So yeah, when you submit a beatmap, how about some buttons for tags like [b] and all that? Would be cool. It would save up some time I think.
Yes, buttons like in forums.
Yes, buttons like in forums.
List/List=, URL, spoiler/spoilerbox, youtube would be.awp wrote:
Ah, I get what you mean.
Is [b] really so hard?
Yeah but, if I edit the post in forums, it will remove any nuke/star/bubble, since I'm still a normal user.strager wrote:
Just edit the post. Jeez.
I haven't checked if they are fixed already, but it would be nice. :sstrager wrote:
I would like them to be fixed, however, if they are still broken and escaped in that weird way.
Harris73 wrote:
List/List=, URL, spoiler/spoilerbox, youtube would be.awp wrote:
Ah, I get what you mean.
Is [b] really so hard?