
Solution: Running osu! In Ubuntu or Xubuntu

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Marcin's Edit: Thanks to Espionage724 there is much more detailed guide, see it below!

Espionage724 wrote:

Here's some very detailed instructions for getting osu! on Ubuntu 13.04 (x86_64):

1. Add the Wine PPA
System Settings > Software & Updates > Other Software > Add... > ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa > Close
Terminal > sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

2. Update Software Sources
Terminal > sudo apt-get update

3. Install Wine
Terminal > sudo apt-get install wine
- Should install around 218 MB of archives
- Accept the license for the fonts package (well, read it first of course 8-); may have to click the Terminal window and use Tab and Arrow Keys to navigate)

4. Set up a 32-bit Wine Prefix
Terminal > WINEARCH=win32 winecfg
- Feel free to just close the configuration window afterwards

5. Install .NET Framework 2.0
Terminal > winetricks dotnet20

6. Download osume.exe
Terminal > wget

7. Create a osu! folder in the Program Files folder in your Wine prefix, move osume.exe to it, and start osume.exe
Terminal > mkdir '.wine/drive_c/Program Files/osu!' && mv osume.exe '.wine/drive_c/Program Files/osu!' && cd '.wine/drive_c/Program Files/osu!' && wine osume.exe
- Long command that creates the directory, moves osume.exe to it, puts the Terminal into that folder, and runs osume.exe
- You can manually create the folders and move osume.exe with GUI also

8. Wait for osu! update to completely download osu!
- If you have a beatmap and/or skin library backup somewhere, now would be a good time to restore it

9. Start osu!

10. Do any initial in-game setup you want
- Includes logging-in, setting a resolution, changing keybinds, etc.
- If setting a fullscreen resolution causes osu! to crash and you cannot close it, see additional notes

11. Exit osu!

At this point, you should have osu! on your computer, congratulations :)

Additional Notes:

- From this point on, the only thing you need to do to run osu! is just run the osu!.exe binary (double-click it or use the wine command from Terminal).

- You will have to create a shortcut(s) to osu! if you want (easiest way is to to to the folder via GUI, right-click osu!.exe and make a link, and put the link on desktop).

- .osz downloads should automatically just work (did for me anyway; otherwise, just drag them to the Songs folder manually)

- You do not need gdiplus, but it is optional if you really want the few things it affects to look better. If you do opt for this, be prepared to download 538M, and run winetricks gdiplus and also note I cannot vouch for how compatible gdiplus is currently.

- I cannot vouch for how well osu! runs in a Wine prefix with other things installed, but I imagine it would be fine for most things (if any problems occur, do try it from a clean prefix if you didn't already)

- OpenGL mode does not work (on my hardware anyway; DirectX should work fine anyway; results may vary on older/weaker hardware, especially Intel GMA chips)

- You cannot use the current osu! Installer from the Download page unless you install .NET Framework 3.0 (3.5?), and even then I'm not too sure if that works. As-per the guide above, you shouldn't need to do this at all though, and should you try it, be prepared for things to go wrong or not.

- If you have the older osu! installer that relies on .NET Framework 2.0 instead, you can use it, but last I tried it, it would crash during install. If this happens, do not re-run the installer, and copy osume.exe to the osu! folder and run it. You should have all the needed shortcuts if using this method.

- The reason for a 32-bit Wine Prefix is because of the dotnet20 installer. If you want a multiarch prefix (32/64 bit), you'll have to modify the dotnet20 installer package to accept 64-bit OSes. There are very few situations I can think of where this would be wanted... (could just put osu! to it's own totally separate 32-bit prefix)

- Should osu! crash or lock-up, you can try one of the following commands after pressing Alt + F2:
wineserver -k
killall wineserver
xkill > *click on osu!*
- If none of that works, try bringing up Terminal instead (could be any combination of Ctrl and/or Alt + T) and trying the command(s) there
- If all else fails, do REISUB (be prepared for reboot)
- You may wish to try different video drivers if a crash or lock-up occurs

Everything was tested on a clean install of Ubuntu 13.04 x86_64 with Wine 1.7.1 as of today (9/17; wrote the guide as I did each step on my other computer). If using any other distro or Desktop Environment other than Unity, or are on a modified Ubuntu setup, you may have to alter some steps slightly or have slightly different results.

Good luck :)

Old outdated guide
Guys, this information is obsolete. I see there is a better way of running osu! in Linux now. I'm sorry I haven't been able to update this post as I had to use Windows since mid 2010, although I've got a Ubuntu 12.10 running here so I may update the first post soon.


I searched the forum about running Osu! in Ubuntu, but it was locked.
So I'm making a new thread about this.
Sorry if someone had posted this before, moderators can delete this.
Ok, let's go!

Make sure you have wine. Here's a compiled wine package for Ubuntu ... 1_i386.deb

Once you have wine, do this:
First up, Open up your terminal (Right click on your desktop, and click "open terminal here")
Second, type: sudo apt-get install cabextract (It will install cabextract) Do not do anything until It's done
Third, type this: wget (It will download a file called winetricks, don't delete it)
Fourth, type: sh winetricks corefonts dotnet20 (It will execute winetricks, and then It'll download and Install .NET Framework 2.0). This is important, do not do anything until it's done. When you see a .NET Framework Installation wizard, just click next until you done. After that, terminal will keep downloading font files so keep opening the terminal until everything is done.

Now, try running Osu, or If you haven't installed it yet, just install it to "My Documents".

You should be able to run Osu! now. I've tested it,


Update: Screenshot added!

Oh, nice, osu! works with wine.

Unless the user runs as su, prepend sudo to the apt-get.
Topic Starter
Well can someone test it?
On my computer it's very laggy when playing. So it's unplayable. I've set it at 800x600 and disabled all effects (even snaking sliders)

And yeah, I use Onboard VGA here, might try doing some tweaks on winecfg.

Edit: It's laggy when there's slider coming, when there's no slider, it's not laggy. Even with Snaking Sliders disabled it's laggy for me.

Have you tried switching to OpenGl renderer?
Topic Starter
I tried to switch to OpenGL renderer on the Osu's settings menu. But after that, the game restarts and then it won't start until i delete the .cfg files.

Or should I run: wine osu.exe -OpenGL ?
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I will test at Ubuntu later on. Xubuntu lacks too many libraries and maybe it causes OpenGL isn't working.
Still downloading Ubuntu at 45kbps speed..LOL (Slow Internet at Indonesia lol)
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strager wrote:

This failed on a 32-bit Debian install in VirtualBox with a 64-bit Windows Vista host with Xmingw as the X server though SSH via PuTTY. So if you were thinking about trying on that, don't bother. ;P

Next time I have to do computer maintenance and data's backing up or something, I'll try this out.
Hmm, Maybe it's failed because you're running it on Virtual Environment. Some components might not works in VirtualBox.

KcLKcL wrote:

strager wrote:

This failed on a 32-bit Debian install in VirtualBox with a 64-bit Windows Vista host with Xmingw as the X server though SSH via PuTTY. So if you were thinking about trying on that, don't bother. ;P

Next time I have to do computer maintenance and data's backing up or something, I'll try this out.
Hmm, Maybe it's failed because you're running it on Virtual Environment. Some components might not works in VirtualBox.
I think it's because Mesa isn't supported by Wine all right for OpenGL stuff. I should try installing a GUI on another VM to see how that works out.
Nice work I gotta say. Also what specs have you got ? I wanna try Ubuntu but I love osu!, if its runs laggy then theres no point for me trying. I rather stay on windows and have osu!
you sir, are my hero

virutal machine even with guest additions sucks quite much for playing

and i was looking for that wine package <3

EDIT: i386... damnit >.<
Topic Starter
There's no Wine for 64 bit?

Just download the compiled at
I think there's 64 bit version..

Still wondering why OpenGL won't work
Speaking of Wine and installing software. Instead of getting possibly not-updated version by downloading this deb... Run your terminal and type:
sudo apt-get wine
Type your password (unix isn't showing your password even as stars when typing), and hit enter.

Also, if someone wants to play game that doesn't support ogl:

BagnoGamer wrote:

Speaking of Wine and installing software. Instead of getting possibly not-updated version by downloading this deb... Run your terminal and type:
sudo apt-get wine
Type your password (unix isn't showing your password even as stars when typing), and hit enter.

Also, if someone wants to play game that doesn't support ogl:
Yeah, I was wondering why people were downloading the .deb's manually.

Also, it's
sudo apt-get install wine
or aptitude instead of apt-get.

Different Linux distros have different package managers and thus require different commands, of course. I'm sure this doesn't work only for Ubuntu and variants.

KcLKcL, of course there's 64-bit wine. If you install wine using your package manager you'll probably get binaries with the same target as your kernel, so if you're on 64-bit you'll get a 64-bit wine.

BagnoGamer wrote:

sudo apt-get wine
actually, it's NOT up to date- wine is actually 1.125, as that one is just 1.0.1

KcLKcL wrote:

There's no Wine for 64 bit?

Just download the compiled at
I think there's 64 bit version..

Still wondering why OpenGL won't work
I already built from source - the .net framework doesn't want to be installed tho D:

Agkaemon wrote:

BagnoGamer wrote:

sudo apt-get wine
actually, it's NOT up to date- wine is actually 1.125, as that one is just 1.0.1
You need to add wine's repository. Ubuntu's repos don't have near the latest.

Agkaemon wrote:

BagnoGamer wrote:

sudo apt-get wine
actually, it's NOT up to date- wine is actually 1.125, as that one is just 1.0.1

KcLKcL wrote:

I already built from source - the .net framework doesn't want to be installed tho D:
Have you tried installing the 64-bit version of the .NET framework? Obviously, without the 32-bit DLL's needed, you can't install a 32-bit .NET.

strager wrote:

Agkaemon wrote:

BagnoGamer wrote:

sudo apt-get wine
actually, it's NOT up to date- wine is actually 1.125, as that one is just 1.0.1
You need to add wine's repository. Ubuntu's repos don't have near the latest.

Agkaemon wrote:

BagnoGamer wrote:

sudo apt-get wine
actually, it's NOT up to date- wine is actually 1.125, as that one is just 1.0.1

KcLKcL wrote:

I already built from source - the .net framework doesn't want to be installed tho D:
Have you tried installing the 64-bit version of the .NET framework? Obviously, without the 32-bit DLL's needed, you can't install a 32-bit .NET.
Hmm, where can I find the 64bit .NET framework?

also, the .deb in first post is already out of date, try building from source
Fedora 11, Osu! on wine works well.
At start it was really laggy, specially with sliders, but then I put this configuration:

AbsoluteScroll = 0
AutoChatHide = 1
Bloom = 0
ComboBurst = 0
ComboFire = 0
ComboFireHeight = 4
ChatAudibleHighlight = 1
ChatChannels =
ChatFilter = 0
ChatHighlightName = 1
ChatPrivateTabs = 1
ChatRemoveForeign = 0
ChatSortMode = 0
Display = 1
DisplayCityLocation = 0
DistanceSpacing = 0.8
DistanceSpacingEnabled = 1
EditorBeatDivisor = 1
EditorGridSize = 32
EditorSliderCurveType = 1
EditorTip = 0
FavouritesA =
FavouritesB =
FpsCounter = 0
FrameSync = 0
FrameSyncGl = 1
FriendsOnly = 0
Fullscreen = 0
Height = 600
HeightFullscreen = 768
HelpTips = 10000000000000000000
HighlightWords =
HitLighting = 0
HoverReturn = 1
HoverSelect = 0
keyDecreaseAudioOffset = OemMinus
keyFruitsDash = LeftShift
keyFruitsLeft = Left
keyFruitsRight = Right
keyIncreaseAudioOffset = OemPlus
keyOsuLeft = Z
keyOsuRight = X
keyPause = Escape
keyScreenshot = F12
keySkip = Space
keyTaikoInnerLeft = X
keyTaikoInnerRight = C
keyTaikoOuterLeft = Z
keyTaikoOuterRight = V
keyToggleChat = F8
keyToggleExtendedChat = F9
keyToggleFrameLimiter = F7
keyToggleScoreboard = Tab
Language = es
LobbyPlayMode = -1
LobbyShowExistingOnly = 0
LobbyShowFull = 0
LobbyShowPassworded = 1
MenuTip = 8
MouseDisableButtons = 0
MouseDisableWheel = 0
MouseSpeed = 1.1
MsnIntegration = 0
NotifySubmittedThread = 1
Offset = 0
OnlineDefault = 1
PopupDuringGameplay = 0
ProgressBarType = 1
Renderer = d3d
SaveReplay = 0
ScoreboardVisible = 1
ScreenshotFormat = 1
ScreenshotId = 0
ShowSpectators = 1
Skin = Default
SkinSamples = 1
SkipTablet = 0
SnakingSliders = 0
Tablet = 0
Ticker = 0
TreeSortMode = Search
TreeSortMode2 = Artist
Username = Darkma
UseTaikoSkin = 1
Video = 1
VolumeEffect = 80
VolumeMusic = 80
VolumeUniversal = 100
Width = 800
WidthFullscreen = 1024
Wiimote = 0
YahooIntegration = 0
Well, I could play, but when I restart the game, it doesn't works.

This is what Wine says:
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
But this is a good start, I took a few screenshots:

Someone knows how to fix this?
Sometimes the game starts, but for a few seconds, and then it freezes.

(Sorry about my bad english :P)


It seems that my problem can be fixed using this:
$ killall wineserver && killall explorer.exe

So... yay! Osu! on Linux! :D
Topic Starter
I will try that settings. Thanks for sharing us here. If it's works I'll update this post.
BTW guys, If you want to download compiled .deb packages, It's here
It has the latest 1.1.25 though :D

KcLKcL wrote:

I will try that settings. Thanks for sharing us here. If it's works I'll update this post.
BTW guys, If you want to download compiled .deb packages, It's here
It has the latest 1.1.25 though :D
1.1.25 worked for me :)
.net framework and everything, so yeah, awesome thanks
Lyoko is Cool
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Chaos Anime X
What about

It's bee under a lot of development in the past year from what I gather, and might run Osu! now
Has anyone tried version 2.4 and gotten Osu! to run? I would try it myself but I'm rather limited right now...temporary computer! =(
[deleted user]

chaosanime wrote:

What about

It's bee under a lot of development in the past year from what I gather, and might run Osu! now
Has anyone tried version 2.4 and gotten Osu! to run? I would try it myself but I'm rather limited right now...temporary computer! =(

I tried 3 things, granted I am on OSX and not on ubuntu. I tried running osu through wine via this tutorial with no dice. I tried running it through crossover with no dice. I also tried running it through mono on OS X and it gave me this error:

Unhandled Exception: System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for <Module> ---> System.InvalidProgramException: Invalid IL code in #v.#u:#nj (): IL_0015: callvirt 0x0a0005d1

It seems to me though that osu! could be easily adapted to work with mono and therefore work on windows / linux / mac without the need for specific OS ports.

prosive wrote:

It seems to me though that osu! could be easily adapted to work with mono and therefore work on windows / linux / mac without the need for specific OS ports.
If it was easy, it would have been done already. (And I'm not making that up...)
[deleted user]

strager wrote:

prosive wrote:

It seems to me though that osu! could be easily adapted to work with mono and therefore work on windows / linux / mac without the need for specific OS ports.
If it was easy, it would have been done already. (And I'm not making that up...)

You are probably right. Honestly it doesn't matter for me since i have 3 computers running ubuntu / OS X / Windows. However, some of my friends want to play and only own macs. The virtual box set up is painful at best, so I'm very curious as to why the wine set up doesn't work on my os x machine. I applied the same winetricks and everything, just corefonts and dotnet20. Is there something I am missing?

Also is there any way to bottle up a fresh working install of osu! on wine and distribute it? Like for example, later when I get time I am going to try to run osu! on my ubuntu machine, if I get it working, could I potentially just port the bottle over to my os x machine and try it out?
[deleted user]
I'm running Ubuntu 9.04 and can't get the game to run using the instructions provided. When I try to install the game the files begin to copy, then the installation crashes. The files that do transfer are below.

Any advice?


prosive wrote:

Also is there any way to bottle up a fresh working install of osu! on wine and distribute it? Like for example, later when I get time I am going to try to run osu! on my ubuntu machine, if I get it working, could I potentially just port the bottle over to my os x machine and try it out?
There's nothing special about osu! installs. You can copy an installation anywhere and run it from any computer (assuming the configuration is compatible across the systems).
tinkyxiii, try installing on Windows and copy it over.

For me...
Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.

Process ID=0x19 (25), Thread ID=0x1a (26).

Click OK to terminate the application.
Click CANCEL to debug the application.
Click OK and...
The program osu!.exe has encountered a serious problem
and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Blah blah blah blah blah blah

Blah blah blah blah blah blah

...and nothing else.
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I did.

Also, insufficient priveleges for the app.
Somebody should make a linux installer. I could once I get it to work...
Did you try to open up osu!.yourLocalAccountHere.cfg and change Renderer = d3d to Renderer = opengl ?
Just tried that... same error.

If I go to "Uninstall Wine Software", Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 is listed twice. Once with the version 2.0.50727 and the Visual Studio logo as the icon, and the other one has no version and has the Wine logo as the icon.
[deleted user]
Well I'm trying to run this through wine again (I must be a masochist). Instead of using the GUI, I used the command line to get wine and winetricks working on OS X, and installed the corefonts and dotnet20 winetricks. Then I copied my game folder over and ran it. The crash / bug reporter screen shows up for me. I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, but any help would be much appreciated. Basically it crashes then submits the bug and restarts and the same thing happens. I also tried deleting my user configuration. I have attached a screen shot.

CoGetContextToken apartment not initialised
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Windows.Forms"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Drawing"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"osu"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"Microsoft.Xna.Framework"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"System.Runtime.Remoting"
fixme:process:SetProcessPriorityBoost (0x170,0): stub
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"msvcm80"
fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x33dba0,0x00000000), stub!
fixme:wave:wodDsCreate DirectSound not implemented
fixme:wave:wodDsCreate The (slower) DirectSound HEL mode will be used instead.
fixme:wave:wodDsCreate DirectSound not implemented
fixme:wave:wodDsCreate The (slower) DirectSound HEL mode will be used instead.
err:ole:CoGetClassObject class {bcde0395-e52f-467c-8e3d-c4579291692e} not registered
err:ole:CoGetClassObject no class object {bcde0395-e52f-467c-8e3d-c4579291692e} could be created for context 0x1
err:wgl:opengl_error No OpenGL support compiled in.
err:d3d_caps:WineD3D_CreateFakeGLContext Can't find a suitable iPixelFormat.
err:d3d:InitAdapters Failed to get a gl context for default adapter
err:d3d:WineDirect3DCreate Direct3D9 is not available without opengl
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"mscorlib.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"osu!.resources"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"{ef5dc3ce-33e8-49bf-a83b-f70d0ebf15b8}"
fixme:shell:URL_ParseUrl failed to parse L"osu!.resources"
fixme:advapi:CheckTokenMembership (0x440 0x21bb40 0x11dbdb48) stub!
fixme:imm:ImmDisableIME (-1): stub
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread Cannot get kerneltime or usertime of other threads
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:advapi:RegisterEventSourceW ((null),L".NET Runtime 2.0 Error Reporting"): stub
fixme:advapi:ReportEventW (0xcafe4242,0x0001,0x0000,0x000003e8,0x0,0x0008,0x000000d0,0x3009a1b4,0x6cd260): stub
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"osu!.exe"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L""
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"4ae3fa5f"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"unknown"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L""
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"00000000"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"0"
err:eventlog:ReportEventW L"8000000a"
fixme:advapi:DeregisterEventSource (0xcafe4242) stub
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet
fixme:thread:NtQueryInformationThread info class 9 not supported yet

i also have the problem, that i can't use the openGL mode.
does anybody made it work already.

sorry for my bad english

for all those who dont get dot20 installed, i could try upload my .wine folder.
I've just installed ubuntu. i did everything what was written here and as you might guess, osu doesn't work properly. It turns on but instead of menu i've got some random textures. And after few second of this screen, report window pops up and it turns off. (screen)

I was able to change rendering to opengl, but it didn't work :D please help me ;]
Can we get a link to winetricks .deb? It's been removed from the Karmic repositories.

Also, a zip of the install would be nice - the .msi doesn't seem to work properly, even with msiexec.
I updated wine today for the first time in a number of months, and decided I would try osu.
Surprisingly, it works almost flawlessly (I didn't measure fps or anything, but it is beyond being merely "playable").
Strangely, though, it tends to crash when I try to reposition the window.

Not sure if this helps, but I also installed the d3dx9, vcrun2005 (sp1) and dotnet20 packages from winetricks beforehand.

Sakako wrote:

Can we get a link to winetricks .deb? It's been removed from the Karmic repositories.

Also, a zip of the install would be nice - the .msi doesn't seem to work properly, even with msiexec.
There is no binary, it's just a giant shell script.

Edit: Forgot to mention that the updater works.
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This version of osu! will be a drunk copy.
When I try to install, I get:
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
For all those who are lazy/don't understand simple tutorial.
Start your terminal and execute this:

And then execute this:
sh prepare-osu


Download that: and execute it in terminal.
mine crashes after how many seconds. i don't know why (it rarely happens though)

using Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty Jackalope

Edit1: Sound is not sync properly, or is it just me?
Edit2: Crashes upon exiting in Universal Offset.
Works fine, no lags(Kubuntu) but all fonts are realy sharp =( (Does some1 kno' how to fix Opengl?!)
Also:no background images in beatmap list =(
Hey, I have this when I'm trying launching osu!
I did all 1st post says

I can't play osu! for this.

Uber1337 wrote:

Works fine, no lags(Kubuntu) but all fonts are realy sharp =( (Does some1 kno' how to fix Opengl?!)
Also:no background images in beatmap list =(
Очкочановский анальный раб!

On Linux Mint 8 osu! works, but sound is lagging and sometimes osu! crashing. Trying to use OpenGL.

And if you want use you windows osu! songs folder on linux:
sudo mount --bind 'windows songs folder' 'linux songs folder'
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