
Osu stream: stream skill visualization

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I just set up a new program for stream speed testing: I knew about the other one which would calculate the BPM but I thought it would be a great idea having some kind of graph so we can see how regular we are in our streams. Here is a screenshot:
at the top there are a few points: these correspond to the beats you have clicked. The less space there is between them, the less time you left before clicking them. This means, if they are close, you are fast, if they are far from each-other, you are slow. In my case, I am bad in streams so it's more like lots of doubles than an actual stream

There is a graph in the middle showing the time elapsed between each beat. If it is close from the top, there was no big time between the beats so you were fast: the fact of putting it as a graph allows to see how regular it is (if it is a straight line that means you are regular as hell, if it is a roller coaster like me you're not really regular)
(download just the archive, and only the executable and other new files if you wish to update it)

Default, keys X and C are used to do the test, it will start whenever you press one of the keys. The program updates each time you press X or C so if you are finished don't press them, or it will falsify the results.
I may change the program so the keys will be customisable. done. :D Now, you can press key P, then press the 2 keys which you will use for recording, these will stay saved in config.cfg

-Key P now allows re-assigning of keys
-Softer colors
-Key recording works even when the window has no focus! You can now record clicks while playing osu! :)
-You can use arrow keys to navigate in the graph
-You can use the mouse wheel to zoom in/out the graph
-Added a mspb stat, indicating the median ms interval between beats. The y measures are now also exprimed in mspb (ms interval between 2 beats makes more sense than BPM between 2 beats)
-CTRL + P enables/disables recording
-SHIFT + P sets default zoom
-Added a readme that describes keybinding

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That looks ugly
With fewer beats we could better see what's happening (there would be more zoom)
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