Hey guys!
Edit: Re-opening this after 6 years. You all have COVID to thank. Life schedule is pretty different now; I'll see what I can do if this ever blows up again (for the small period that it did aha). I need to re-learn all my tools so bear with me.
I used to do a lot of GFX during my HSC (almost an addiction lol); kinda stopped due studies and other addictions haha =P
I'm fairly experienced and I have my own DeviantArt page and I also participated in signature comps at various forums.
Here's a bunch of GFX works I've done over my past months of being active:
You can view my whole gallery at my DeviantArt page here - http://vertify.deviantart.com/gallery/
Includes all my first works and latest ones. I also have rendered a few pictures.
In terms of my resources, they have been collected gradually during when I was active. I could link to a few forums but I think rules state I'm not supposed to advertise other forums (or at least, that's the majority of forums from experience). I might upload my resources later on. Here's one tutorial I made however http://vertify.deviantart.com/art/Beginner-Smudge-Signature-Tutorial-Random-341119570
And of course! The requesting business... I'm always going to be a bit busy but, I'll be willing to do a few every now and then.
Just follow these steps to make life easier:
1. Avatar or Signature?
2. Image Link [Renders preferred (transparent background)]
3. Size
4. Style - Vector (The K-ON Signatures) // C4D (Black Rock Shooter) // BG (Clannad) ---- Only if requesting for a signature
5. Other little things you want in them (e.g. text, colour, border etc).
Edit: Re-opening this after 6 years. You all have COVID to thank. Life schedule is pretty different now; I'll see what I can do if this ever blows up again (for the small period that it did aha). I need to re-learn all my tools so bear with me.
I used to do a lot of GFX during my HSC (almost an addiction lol); kinda stopped due studies and other addictions haha =P
I'm fairly experienced and I have my own DeviantArt page and I also participated in signature comps at various forums.
Here's a bunch of GFX works I've done over my past months of being active:
You can view my whole gallery at my DeviantArt page here - http://vertify.deviantart.com/gallery/
Includes all my first works and latest ones. I also have rendered a few pictures.
In terms of my resources, they have been collected gradually during when I was active. I could link to a few forums but I think rules state I'm not supposed to advertise other forums (or at least, that's the majority of forums from experience). I might upload my resources later on. Here's one tutorial I made however http://vertify.deviantart.com/art/Beginner-Smudge-Signature-Tutorial-Random-341119570
And of course! The requesting business... I'm always going to be a bit busy but, I'll be willing to do a few every now and then.
Just follow these steps to make life easier:
1. Avatar or Signature?
2. Image Link [Renders preferred (transparent background)]
3. Size
4. Style - Vector (The K-ON Signatures) // C4D (Black Rock Shooter) // BG (Clannad) ---- Only if requesting for a signature
5. Other little things you want in them (e.g. text, colour, border etc).