
New to forums, not to osu

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'ello there~ I've been playing osu for a while now, but was too shy to come onto the forums and meet other people. I'm just getting into serious osu play, and thought it'd be nice to actually be a member of the community (plus my buddy wouldn't stop twisting my arm.)

But that's pretty much it. 8D Hope I can be a good member to the community and all.

P.S: I go by Chrissy off of osu, so you can call me that, I suppose. :3
Welcome to the Forum! Enjoy your time here~
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Thank you guys. o u o
Hola lenkittykitty (or Chrissy like you stated in your intro)

Please enjoy the forums as part of the osu! community and try to fit yourself into different molds regarding topics and attitudes around different sections.
Browse a little bit and have an impression if you want to drop by and have fun & or share your knowledge/passion etc. and maybe, you'll find interesting people and befriend them in the future.

Keep in mind to follow the individual section rules and if you are unsure if the content is appropriate, just look what others are posting & maybe read through the different FAQs if that section even has one.

Have fun on the forums and hope to catch you step by once in a while :)

Oh, and good luck on competing with others in osu! playing with just a mouse, I know some people who are really good mouse players and it is not necessary to play with a tablet- it has a very high learning curve (afaik) but I'm sure you'll figure it out some time :D
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Haha, thanks a lot. 8D I'll be sure to find some threads to post in, for sure.

And thanks for the good luck. > w < I've been playing mouse a while now, and I'm slowly yet surely creeping up there.
Greetings, you have the best username.


Have fun, and don't get into trouble.
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; w ; My username is best username?

Welcome to the community!

Hello! We are all welcoming here so there is no need to be shy, if you would like to add me to your friendslist, view my profile and hit add friend. If you haven't done so already, please take a look through the rules. You can talk about anything in particular (as long as its not spam) here. Need more information on osu? Check out our wiki which has a large wealth of knowledge! In addition if you encounter any issues and require technical support, do so here. I hope to see you around and if you have any questions feel free to PM me!
Welcome to the forums! owo)/~
I hope ill catch you around in game!:T
btw nice name (>w<)
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asdf Thank you guys, you're all great. ; u ; I never expected such a positive response.

I aadded you two, Momo and Side Pocket. I hope to see you guys in game, too!
Welcome to the forums~ :3
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Thank you for the welcome. o u o
Welcome to the forums!^^
Yasen Baka
Welcome and welcome to the forums.
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; u ; Thank you both
Welcome and well i also new at the forum, lol :)
Welcome to the forums! ^^ *adds to friends*
Hello and welcome to the forums! If your ever bored just hit me up! *added*
Welcome to the forums. Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions regarding anything osu!-related~

Hope you enjoy the place. :D
hai hai~ welcome to the forums of osu!. i'm sure you'll make a whole lot of friends this way :D.

dkun wrote:

Please don't hesitate to PM me if you have any questions regarding anything osu!-related~
pretty much this. i'll also try to answer your questions if possible :3.
heey heey , welcome :) have a great time :D
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