
Eure Meinung zu "Nearby countries/regional rankings"

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Hello #Deutsch.

I'm looking for opinions regarding grouping smaller countries into so called "regional rankings" in order to increase competition within smaller sectors (more in detail information about it can be found here ). This will most likely not be the case for Germany itself, but for the many German speaking and correlating countries.

I would like to know which of your countries would fit together under one region, and also some reasoning as to why. This is important to know as it may replace your separate country ranking as a whole, and as such it would be important for as many opinions as possible. As for grouping some countries with Germany, this is a possibility but I do not yet know Peppy's input on it, so keeping the smaller ones as one and separated from the major ones would be preferred if they got some country they correlate to.

Provide good reasoning with your opinions, nothing biased or baseless. Thank you in advance.


Hallo #Deutsch

Ich suche nach Meinungen darüber, ob es Sinn macht, kleinere Länder zu einem "Regional Ranking" zusammenzufassen. Dies soll dazu dienen, den Wettbewerb in den kleineren Ländern zu erhöhen (genauere Details unter Auch wenn es unter Umständen nicht für Deutschland selbst der Fall sein wird, könnte dies die weniger aktiven deutschsprachigen Ländern betreffen.

Ich würde gerne wissen, welche Länder eurer Meinung nach zu einer Region "zusammen gehören" und vorallem warum. Das ist deswegen wichtig, da dieses "Regional Ranking" womöglich das "Country Ranking" ersetzen wird, insofern euer Land zu einer "Region" zusammengefasst wird. Deswegen benötigen wir so viele Meinungen wie möglich.
Ob es möglich ist, diese Länder mit Deutschland zusammenzulegen ist mir nicht bekannt, da peppy diesbezüglich nichts gesagt hat. Deswegen solltet ihr euch zunächst auf die kleineren und weniger aktiven Länder beschränken, die ihr zu einer Region zusammenfassen würdet.

Bitte begründet eure Meinung, bitte nichts voreingenommenes oder unfundiertes. Vielen Dank im Voraus.

(You are free to post in English here to make the communication easier with boat -- Loctav)
Stickied. Nur konstruktive Diskussion bitte. Rumgetrolle und sinnloses Gezetere wird ohne Vorwarnung (scharf) geahndet. Vielen Dank.
english or german answers ? >w<

I think Austria and Switzerland would/could be obvious they both have together like 10,000 users (I don't know if that is considered small enough to be merged together already)
Both countries speak mainly german

Liechtenstein is really small ... and they speak according to wikipedia german, too
So Switzerland, Austria and Liechtenstein together.

so that are 3 you could merge (I don't know what people from there think about this idea though ^^).

Is this discussion just for those countries which speak german?
You could (maybe) merge netherlands and Belgium together (dutch probaly)
or Luxembourg and Belgium with France ( a lot of french speaking people there)

or my short version:
Austria + Switzerland + Liechtenstein
Luxembourg + France + Monaco
Belgium + Netherlands

just what came to my mind. I am no expert though ^^
I think you have to put states with lower players together. So my opinion:

Benelux: Belgium, Nederlands, Luxembourg
Baltic states: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
Smaller countries/city-states in Europe: Monaco, Andorra, Cyprus, Malta, ...
Scandinavia: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark

Near East?
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Darkravens23 wrote:

I think you have to put states with lower players together. So my opinion:

Benelux: Belgium, Nederlands, Luxembourg
Baltic states: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia
Smaller countries/city-states in Europe: Monaco, Andorra, Cyprus, Malta, ...
Scandinavia: Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iceland, Denmark

Near East?
Please refer to anything that is unrelated to Germany and correlating countries to the thread in GD.

Yes, it is stated that merging only the smaller countries is a priority as the major ones don't got any issues with the feature.

bomber34 wrote:

Is this discussion just for those countries which speak german?
Not necessarily but preferably. Anything regarding countries that do not correlate to Germany in any way should go into the thread in GD.

Thank you for your inputs.
I don't know if austria and switzerland together have a big enough playerbase (we can pretty much neglect liechtenstein, as there is literally no competiition from there).

I think it would technically make more sense to merge them all with germany, but germany already has a huge competitor base, and if you really don't want to do it, then you shouldn't. but I think it would actually make more sense to merge all german countries together in the case of merging anyone.
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It will have to come down to Austria and Switzerland (+ Liechtenstein because it would make sense to add them in just because) as a "Germany Region" if there will be no availability for merging them with Germany.

It may not solve the problem entirely, but at least it's some improvement. I'll propose to peppy about merging them with Germany, because quite frankly I agree with that it makes sense.
I'd say it's not too neccessary to keep all german-speaking languages together. How I can say Austria has "enough" player to own a seperate Regional Ranking, idk about Switzerland. But the Balkan countries (Seria, Croatia, Bosnia, etc) would have more about it.
I dont think it makes any sense to merge germany with any other country since the competition i germany is high enough.
I would merge Austria with Switzerland since Austria doesnt have THAT of a big playership and switzerland doesnt either so merging them would just make sense.
Additionally i would merge Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia because they are rather small, dont have many active players and the main language is russian (afaik).

vipto wrote:

I dont think it makes any sense to merge germany with any other country since the competition i germany is high enough.
I would merge Austria with Switzerland since Austria doesnt have THAT of a big playership and switzerland doesnt either so merging them would just make sense.

That's just stupid then if you merge Austria with Switzerland BUT not Germany together. Either merge all three countries together or don't do it. Anyway Austria has enough player to own a ranking.
Why is that stupid? Mergin germany with Austria and Switzerland would be stupid.
I agree with vipto here, I think community size matters more than "demographic togertherness".
Then it should not be a problem to add Austria (and Switzerland) into Germany since both countries are not really big - as you said.

Stefan wrote:

Then it should not be a problem to add Austria (and Switzerland) into Germany since both countries are not really big - as you said.
The thought was to make Switzerland and Austia one big "country" since germany is big enough and has enough competition.
Das Thema scheint nicht mehr von Nutzen zu sein. Unsticked für's erste.
Eventuell können noch ein paar Leute bisschen was dazu schreiben - jetzt wo der Thread mal nach Monaten wieder einen Post hat. ww

Ich bin nach wie vor dagegen Schweiz und Österreich in einem mit Deutschland zusammenzufügen, da zumindest Österreich genug Spieler hat um ein eigenes Country ranking zu besitzen. Das eventuell einzige Problem ist, dass Österreich nicht sonderlich auffällig ist, was die Spieler angehen, sowohl vom Ranking als auch im Forum. Trotz Allem besitzen wir genug Spieler, um ein eigenes Country Ranking zu besitzen. Jedenfalls kann man hier für die Standard und CtB Spieler sprechen.
ochhh warum denn beide Länder zusammenführen ?!

Ich finde es so wie es ist prima. Klar gibt es weniger Platzierungen bei manchen maps, was nicht heißt dass es weniger kompetitiv zugeht (alles eben nur ein bisschen kleiner).


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