Round 1: Half-Dashed Zigzag (cut name on topic name cause too long)
Nominated by Deif
It's a sequence of 4 1/2 notes, introducing a HDash every 2 of them to make a varied movement not full of HDashes.
Map(s) that use this technique
Zwei - Inanna no Mita Yume (Short Ver.) - mapped by Deif
Rita - Hajimari no Toki - mapped by Deif
Nomination Link
Nominated by Deif
It's a sequence of 4 1/2 notes, introducing a HDash every 2 of them to make a varied movement not full of HDashes.
Map(s) that use this technique
Zwei - Inanna no Mita Yume (Short Ver.) - mapped by Deif
Rita - Hajimari no Toki - mapped by Deif
Nomination Link