
[mania] I want to change the colors for columns and notes

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Hello !

I started to play 7K in osu!Mania and I would like to change the central column into a different color.

There is no mania skin in the skin I use for the other modes so it uses the default mania skin when I play.
I would like to keep the same default skin but just change the color of the columns (and eventually notes) but there is no mania settings to modify in the skin file and I don't know how to add it.

If you know what I can do to fix that, please let me know ! :D
Pour les notes : Il faut modifier directement les fichier .PNG avec les notes mania dans ton skin ... Je viens actuellement de le faire est cela est un peu long à faire celon ce qu'il faut faire et de quel .PNG on part et ce qu'on veux au final.

Pour changer la couleur des colonnes je crois que sais dans le fichier .ini je cherche actuellement comment faire aussi haha

For notes: : You have to directly modify the .PNG files with the mania notes in your skin ... I have just done it now and it takes a bit long to do depending on what to do and what .PNG you start from and what on want in the end.

To change the color of the columns I think I know in the .ini file I am currently looking for how to do it too haha
Changing the colour of the columns:
Colour#: R,G,B,x 

Where # = Number of position of columns and x = Transparency where 255 is opaque and 0 is transparent. RGB is Red Green Blue value.
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JustABeginner wrote:

Changing the colour of the columns:
Colour#: R,G,B,x 

Where # = Number of position of columns and x = Transparency where 255 is opaque and 0 is transparent. RGB is Red Green Blue value.
Omg that works, thank you so much ! :D

JustABeginner wrote:

Changing the colour of the columns:
Colour#: R,G,B,x 

Where # = Number of position of columns and x = Transparency where 255 is opaque and 0 is transparent. RGB is Red Green Blue value.
You know a lot about skins
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