
[o!m 4k] Touhou Mania Cup 2nd (No Limit) [regs closed]

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TOUHOU Project Mania Cup 2nd (TMC 2nd) is an international osu!mania 4K 2v2 tournament.
This tournament uses Score V2.
This tournament consists of qualifier and double-elimination playoffs.
The main theme of this tournament is Touhou Project. Unlike last year, The pool of TMC 2nd is 100% based on Touhou original and fan fiction music.
This tournament has no rank limit.


Please complete the REGISTRATION FORM to registrate.
Participants are required to join as teams. The size of a team has a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 4.
If any member in a team is blacklisted by organisers or considered "suspicious" by the osu! official, the whole team will be disqualified. Right reserved. Blacklists by other tournaments will be reference.
All information of the tournament will be ONLY available on our DISCORD SERVER. All captains are asked to join the server in case of any issue.
If you wish to register as a member of staff, please complete the STAFF REGISTRATION FORM. Please also fill in your Discord ID in the first question.


1st place: 4 months of osu!supporter tag, profile badge (pending)
2nd place: 2 months of osu!supporter tag
3rd place: 1 month of osu!supporter tag

Schedule (DD/MM/YYYY UTC +0)

Registration: 20/12/2021-12/01/2022
Qualifier Mappool Showcase: 23/01/2022 12:00
Qualifier: 27/01/2022-30/01/2022
Round of 32: 05/02/2022-06/02/2022
Round of 16: 12/02/2022-13/02/2022
Quarter-finals: 19/02/2022-20/02/2022
Semi-finals: 26/02/2022-27/02/2022
Finals Week 1: 05/03/2022-06/03/2022
Finals Week 2 (Grand Final): 12/03/2022-13/03/2022


Round of 32: 10*free-mod+1*tie-breaker, BO9
Round of 16, Quarter-finals: 13*free-mod+1*tie-breaker, BO11
Semi-finals, Finals, Grand Finals: 15*free-mod+1*tie-breaker, BO13
Each stage has an independent mappool. Mappools for corresponding stages will be released by map selectors one week in advance on weekends.
Our pool is 90% completed when the forum is posted. Apologise but we are not receiving map recommendation this year.


Host: TMC team
Map pool staff and guest mappers: -Deepdive-, [Crz]hinako1804, [Crz]Satori, [OSC]Amagai, cherrychou, eZmmR, H1Pur, Miscedence, IA daisuki, YuEast 2018, zero2snow
Banner designer:Chaosiltz
WIKI:cdwcgt, kj415j45

Rules (MWC 2021/4DMWC 4 regulation as reference)


After teams are selected, the first weekend of tournament play will be the Qualifier Stage in order to cut down to a pre-decided number of teams to advance into the following stage, as well as to determine each team's "seed" (More about team "seeds" will be discussed later). There will be a total of five different qualifier maps, each meant to test a different skillset found in map pools throughout the tournament. The qualifier maps will follow this structure:

Stage 1: Mixed Rice (accuracy)
Stage 2: LN
Stage 3: SV
Stage 4: Hybrid
Stage 5: Mixed Rice (technical/stamina)

For the Qualifier Stage, each team will play these five maps in a scheduled lobby. Teams will present 2 players to play each map (switching which three play between maps is allowed), and will play each of the five qualifier maps up to two times in the lobby. Whichever team score was the highest per stage will be recorded. (For example, if a team scores 975000, 975000, 980000 on one round and then 980000, 985000, 970000 on the next round, the 2nd round will be the one recorded because the total team score was higher on the second round.)

Teams will be ranked based on the “score rating” of their qualifier performances, meaning that each teams' performance on each of the five qualifier maps will be ranked compared to every other team and the ranks that each team achieves on these five maps will then be added up. The teams will then be sorted based on their "score rating" from lowest to highest, with lower score ratings being ranked better than higher score ratings. Essentially, a team's qualifier performance is ranked based on how well they perform compared to every other participating team.

The results of the Qualifier Stage will also be used to determine the “seed” of each team. After Qualifiers are over and every team has either gotten a seed or not qualified, the bracket will then begin. TMC 2nd will use a standard Double Elimination bracket where the top seeded team will face the bottom seeded team, second highest will face second lowest, so on and so forth. Each team must lose two different matches to be eliminated from the tournament, this means that every team will get the chance to at least play two separate pools.


Team captains will be notified of their match via ping on discord by the referee of their match 15 minutes before the match is scheduled to commence. There will be no warm-up phase during this tournament.
Team captains will be invited to their match lobby by a referee no less than 5 minutes before the match is scheduled to commence. In the time before the match, team captains will invite and gather their teams into the lobby. Each team must have at least 2 members present in the lobby.
Team captains will !roll in the lobby chat. The captain with the lower of the two rolls will decide the team sequence of banning, then the captain with the higher roll will decide the team sequence of picking.
Teams will have 2 minutes to pick a beatmap and 2 minutes to get ready.
Each team will receive one tactical timeout of 2 minutes, to be used as extra time to pick or ban a beatmap. This timeout is autimatically consumed when rugular picking time runs out.
Each team will receive one technical timeout of 5 minutes, to be used only when a technical issue occurs.
After each map concludes, the team with the highest team score on the map will be awarded one point.
Picks will alternate between team captains until a winner is decided by being the first to get the required amount of points to win that round.
If both teams tie at match point, the tiebreaker map will be played, the team who wins the tiebreaker map will win the match.

Other Rules

The tournament hosts are responsible for scheduling all matches and informing players of when they are scheduled to play. If a team is unhappy with when they are scheduled by the hosts to play, they have the option to reschedule their match as late as the end of Thursday of the week before the weekend of their match. Instructions on how to do so will be provided in the discord server.

Please note that while the organizers will try to schedule all matches for the best possible time for both teams, timezone conflicts may make some matches be forced to occur in the early mornings or late nights.
If no referee is available to referee a match, the match shall be delayed.
If no streamers are available to broadcast the match, the match will still happen without being broadcasted.
If no commentators are available to commentate the match but broadcasters are available to broadcast the match, the match will still be broadcasted but without commentary.

Each respective stage of the tournament is to be completed in a single weekend, using the same map pool for the entire weekend. Weekday matches are allowed if both team captains agree to them and they take place before the weekend of that scheduled stage. As aforementioned, map pools will be released a week before the stage they are to be played on.

Toxic behavior (include but not limited to posting political or ethnical content, abusing others, accusing without sufficient evidence or justification) toward any staff member, player, or spectator either in match multiplayer chatroom, the official discord server, or the streaming chatroom will be punished.

Report tournament
Def joining. Sounds really fun!
Also gonna join depending on the time the matches start
wow its been a whole year already!! can't wait for 2hu cup 2!! hopefully with pools of ALL TOUHOU SONGS!
Definitely joining this one OwO
Been waiting for a 4k tourney for months
- Sky -
haha yes I simp for touhou
wow 2ho
nice i’m the captain of ODV team
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