
Is 4000pp my limit?

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Hello everyone, I would like an advice on mania 4k improvement.
My current level is around 4.5* 4k with 10k total playcount, depending on the map type.
I am playing 4k only, LShift (upper joint of pinky)-Space (thumb)-K (index)-L (middle), since my left hand fingers for some reason get stuck if I try to play properly with fingers designated for it.
I have no trouble with 4.5+* maps with usual patterns, and can visually read whatever is more difficult, but I literally feel like I will never be able to hit any jackhammers or impulse streams or else, like basically all the elements which are not basic streams or chords and make the maps higher-ranked, because those are just too fast.
I feel like with my hand placement this level is pretty much my limit, but would be glad to prove myself wrong, so maybe someone else with unusual hand placement has any specific advice for me? Like some additional finger exercise, certain things to consider while playing or anything else?
Pls no: play more / git gud / just play higher diff than usual (that just ends up in me mashing cuz can read, but can't press, that ain't helping), I already heard that a lot.
Have a good day and smooth gameplay for you all :)
Hoshimegu Mio
You can try to play with your right hand only.
first of all , 4 key mania pp is broken as f

also tf how you can even play with left shift , woah trust me it hard , really hard

but you got great acc tho on regret
umm my advice is try practice stamina maps -- yea i know maybe ppl advicing you like that :D

or switching keybinding/hand placement much better imho
but if you already enjoy with that , and doesn't make ur hand hurt was ok.

kinda agree with this actually >

YyottaCat wrote:

You can try to play with your right hand only.
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Thanks for replies, I actually never even considered playing with 1 hand only, will definitely try!
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