5. 01:45:754 (1,2) - ^ ^
  6. 01:56:421 (1,2) - ^ ^
  7. 02:08:253 (2,3) - ^ ^
  8. 02:11:754- add a note ^
  9. 02:30:753 (5,7) - avoid overlap it's for better flow
  10. 02:37:920 (1) - end at 02:40:420- And, add note at 02:40:754 hmmm, same as normal
  11. 03:14:754 (1,2) - avoid overlap fixed some
  12. 03:56:087 (6,1) - ^ it's for better flow
  13. 03:59:087 (1) - end at 04:01:754 same as normal
  14. 03:59:087 (1) - add normal-hitfinish2.wav ? fixed
  1. 00:24:587 (1) - delete the vocal starts here, and it's near the center of the screen so I think it won't be hard
  2. 00:37:754 (1,2) - avoid overlap it flows well
  3. 00:46:920 (1) - awkward. How about this? lol I prefer the old one. anyway, fixed a little

  4. 01:40:420 (1) - it is better not to cover with before notes fixed some
  5. 02:33:586 (1,2) - avoid overlap intentional
  6. 03:32:087 (2,1) - how about this? It follows the vocal
  7. 03:37:587 (2) - move to 03:37:420 I'll reserve this suggestion, need test to find which is better
"normal-hitfinish2.wav" is fine!
nice hit-sound ;)
~Good Luck~
Thank you for modding~ Some mod very helpful :)


  • 指摘できるところがありません・・・完璧だと思います!

  • 指摘できるところがありません・・・完璧だとおもいます! :)

  1. 00:30:087 (2,3) - 突然距離が近くなりすぎて叩きづらく感じました。
  1. 02:03:753 (3,4,5,6) - ここの連打の形に少し違和感を感じました。
  1. 02:11:753 (3,4) - この二つのサークルを重ねるのはやめた方がいいと思います。
  1. 02:24:086 (5,6) - 5と6の配置を逆にした方が僕は好きです。

  1. 03:36:254 (9) - すこし距離が離れ過ぎな気がします
Rankedするよう応援しています :)
Topic Starter

EnixYuki wrote:



  • 指摘できるところがありません・・・完璧だと思います!

  • 指摘できるところがありません・・・完璧だとおもいます! :)

  1. 00:30:087 (2,3) - 突然距離が近くなりすぎて叩きづらく感じました。 (2)と(3)交換しました、いま流れが少しよくなるかも
  1. 02:03:753 (3,4,5,6) - ここの連打の形に少し違和感を感じました。 このままでいいと思います
  1. 02:11:753 (3,4) - この二つのサークルを重ねるのはやめた方がいいと思います。 ほかの配置を試して見たら、やはりこれでいいっとw
  1. 02:24:086 (5,6) - 5と6の配置を逆にした方が僕は好きです。 nice idea!

  1. 03:36:254 (9) - すこし距離が離れ過ぎな気がします 少し調整しました
Rankedするよう応援しています :)
modも KUDOSもありがとうございます!
Kinomi ... 2165143321



no kud
Topic Starter


  1. consider increasing volumes little, too low that i can't here hitsounds :/




00:53:733 - why don't you add note here? (if you fix this, 02:12:399 - add a note here too)
01:30:400 (1) - finish
01:31:566 (3,4) - reverse rhythm
01:54:066 (5,1) - same opnion with insane
02:49:066 (1,2,3) - same as insane
03:38:400 (1) - finish on start


01:27:733 (1) - this slider's repeat arrow is hidden by previous hitburst (and you may know this is unrankable)
01:54:065 (5) - add finish? fits nice (or at least add finish 01:54:399 (1) - here)
02:04:398 (3) - NC for consistence
02:49:065 (1) - i think this rhythm fits much better with guitar sound
03:05:066 - i recommend you to add a note with finish here,since rhythm is really strong that you
03:19:399 (4,1) - suddenly too big distance imo, it will be better if you decrease DS little
03:38:232 (2) - i'd rather move this note to 03:38:066 - here

good luck~
Topic Starter

HelloSCV wrote:



  1. consider increasing volumes little, too low that i can't here hitsounds :/




00:53:733 - why don't you add note here? (if you fix this, 02:12:399 - add a note here too) it's intentional
01:30:400 (1) - finish ok
01:31:566 (3,4) - reverse rhythm follow the drum
01:54:066 (5,1) - same opnion with insane maybe too tight? there is already two finish in this bar
02:49:066 (1,2,3) - same as insane I think its ok with the guitar, and to curve a such long slider is difficult for me orz._.
03:38:400 (1) - finish on start fixed


01:27:733 (1) - this slider's repeat arrow is hidden by previous hitburst (and you may know this is unrankable) fixed
01:54:065 (5) - add finish? fits nice (or at least add finish 01:54:399 (1) - here) ^hard
02:04:398 (3) - NC for consistence fixed
02:49:065 (1) - i think this rhythm fits much better with guitar sound ^hard
03:05:066 - i recommend you to add a note with finish here,since rhythm is really strong that you
03:19:399 (4,1) - suddenly too big distance imo, it will be better if you decrease DS little ok
03:38:232 (2) - i'd rather move this note to 03:38:066 - here ok

good luck~
thanks for modding
Kawayi Rika
Hi ~ epocsodielaK ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Try add some finish on downbeat,sound much better.
  2. 03:38:400 - Unsnapped kiai time point by 1ms(Hard,Normal).


  1. 02:53:732 (2,3,4) - This is 1/3, not 1/4.


  1. 01:02:400 (5) - Offscreen,please move up.
  2. 02:08:899 (2) - Change a circle to 02:09:066 - sound much better,followed downbeat.
  3. 02:50:066 (3) - Shorten to 1/1 and add a circle to 02:50:566 - .followed music.
  4. 02:53:733 (5,6,7) - This is 1/3, not 1/4.

Hope this can help you ~

Good luck with rank ~
Topic Starter

Kawayi Rika wrote:

Hi ~ epocsodielaK ~ :)

Mod time for my Queue ~

Red : Must be fixed
Pink : Need to consider
Purple : Just suggestions


  1. Try add some finish on downbeat,sound much better. added some according to the bgm
  2. 03:38:400 - Unsnapped kiai time point by 1ms(Hard,Normal). fixed


  1. 02:53:732 (2,3,4) - This is 1/3, not 1/4. fixed


  1. 01:02:400 (5) - Offscreen,please move up. fixed
  2. 02:08:899 (2) - Change a circle to 02:09:066 - sound much better,followed downbeat. replaced by a reverse slider, thus follow the vocal and downbeat at the same time
  3. 02:50:066 (3) - Shorten to 1/1 and add a circle to 02:50:566 - .followed music. may be a little strange in testplay orz
  4. 02:53:733 (5,6,7) - This is 1/3, not 1/4. fixed

Hope this can help you ~

Good luck with rank ~
thanks for modding~! :)
Kim Yoo Hyeon
02:33:065 (1) - slider off screen

no kd
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