
Mafia 4 [Game over!]

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Turns out that I'm not going to quote this post. Instead, I'm just going to put forth this simple question to 0_o:

Why are you defending everyone else?
It's understandable to defend someone you KNOW is on your own team, but it is the duty of the town to LOOK FOR SCUM. How about in the future you start ATTACKING people instead of DEFENDING them? You need to be SCUM-HUNTING instead of doing this.

Wojjan wrote:

As predicted, I was away for a while, due to massive amounts of visiting town halls.

BageBob claimed doctor. Yay, now we know. Thanks for making this harder for all of us, we're bound to lose you on N2. Unless of course you're a scum. I do think your theory is credible, but if I were scum, I would have seen this happen too, and theree's no solid proof yet you're the doctor, since you can freely say who you protected as long as that person is still alive.
  • BagelBob: +0.5
at least you explained...
You're right in a sense. However, you admit that this would be something you could see both sides doing. Why does that make it scummy?

Wojjan wrote:

't seems I missed that post on adam, and I checked it again. There's no possible way you can see this how Bagel did without looking for reasons to suspect him.
  • Bagelbob: +1
I can't talk about this, since I have no idea what you're saying. Could you clarify, please?

Wojjan wrote:

Bagel, there is nothing wrong with self-preservation, especially in the RVS. Or what for most seemed as the RVS. You're, again, looking for ways to get suspicion on others. Scummy in my yes
  • BagelBob: +0.5
I'm sorry, looking for scummy things that people do is scummy? Sorry, but looking for scummy things is called scum-hunting. Try it some time?

Wojjan wrote:

SFG: 4, 4, 3
rust45: 4, 3, 3, 3
strager: 3, 3, 3
0_o: 3, 3
LS: 3
Wojjan: 3
adam: -
Pasonia: -
Could this list be updated anytime soon, maybe at the end of D2? I would like to deduct some more theories from bandwagoning and votes, but I'm not really in place to make a list, since I tend to disappear some times in this period. Sorry for that too.

Pasonia, why are you even in? You're rarely here at all, and vote without reason. Maybe he sees no interesting things in the day phase since his time to shine is at night? Or is he just trying to lay low? I wou:ldn't have any clue.
  • Pasonia: +0.5
I'd like to point out that both Scum and Town lurk. That being said, I still don't like it. More on this later.

Also, I'm noting that Wojjan said he'll be gone for 48 hours and will not attempt to prod him until Saturday July 11 4PM CDT, regardless of whether Echo notes it or not.
Quint-Post! Turns out I forgot; I wanted to say that that second post was not where I wanted the discussion. It's a good thing to discuss, but I'd really like to hear what you all think about this:

BagelBob wrote:

And when I said re-read 3, I meant examine SFG's posts. Since she was the NK, it's important to figure out WHY she was NKed. Thus, her posts from the previous day need to be examined.

While reading, keep in mind 2 things
1. SFG was not voting to lynch strager
2. SFG was probably the 2nd most suspicious person after strager

I can come up with 3 reasons that SFG would be NKed.
1. SFG was right on the money. Pasonia or rust (her two main suspicions) are scum. Also including the possibility of adam, but early game and not so much later
2. The Scum wanted to find out who each other are. One posted to Kill: SFG to test if the other was SFG or Suburu (WIFOM argument as pointed out by adam prior)
3. Strager was a scum. Echo didn't tell the other that he was alone and he posted Kill: SFG expecting his "buddy" to either disagree or agree, but being surprised by the day.

All 3 of these are made because there was a short night.

Anyone, Questions, Comments, Alternatives?

BagelBob wrote:

Turns out that I'm not going to quote this post. Instead, I'm just going to put forth this simple question to 0_o:

Why are you defending everyone else?
It's understandable to defend someone you KNOW is on your own team, but it is the duty of the town to LOOK FOR SCUM. How about in the future you start ATTACKING people instead of DEFENDING them? You need to be SCUM-HUNTING instead of doing this.
At the end of your post you said

BagelBob wrote:

Thoughts? Comments? Proverbial Expressions?
You wanted thoughts and comments, and I gave them to you. I'm not trying to defend anyone in particular, I was just stating my opinions on the validity of your attacks. Yes we want to find the mafia, but if someone argues someone is mafia because of ____, and I don't agree with the reasoning, I'll point it out. Unless you feel everyone should be out for themselves and only defend accusations against themselves?

0_o wrote:

BagelBob wrote:

Turns out that I'm not going to quote this post. Instead, I'm just going to put forth this simple question to 0_o:

Why are you defending everyone else?
It's understandable to defend someone you KNOW is on your own team, but it is the duty of the town to LOOK FOR SCUM. How about in the future you start ATTACKING people instead of DEFENDING them? You need to be SCUM-HUNTING instead of doing this.
At the end of your post you said

BagelBob wrote:

Thoughts? Comments? Proverbial Expressions?
You wanted thoughts and comments, and I gave them to you. I'm not trying to defend anyone in particular, I was just stating my opinions on the validity of your attacks. Yes we want to find the mafia, but if someone argues someone is mafia because of ____, and I don't agree with the reasoning, I'll point it out. Unless you feel everyone should be out for themselves and only defend accusations against themselves?
You're right, posting that is ambiguous. Again, I think you should only defend someone if you KNOW they are on your team. Any other defenses should come from the person who is being attacked. The thing is, you can't specifically know if what you think they were doing is right. You can give it your best guess, but that's all it is.

Now then, does anyone have any thoughts on someone who they think is scum? Or am I the only one who is going to be scum-hunting?
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That seemed like a completely random vote. You didn't even explain yourself.
mod: update the first post please. Also, is Pasonia gonna be replaced or no?
Topic Starter
Pasonia hasn't replied to my prod yet. Which part of the first post? I updated it last time already.
I have already explained that Iwould be voting Pasonia today.
Please pay more attention Rusty.

Edit: Echo you still haven't changed the list put Bobby on and I would like a list of the dead.
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lol, I suck at being a mod >> (first post updated)

Pasonia will not be replaced or prodded any further. 好きにしなさい
well ok then

vote Pasonia

for reasons stated yesterday
Also, I don't think any townie would vote for BagelBob given the logic of his claim...

Pasonia wrote:

BagelBob wrote:

[quote="Pasonia":44520]EDIT @ adam: I'm sorry I haven't voted in weeks. >.>
Sorry for inactivity? Then later he says that he had planned to lurk this game. Those two don't seem to go together.
Sorry, I was wrong. I didn't know that you had forgotten to bold you vote because of the edit. However, you still said that you planned to lurk this game.

Pasonia wrote:

Your logic is broken the moment you quote THIS post, and now I regard you as scum because you're able to go into so much detail on the mafia thing, while saying little about the person you protected or about yourself.
Could you quote "the mafia thing" so I know exactly what you're talking about?
And if you have any questions or require further explanations, feel free to ask.

I am one who goes with my first instinct after swiftly running through posts, so unless you can produce an ultra-convincing case to me why you're not scum, consider this a LOCKED vote BagelBob.

That means, all I will do is restate that my vote is on you until the end of the day cycle, if required to.

Also, for you guys out there; voting for me is bad. You will regret it if you do. You will regret not hitting a scum by hitting someone who's merely inactive.

Posting a bit more because I now have some time to do so.
unvote, future vote pending Pas/BagelBob discussion. Nice to see you posting now ^_^

EDIT: ok, I'm going to a cottage with some friends for the weekend, so I probably won't be back here for another 36 hours or so. I'll read everything once I get back. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone ^_^
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Here, Bagel. Watching the discussion and deciding what I think about it.

On SFG: Any of those is possible, and other things could have happened as well. Personally, I don't think we'll get much out of looking too deep into that. *shrug*
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There are many possible reasons SFG could have been killed, but it's all WIFOM.

As for the current situation, I think Pasonia looks a bit scummy.

As for the approach I reccomend, I think we examine what happened D1, and analyze it.

*goes back to WoW*

LadySuburu wrote:

There are many possible reasons SFG could have been killed, but it's all WIFOM.

As for the current situation, I think Pasonia looks a bit scummy.

As for the approach I reccomend, I think we examine what happened D1, and analyze it.

*goes back to WoW*
It doesn't matter to me if it's WIFOM, I'd still be pleased if you could say one, because

When it comes down to it, Everything is WIFOM.
Again, we need REASONS for people looking scummy, not gut end-stinks.

And I will await your re-examination of D1 and analysis anxiously.
I clearly remember the last time BagelBob was "analytical" it ended in his ignoble death at the hands of the WW2 townies.

Therefore, risking a WIFOM I am pretty sure BB is also a scum this game, and is in fact trying very hard to look like a townie while discrediting the rest as scum.

I hope you guys do remember that while it's good to prove a point, trying too hard (hint: trying like BagelBob is doing) can be detrimental especially if you'd been lying (i.e. you are scum). Just because I'm inactive don't mean shit.
Hey everyone, back after the roughest period up to now.
I see Bagel has replied to my suspicion, and what I said about your adam thing apparently needed clarification. Took long enough, but I'm here.

What I meant to say was that you can't possibly think that is what adam meant, so you were looking for reasons to get him lynched off. This is the same thing you did with 0_o for calling trying to get the stupid voters of the RVS to, you know, see that he's gonna get lynched on no fact at all. I personally would have foound it more weird (not scummy, but weird) if he DIDN'T protect himself.

Trying to find scum, not really.
Trying to grasp on a very tiny straw, yes.

LadySuburu wrote:

*goes back to WoW*
it's Kuu, I know it.
Well, I just did a reread and got absolutely nothing out of it.

Pasonia wrote:

I clearly remember the last time BagelBob was "analytical" it ended in his ignoble death at the hands of the WW2 townies.
It seems you missed the last two games where I was "analytical" and got killed night 1.
On a side note, HOLY CRAP I'M ALIVE DAY 2!

Furthermore, WW2 is an ONGOING game, and while it is acceptable THERE to talk about it out of thread, I'd appreciate if you didn't bring it into other games. There is NO PROOF that I was ever a wolf in that game. The only thing I was lynched by was Suburu claiming that I was a wolf. There was absolutely nothing raised against my argument, and I'm reasonably pissed off that no one even tried to look at my argument, they just assumed Suburu was telling the truth. There was no scum-hunting involved and, because of that, you lynched the Guardian Angel. Good job.

Pasonia wrote:

Therefore, risking a WIFOM I am pretty sure BB is also a scum this game, and is in fact trying very hard to look like a townie while discrediting the rest as scum.
You think I'm scum because I'm trying to look like a townie? It appears that you've missed this post. Also, I haven't been "trying to look like a townie", I've been "trying to look for scum".

Pasonia wrote:

I hope you guys do remember that while it's good to prove a point, trying too hard (hint: trying like BagelBob is doing) can be detrimental especially if you'd been lying (i.e. you are scum). Just because I'm inactive don't mean shit.
What point is it that you think I'm trying too hard to prove? I don't recall having made any assertions other than what I think is scummy. If you want to say that my reasons aren't scummy, go ahead, but unless you provide proof to the contrary, I won't change my opinions. As for "just" being inactive, I believe I've stated that before. However, you haven't been "just" inactive. It's obvious that you've been reading the thread, but up until now, you haven't posted unless prodded. You're avoiding posting on purpose, not due to circumstances beyond your control.

Wojjan wrote:

What I meant to say was that you can't possibly think that is what adam meant, so you were looking for reasons to get him lynched off.
Ah, I see, you were referring to

BagelBob wrote:

Adam in this post is asking other people to point fingers at each other. This isn't laziness, this is scummy.
I may have phrased that the wrong way.
I think this is scummy because adam is asking other people to scum-hunt, without he himself doing anything.

Wojjan wrote:

This is the same thing you did with 0_o for calling trying to get the stupid voters of the RVS to, you know, see that he's gonna get lynched on no fact at all. I personally would have foound it more weird (not scummy, but weird) if he DIDN'T protect himself.
If you're saying I did something in the RVS that was suspicious, then you might want to read through the game again, or say it was Kuu.
There's two separate things I said about 0_o.
The first is that he was defending himself in the RVS. This is scummy, because no one should get lynched in the RVS. If someone DOES get lynched in the RVS, the person who hammered is like 99.5% scum and should be lynched. A 1 for 1 trade in Mafia is a very good thing. But even for that to happen, 3 townies have to be voting the same person in RVS, and no townie should be foolish enough to keep their vote on someone like that. I feel it was scummy because he reacted strongly when I felt there was no danger.
The second thing is that he specifically stated that putting someone at L-2 in RVS was scummy, while he did such himself twice.
Feel free to disagree, you're entitled to your opinions, but saying I'm scummy for thinking someone else did something scummy just doesn't make any sense.

LadySuburu wrote:

Well, I just did a reread and got absolutely nothing out of it.
Well, bummer, but lets look at what you think could be the reasons for SFG's night kill now.

Oh, and

Prod for Rust and adam plox

BagelBob wrote:

Well, bummer, but lets look at what you think could be the reasons for SFG's night kill now.
No one's saying anything because we know that whatever anyone says, you're just going use whatever it is to attack them.
Sheesh, no matter how many times I reread I just can't decide on someone that looks the most like scum.
OK I'm back.
It sounds to me like Pasonia seems to be sure of the fact the BagelBob is lying, and to me the only way of knowing that for sure is if Pas was the doctor himself. Thing is I don't know how BagelBob would be able to get away with a doctor claim if he was mafia. BB is pretty smart though, so idk..
I'm inclined to think BagelBob is the doctor, but given Pasonia's behavior I'm not sure enough to rule out the fact that Pasonia might be the doctor instead. So I'm gonna wait to see who the NK is tonight before placing votes on one of them.
I'll be back and post more later probably.
I don't think we should lynch BagelBob today (although I feel suspicious of him since he doesn't want the cop scanning him at all) and I feel suspicious of Pasonia's rather weird behaviour (threatening that we "will regret it"?)

I'm going to have to vote for Pasonia for now.

adam2046 wrote:

No one's saying anything because we know that whatever anyone says, you're just going use whatever it is to attack them.
Well put. Bagel is obviously attacking everyone to get suspicion on anyone but him. I'd give him another boost on the suspicion list, but I think I've seen enough.
At this point, I've tried so many times to get the discussion going and it hasn't worked.

So I'm just going to

Vote Pasonia

For that Ad Hominem
and for being the highest on SFG's suspicion list since she was the NK

Also, I'm sick and I probably won't be able to post again soon, but I'll try to get one tomorrow
Vote Count
Pasonia (2) - adam2046, BagelBob - L2
BagelBob (1) - Pasonia

Not Voting: 0_o, Wojjan, rust45, LadySuburu
Vote: Pasonia (L-1 now.)

Looking at the BB vs Pasonia, There are things Pasonia said (IE: "Voting for me is bad"), and his actions this game, versus how Bagel's been acting this game, leads me to believe BB is likely town and Pasonia is scum.
I'm resisting the urge to hammer Pas, but I'm REALLY suspicious of his blunt approach and shady behaviour.
But Bagel, if we aren't discussing, we don't have things to say. Don't push it or you may as well indeed end up looking like scum trying to get us all to attack people. I guess this is how you usually roll, but have you ever considered why you always die at the hands of the villagers in Mafia and Werewolf?
Topic Starter
Vote Count

Pasonia (3) - adam, BagelBob, Suburu
BagelBob (1) - Pasonia

Not Voting: 0_o, Wojjan, rust45

-- Pasonia is at L-1!

Here's your long awaited (official) vote count.
Well, you can put me at L-1 now and I won't resist. But if you guys lose coz you lose that chance of hitting me today, you know your scum isn't me. And if I die, you know who to aim.

Mark my words - Bagel doesn't even TRY to play analytical UNLESS he is scum (whatever happened to WW2, you guys?!). That's not even WIFOM anymore.

Take it this way - why would I specifically aim BagelBob if I had nothing to gain from it? If I am scum, of course putting him on the line is a good way out, but I am a vanilla and there is no fucking way I'd not try to "blend in". I'm just terribly disappointed that you guys want to lynch me because you believe BagelBob that much more, whilst not trusting that my vote will hit the right people.

You will REALLY regret it if you hit me. I can't reiterate this often enough. I will repeat - you would rather hit an inactive vanilla than smack a BagelBob possible-scum? Would you?

Please don't make blase choices based on my activity level, thanks.
From rereading Bagel's posts and reading Pasonia post I can safely say.

Vote: BagelBob
So Pasonia, you're saying that it's impossible for you to be scum?
Again, Pasonia, your oft repeating that we will regret it is just making you look worse every time. You still didn't give any other real arguments than "Look at Bagel, don't he look like scum!" Which, neediless to say, might be the case. But since the Mafia don't know one another, the one Mafia is also looking for the other. So your reasoning doesn't necessarily mean you are townie

Pasonia wrote:

Well, you can put me at L-1 now and I won't resist.
..followed by a paragraph of resisting :P

I'm a little baffled by Pas's initial reasoning for voting BagelBob (here)
It seems like he considered BB's entire case nulled when he said this

BagelBob wrote:

[quote="Pasonia":264cc]EDIT @ adam: I'm sorry I haven't voted in weeks. >.>
Sorry for inactivity? Then later he says that he had planned to lurk this game. Those two don't seem to go together.But it seems fairly obvious to me that this attack was simply a misunderstanding of Pas's post (it should have been read "I'm sorry, I haven't voted in weeks" instead of an apology for not voting)
I'm also find it strange how much he is stressing how it will be the end of the world if we lynch him, yet he claims to only be a vanilla.. I would think someone saying that would be an aux role if they were telling the truth.
I won't vote yet because I would prefer we use the rest of the day to our advantage, but I would really like to know what's going on in Pas's head.

adam2046 wrote:

So Pasonia, you're saying that it's impossible for you to be scum?
Pur-ree-sai-sur-lee! Why can't you get this?

@ 0_o - Well, we only have 7 left. If we didn't hit any scum, that means come nightfall if you don't change your vote, we're either down one townie and one scum, or the likelier scenario would be down two townies (assuming the lynching hits me).

An aux has to keep himself alive so he would try to be active. An inactive vanilla has near zero to fight for.
Wojjan, I like discussion in mafia games because that's how I look for scum. I feel that there hasn't been enough discussion, but I assume what you say is true, since no one discussed, they didn't have anything to say about it, no opinions. That's why I decided to go ahead and vote for Pasonia.

Wojjan wrote:

but have you ever considered why you always die at the hands of the villagers in Mafia and Werewolf?
Well, I died at the hand of the villagers and wolves in WW2 because Suburu is a really good liar.
If you're referring to the mafia games, then it was a NK that got me, and that's a mafia kill.

Pasonia, maybe you've missed this, but in this game roles aren't revealed on death.

Pasonia wrote:

Mark my words - Bagel doesn't even TRY to play analytical UNLESS he is scum (whatever happened to WW2, you guys?!).
Good to know that you don't read my posts. Again.

Pasonia wrote:

Take it this way - why would I specifically aim BagelBob if I had nothing to gain from it?
This is just my opinion, I think that a member of the town would look at everyone and pick out the most scummy person to lynch, while a goon would pick one person and tunnel on them, to make them look more scummy. Again, this is only my opinion.

Pasonia wrote:

I'm just terribly disappointed that you guys want to lynch me because you believe BagelBob that much more, whilst not trusting that my vote will hit the right people.
This is an appeal to emotion. That's scummy.
I provide reasons with my vote, not expletives. That should be reason enough to doubt someone.

rust, you forgot to provide reasons with your vote. Oh, and I've read through, and the last time you said something about the game was July 3rd, and that was a defense of yourself. Anything to say about that?

0_o, I don't know what you want to do with the rest of the day, but if you bring up something for discussion, I'll weigh in in on it.

Pasonia wrote:

An aux has to keep himself alive so he would try to be active. An inactive vanilla has near zero to fight for.
Active like I was? Or is that different? And every vanilla should fight to find scum. Since that's how they win, when they find the scum. And I believe that everyone should play to win every time, or the game kind of... sucks.
In order of occurrence:

1. You accuse me when the heat turned onto you for a moment (t'was when I voted you)
2. I defended myself back there.
4. Again, I defended myself.

There we go. You tunneled me on this one.

You said it yourself.

BagelBob wrote:

This is just my opinion, I think that a member of the town would look at everyone and pick out the most scummy person to lynch, while a goon would pick one person and tunnel on them, to make them look more scummy. Again, this is only my opinion.
You belong to the bold. Why would you specifically aim me if you weren't targetted back there? You INSIST that I was the scum just based on the fact that my activity level is low, so...

1. Fuck you.
2. You are scum in my eyes.

Because activity level equated to scumminess is WIFOM. You all can't not know this.

EDIT: Good to know that I don't read your posts BB? Oh come on, yer can get the cop's ass on me and when he does you'll know I am to be trusted by town. I am a law-abiding citizen =D

In any case, I also have one point of contention. Have you considered the fact that LadySuburu pushed the L-1 on me? Barring all that I know, I'd also say LS looks mighty suspicious for pushing that vote in.

Like, real mighty.

0_o - what I did was called a direct contradiction. Believe me, it IS intentional. When I say I won't resist the L-1 I lied, why on mothereffing earth would I actually want to not stay in the game?

Ah, yes, just to make a bold statement...

1. The scum will not kill me, because he'll sign a death warrant if he does it.
2. The cop (if he's alive) won't waste his investigate on me because I am innocent. No questions asked.
3. You guys better think fast and not kill me unless you want a townie voted dead.

Pasonia wrote:

EDIT: Good to know that I don't read your posts BB? Oh come on, yer can get the cop's ass on me and when he does you'll know I am to be trusted by town. I am a law-abiding citizen =D
You clearly didn't read his post very well if you had to make an edit for this.

0_o - what I did was called a direct contradiction. Believe me, it IS intentional. When I say I won't resist the L-1 I lied, why on mothereffing earth would I actually want to not stay in the game?

Ah, yes, just to make a bold statement...

1. The scum will not kill me, because he'll sign a death warrant if he does it.
2. The cop (if he's alive) won't waste his investigate on me because I am innocent. No questions asked.
3. You guys better think fast and not kill me unless you want a townie voted dead.
You lied to us in order to get votes off you by pretending you didn't care if you had votes on you?
That's something that I personally would say if I were scum.
1. The scum will not kill me, because he'll sign a death warrant if he does it.
This doesn't make sense, roles aren't revealed on death so we don't know if you're innocent upon death.

2. The cop (if he's alive) won't waste his investigate on me because I am innocent. No questions asked.
Ok what the fuck are you talking about?

3. You guys better think fast and not kill me unless you want a townie voted dead.
Seriously your entire defense consists of, "GUYS DON'T LYNCH ME BB IS SCUM GUYS!" which isn't very convincing.
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Vote Count

Pasonia (4) - adam, BagelBob, Suburu, 0_o
BagelBob (1) - Pasonia

Not Voting: Wojjan, rust45


Everyone had had enough of Pasonia's constant, firm and stubborn insistence that he was a normal townie. After all - why would a townie use such WIFOMy arguments to defend himself?

As night approached, Pasonia walked off towards his apartment, confident that the group would not kill him.

He was surprised when he caught a blunt axe in his face.

And then, like the fury of hell itself, the other members of the town each grabbed whatever blunt object they could find and pummeled Pasonia to his death.

Day 2 - Pasonia flattened with various blunt objects.
Night 2 begins immediately, and ends Saturday 18th July, 5pm GMT+8
no posting after you're dead please (sorry for misleading you on this)
Topic Starter
Early the next morning, everyone got up and walked towards the town square for their usual morning gathering... and recoiled at the horrific sight standing before them.

Standing (if you could call it that) in the middle of the town with multiple skewers of crystals piercing through his body, propping him up, was BagelBob.

Half the town vomited immediately, while the rest of them found a trolley and wheeled BagelBob along with the crystal down a hill and off a cliff.


BagelBob has been skewered and is now eliminated from this game.
Day 3 begins immediately, and ends Tuesday 21th July, 5pm GMT+8

With 5 alive, it takes 3 to lynch.

(why didn't anyone tell me i put "june" instead of "july" >.>)
So guys..

all the people who I thought were suspicious are dead now -_-

so in other words, i got nothing
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I sure hope your hope is right.

adam2046 wrote:

I feel confident that at least one mafia has died already (here's hoping)
...I feel confident that one mafia has died.
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I can't defend against that logic.
It'd be nice if you tried.
You said my posts were hard to read and looked suspicious, and argue with you there, I agree with that. I've made some very bad posts that I think make me look like scum even though I'm not.
I'm more suspicious of adam at the moment, but rust is up there too. However... I don't really have much.
Just felt like pointing that out :P

Also I plan to do a read through soon, so hopefully we can get a ball rolling here..
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Uh, wha?

Who beeped me?

Oh, it's just you.

/me goes back to dead.
I read through the rest and didn't get anything else.

vote LadySuburu

The day is ending soon, so lets talk today guys.

Vote Count
rust45 (1) - adam2046
LadySuburu (1) - 0_o
Not Voting (3) - LadySuburu, rust45, Wojjan

the day is ending really soon, I'm going to bed, and I'm not risking a no lynch if no one else shows up

vote rust45

and I don't even think he's mafia :|
We better hope that either I'm wrong or we have already got killed one of them, cause otherwise we're screwed..
Grr. Vote: LadySuburu for 0_o's logic and now someone please come and and vote with me.
That's not logic.
Seeing as the day's about to end, I will vote rust, but honestly I don't have anything.

Vote: rust45
Topic Starter
Sorry about forgetting to finish off the day.

Vote Count (thanks to 0_o a few posts back
rust45 (3) - adam2046, LadySuburu, 0_o
LadySuburu (1) - rust45
Not Voting (1) - Wojjan

rust45 has been lynched.
Night 3 starts immediately, and ends by Saturday 25th July, 9pm GMT+12
Topic Starter
Wojjan has been killed.

Contrary to what I said before, I will tell you that the game is currently LyLo.

Players remaining in no particular order:

Day 4 starts. With 3 alive, it takes 2 to lynch.
There is no deadline for this day.

Good luck to all.
OK I'm more suspicious of LadySuburu right now, for the few reasons I said earlier, and because I really can't find any incriminating evidence against adam..

LadySuburu, here you say that you are suspicious of adam, care to elaborate why?
It just felt to me, from what I've seen of adam when he was playing in the other games, that he didn't seem to be acting the same as his town games. That's pretty much it. I've got nothing on you and a gut feeling on adam.
I feel uneasy about LS now after voting someone he didn't suspect to lynch, which I don't think is something LS would do normally.
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I'm tired of the game too. I personally feel like 0_o is trying to, as Pasonia states usually, scumpaint me. So, other than a gut feeling for adam, and that for 0_o...

Vote: 0_o

My gut tends to be wrong.
um.. what?? Where did THAT come from? All I did was point out why you are suspicious, and you are saying that's a mafia tactic? I'm STILL trying to figure out that logic from CM2...

The most important part of your accusation however was the vote. Everyone here knows that if a townie votes for the wrong person, all the mafia has to do is jump on and they win. This is why on the final day the townies have to think very carefully and be sure of their vote. However, after saying adam was suspicious for a fair portion of the game, you vote for me with the sole reason that I said you were suspicious, and that "your gut is normally wrong". I have NFI why you changed your mind like that, but what I do know is that no townie, especially one as experienced as yourself would place a vote on the final day with so little evidence.

And now that I know adam is innocent (since I haven't been lynched)

Vote LadySuburu

and I implore adam to do the same..

0_o wrote:

um.. what?? Where did THAT come from? All I did was point out why you are suspicious, and you are saying that's a mafia tactic? I'm STILL trying to figure out that logic from CM2...

The most important part of your accusation however was the vote. Everyone here knows that if a townie votes for the wrong person, all the mafia has to do is jump on and they win. This is why on the final day the townies have to think very carefully and be sure of their vote. However, after saying adam was suspicious for a fair portion of the game, you vote for me with the sole reason that I said you were suspicious, and that "your gut is normally wrong". I have NFI why you changed your mind like that, but what I do know is that no townie, especially one as experienced as yourself would place a vote on the final day with so little evidence.

And now that I know adam is innocent (since I haven't been lynched)

Vote LadySuburu

and I implore adam to do the same..
Again, I'm done with this game. Adam can vote whoever, I really don't care. If he had been mafia and won, I wouldn't have cared either.
Vote: 0_o
I don't want you imploring my anything.
Topic Starter
0_o was lynched day 4.
adam killed endgame

Suburu wins!

Mafia were 0_o and LS. Day 4 was LyLo: Lynch and lose :P

Game over. Setup was 2 mafia + 5 townies.
I think I did a good job considering the circumst-ahaha nah, I really thought Subi was mafia and was trying to joke vote.
I wish 0_o wasn't mafia :/
Yay for me randomly winning somehow :3
Yay Town lost.

..... le sigh.

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I blame kuu.
I blame myself, I handled it poorly getting me lynched instead of a mafia.
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