
Figuring out raw pp gains

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Since I'm trying to make a push toward being a 5-digit in the next couple of months, I'm trying to figure out how I can estimate which songs will give me the most raw pp with an SS, and therefore the most rank-ups. (In other words, I'm trying to farm, although I am also trying to avoid the usual farming suspects).

I know about the weighted pp system, but that doesn't seem to translate directly into the raw pp values you get that are added to you total pp score, and that's what I want to figure out. I figure from there I can just find where a new play would slot into my current top plays, get the pp I would gain from it, and use Osu!daily's pp browser to find out where my new score would place me. Of course, if Osu!daily (or any other site) already has the means to figure that out or run the calculations yourself, that'd be great. Or just the means to run it myself on Excel or something.
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Voidedosu - This one? It says it's shutting down, and putting my name into it doesn't bring up anything (or rather, I can't be viewed). - This one? This seems more like a collection of my plays than anything, but it doesn't appear to have any means of doing the calculations I'm looking for. - I think this will be currently ineffective because A.) I don't have anything on there prior to this month, and B.) because of that, it's probably waiting for me to make a play on something to have anything worth populating it with. - This was the last relevant link I could find that didn't involve reddit posts or devolve to talking about Ohio State. Again, probably really good for a profile overview, but I'm not really seeing where it can help me calculate raw pp values.

If these aren't the sites you mentioned, or if I'm simply not understanding how to use them, do tell. To reiterate: I want to know, based on my current plays, if I make a top play that will actually give pp (which appaears to be anything above 100 now), how much raw pp I will gain. And from there, I can use Osu!Daily to figure my estimated rank gains. Either being able to spit out an exact value or giving me a way to calculate it myself will suffice.

EDIT: While I'm waiting on some responses, I'm trying to figure this out manually (albeit slowly). So far I've gotten roughly the same values in my Excel sheet as on Osu, minus some differences in rounding. HOwever, trying to get the bonus pp from score quantity isn't really working. I used the part of the equation that looks like it's for this bonus pp (pp[m] * 0.95^(m-1)), but it's only giving me diminish returns as I get more scores, not more. It shouldn't be a gigantic issue for what the purpose of this thread, but it would help with keeping the totals mostly consistent.
dung eater
for total pp gains, you want to get as high individual pp scores as possible.

there is also guaranteed pp for just having a score on a ranked map, that is significant when you start out. it maxes out at ~200 or 300? total and is not affected by weighting.
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jaaakb wrote:

for total pp gains, you want to get as high individual pp scores as possible.

there is also guaranteed pp for just having a score on a ranked map, that is significant when you start out. it maxes out at ~200 or 300? total and is not affected by weighting.
I know that, but that's not what I'm asking for.
I don't ever do pp checks, I use a rough star range for choosing maps taking into account OD and length. Its not accurate but its convenient.

To avoid farm I usually just delete farm or do a check before I play a map (look at leaderboards, map length, mapper etc).

It would be cool in the future if you could see pp of a map during map selection.
Here's what i got from the wiki:

Weightage system
The weightage system is a simple formula used after the calculation of the full amount of performance points a play is worth. The formula is used to reduce the amount of pp that is gained based on said play's placing in the player's top scores. The aforementioned formula is as follows:

Total pp = p * 0.95^(n-1)

Regarding the formula above, p represents each score's full pp value (pre-weighting), and n is the placing in the player's Best Performance ranking. For example, if a player's top 5 scores were 110pp, 100pp, 100pp, 90pp, and 80pp, then the weighted scores would be approximately 110pp, 95pp, 90pp, 77pp, and 65pp.
How much bonus pp is awarded for having lots of scores on ranked maps?
Up to 416.6667 bonus pp is given for setting large numbers of scores. This is attained at approximately 25397 scores.

You can calculate the exact amount of this bonus by following this formula, where N is the number of ranked maps with a score set:

416.6667 * (1 - 0.9994 ^ N)
cmiiw, from my understanding to find the raw pp of a song it should be:

Raw pp = Formula for Weighted pp + (Bpn+x - Bpn)

Bpn+x = Total Bonus pp on new total ranked map played
Bpn = Current Total bonus pp

but the problem i found with this one, i still cant be certain how many bonuses each map will give
To know "raw" pp (aka raw pp number of play before any weighting calculations) you can use ezpp extension.

If you want to know "flat/net" pp that you'll get from a certain play, I only know one way and it's discord bot called BoatOsu. Make your own discord server, invite him, set up your username and just write "!whatif +200" and it'll tell you how much pp you'll get from a certain pp play.

I think you've said once here in forums that you're not using discord, but that's the only way I know.

I hope that I understood your post right

KupcaH wrote:

To know "raw" pp (aka raw pp number of play before any weighting calculations) you can use ezpp extension.

If you want to know "flat/net" pp that you'll get from a certain play, I only know one way and it's discord bot called BoatOsu. Make your own discord server, invite him, set up your username and just write "!whatif +200" and it'll tell you how much pp you'll get from a certain pp play.

I think you've said once here in forums that you're not using discord, but that's the only way I know.

I hope that I understood your post right
i told him that before and he said that he wont use discord
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[Aero] wrote:

Here's what i got from the wiki:

Weightage system
The weightage system is a simple formula used after the calculation of the full amount of performance points a play is worth. The formula is used to reduce the amount of pp that is gained based on said play's placing in the player's top scores. The aforementioned formula is as follows:

Total pp = p * 0.95^(n-1)

Regarding the formula above, p represents each score's full pp value (pre-weighting), and n is the placing in the player's Best Performance ranking. For example, if a player's top 5 scores were 110pp, 100pp, 100pp, 90pp, and 80pp, then the weighted scores would be approximately 110pp, 95pp, 90pp, 77pp, and 65pp.
How much bonus pp is awarded for having lots of scores on ranked maps?
Up to 416.6667 bonus pp is given for setting large numbers of scores. This is attained at approximately 25397 scores.

You can calculate the exact amount of this bonus by following this formula, where N is the number of ranked maps with a score set:

416.6667 * (1 - 0.9994 ^ N)
cmiiw, from my understanding to find the raw pp of a song it should be:

Raw pp = Formula for Weighted pp + (Bpn+x - Bpn)

Bpn+x = Total Bonus pp on new total ranked map played
Bpn = Current Total bonus pp

but the problem i found with this one, i still cant be certain how many bonuses each map will give
I kinda wish I had looked at the pp article instead of the stub, but oh well.

In any case, I don't think bonus pp applies anymore? At least only if I hit a new # of songs played threshold. Most of the higher-end plays I've gotten have essentially been spot-on as far as pp goes compared to plays from other players, unless you meant something else.

KupcaH wrote:

To know "raw" pp (aka raw pp number of play before any weighting calculations) you can use ezpp extension.
ALready do, although I don't think it's updated for the Nov. pp rework.

KupcaH wrote:

I think you've said once here in forums that you're not using discord, but that's the only way I know.

I hope that I understood your post right
That's a shame it's the only way, but I'm not surprised. ANd yes, that is the kind of answer I was looking for alongside [Aero]'s.

I did manage to get a semi-working calculator for it myself, as stated before. I say "semi" because it does get me to about the same pp value, but it's either over or under due to not using the full decimal amounts for each play. I'm not knowledgeable enough about Excel to have it auto-complete (although I suppose I could just add at the end and re-sort it every time, that might work so long as the calculations column still reads the cell directly to its left like it should). That may have to do for the time being without a non-Discord option.
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