
PP and Accuracy

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Dr Tenma_old
Hi. For some reason my PP has decreased; It was 115 which is really low to begin with, but I got higher accuracy and higher scores on a lot of my songs and it went down to 113, on top of that, my accuracy is stuck at 84.43 but my score and level go up.
See as you can see at the bottom, my accuracy should now be 84.84 (Which it's not, it's stuck at 84.43, I already left this screen but I took a screen shot as proof), Can someone please help me resolve this? How can I make my accuracy go up? I've worked on a lot of my previous songs and it's finally above what it's stuck at however my PP decreased and my accuracy remains the same (My friend has around 400 PP even though his accuracy and scores are lower, I don't understand.)
Please and Thank you!!

P.S I made sure I worked on higher difficulties since I know it only accounts for the highest difficulty the song was played at.
Shohei Ohtani
Note for your acc that that screen shows your accuracy for every map played, while the accuracy that your rank is based off of is only composed of songs that contribute towards you pp total.

It's weird, I know, but that's the way it is o3o
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Dr Tenma_old
Is there any way to increase my PP? I still don't understand how it decreased.
Shohei Ohtani
Seeing as it only went down 2 points, this can be for a variety of reasons

1) Decreasing due to inactivity (Which probably isn't the case)
2) Someone beat one of your scores
3) Daily pp recalculation (Which happens a lot).

When you lost your 2 pp, did you rank drop, or did the number of pp drop while your rank stayed the same?

Also, to increase pp, play maps and aim to FC them, preferably with mods. One of the thing I do to get pp is to look at players that are somewhat above my skill level, and I try to beat their score on maps. After all, if a map gives them a lot of pp, and we're both relatively close in rank, why shouldn't it give me a lot of pp? :3.
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Dr Tenma_old
Thank you very much for the reply!
I have one last question!
Is there any reason my PP is so low compared to my friend? He has around 400 with a lower accuracy and score then me.

Edit: What's daily pp recalculation?
Shohei Ohtani
He probably has more because he's played different songs that give more pp (or he's gotten better scores on some maps, but not as many in total quantity as yours)

Daily pp recalc is something I don't really know the specifics of, but it's pretty much the pp amount changing because like new songs / new scores/ etc etc
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Dr Tenma_old
I'm probably worrying over nothing.
It'll go up if I keep playing right?
Thanks for all the help!
Shohei Ohtani
It should :3. I know it can be weird sometimes (Hell, I play CtB, where I can get onto the leaderboards of a song with hidden mod and still get no pp), but pretty much, as you play, your rank should go up :3
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