I think it would be nice if the game also featured offline multiplayer.
How does that work? Well, here are my ideas:
One Mouse Party Games
How does that work? Well, here are my ideas:
One Mouse Party Games
- Horse (2 Players):
If a song has more than one break in it, players would take turns in phases of the song to see if they can give each other a letter to knock out the other player. One player builds up a score on that phase of the song, the other player has to beat it. If he fails, he gets a letter. If the player that has to start building up a score misses once, he gets a letter and it will be the other player's turn to build up the score. - Multi-song Horse competition (2 Players):
Instead of phases of a song, more than one song will be used to build the scores. Failing a song results in losing possesion of building the score and getting a letter. This game may take much longer. - Basic (Multiplayer):
Players would take turns at taking over the mouse to see if they can land their scores on a selected song. The scores get tallied up after all players have finished the song.
- Duet (2 Players):
Having learnt about Co-op from playing Elite Beat Agents. If you have an (extra) USB mouse for another person to play with you, you and your partner can try and take independent routes. Now having seen Co-op gameplay from EBA, the hit markers should correspond with the players by the color of their cursor, and the specific markers that each player must hit can be given a recognizable outer glow color. - Basic Team (2 Players per team):
Teams take turns to work together and build up their high score against the others.
- Vs. Ghost:
Think you can take on the replay that other's have tracked on a song? Prove it! Vs. Ghost will be like online multiplayer, but instead of taking on an opponent live, you will take on the record that the previous player has left behind, beat by beat.