
Is Mapping for Aesthetics Actually Acceptable?

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So I've been getting into mapping again recently, and I've gotten the impression that picking a general "way" you want to map a song (for example, really clean with a lot of overlaps or something) and then sticking to that way of mapping is really important. A sort of pattern consistency.

Also recently, I stumbled across this video, and after watching it, I'm a little surprised, which leads to the question in the title. Is it actually okay to map for good aesthetics and patterns while perhaps not having the best flow, as long as you stick with that style throughout a map? I was under the impression that good flow is a necessity for getting a map ranked (at least today it is. Obviously older maps are an exception.)
i feel like gameplay should always come first. Not all the maps need or have to be comfortable but you have to be able to have reasons for you decisions. You can have the neatest looking map but if gameplay doesn't make any sense it'd feel like wasted effort. And good flow is in no way required to get your stuff ranked. As long as stuff you make is consistent and you have reasons why you did stuff in the certain way is enough.
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P_O wrote:

As long as stuff you make is consistent and you have reasons why you did stuff in the certain way is enough.
This is very interesting. So exactly how important is consistency in terms of ranking a map? Is it so crucial that you won't get a map ranked without it? If I may ask, what are some other general qualities of a map that are crucial to getting a map ranked?
if you can reason why it isn't consistent then it's no problem. I'd say most important thing in getting a map ranked is everything making sense and working as a whole. Also difficulty should be appropriate to it's given name for example don't have 250bpm bursts on normal diff
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What if a song has some part that's unique and only happens once? For example the drummer doing some crazy fill right before the chorus he's never done? Is it okay to have a unique pattern that is unlike your other ones to express that?
for sure. In my opinion that kinda parts really should feel and look diffrent since in most cases music is so diffrent that mapping it the way less intense parts are mapped doesn't make any kinda justice to it's speciality.
Sophie Twilight
Mapping for anything is acceptable. Mapping is free.

However, do not expect the same treatment when you force your style in Ranked. Which is why Ranked maps have very similar patterns, because they are widely accepted among players.

P_O wrote:

i feel like gameplay should always come first. Not all the maps need or have to be comfortable but you have to be able to have reasons for you decisions.
gameplay doesn't always come first though. imo just having consistency is enough to make a map rankable. also 'reasons' don't really need to be very specific. you can just map a certain way because you like mapping that way (it should be consistently mapped though).

P_O wrote:

And good flow is in no way required to get your stuff ranked. As long as stuff you make is consistent and you have reasons why you did stuff in the certain way is enough.
'good flow' doesn't really exist (i think you meant comfortable flow though).
Tbh the answer changes depending on who you ask. At the end of the day the most important thing is that it's cohesive - so make sure the scale for aeshthetics vs gameplay stays consistent, as long as the song does too. Albeit i wouldn't even match them against each other - a map can have pleasant flow and look pretty~
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P_O wrote:

i feel like gameplay should always come first... And good flow is in no way required to get your stuff ranked....
Oh I meant to ask you about this. What do you mean by gameplay (I thought a big part of that would be flow)? Do you mean spacing and smphasis or something?

Uniform wrote:

P_O wrote:

i feel like gameplay should always come first. Not all the maps need or have to be comfortable but you have to be able to have reasons for you decisions.
gameplay doesn't always come first though. imo just having consistency is enough to make a map rankable. also 'reasons' don't really need to be very specific. you can just map a certain way because you like mapping that way (it should be consistently mapped though).

P_O wrote:

And good flow is in no way required to get your stuff ranked. As long as stuff you make is consistent and you have reasons why you did stuff in the certain way is enough.
'good flow' doesn't really exist (i think you meant comfortable flow though).
True thing that good flow is more or less typo. Flow can be used just like spacing to make parts feel diffrent and more important than the others.
And yea reasons can be as simple as i like doing it that way and i feel like it works well. (not that it's the most convincing way to get your message across)

Xelasto wrote:

P_O wrote:

i feel like gameplay should always come first... And good flow is in no way required to get your stuff ranked....
Oh I meant to ask you about this. What do you mean by gameplay (I thought a big part of that would be flow)? Do you mean spacing and smphasis or something?
Gameplay is just how it plays - it's harder to explain, but ideally the map should be fun to play, however subjective that is. Best way to approach it is just to figure out which maps you find fun - and then taking pieces and ideas from said maps and fitting them together to form your own map (or style)
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