Ranking criteria presently states in guidelines:
The intent for this rule is to allow sliders that may be FC'd without moving the cursor in ranked - regardless of slider composition. The issue arises that the guideline is open to too much interpretation, including ones which go against the intent.
So, the general vibe of "the slider can be ambiguous if it can be held without moving" must be captured. I propose the following, which I believe should be an improvement ^_^
- If a slider's follow circle covers the whole slider path, the movement of its slider ball may be ambiguous.
- If a slider's follow circle covers the whole slider path, the movement of its slider ball may be ambiguous.
The intent for this rule is to allow sliders that may be FC'd without moving the cursor in ranked - regardless of slider composition. The issue arises that the guideline is open to too much interpretation, including ones which go against the intent.
Example of an ideally allowed slider
Technically, the slider follow circle doesn't cover the entire slider path at all times,
however note that the follow circle is "active" (the slider is held) at all times if the cursor is in the middle.
however note that the follow circle is "active" (the slider is held) at all times if the cursor is in the middle.
So, the general vibe of "the slider can be ambiguous if it can be held without moving" must be captured. I propose the following, which I believe should be an improvement ^_^
If a slider's follow circle can be active (i.e. the slider can be held) over its duration without any player movement away from the slider head, the movement of its slider ball may be ambiguous.
If a slider's follow circle can be active (i.e. the slider can be held) over its duration without any player movement away from the slider head, the movement of its slider ball may be ambiguous.