
osu!mania | Long notes' end not showing correctly

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As direct as the title, the long notes' end on my skin does not show correctly, and it is very obvious when there is a double long note as you can clearly see it does not end on the same place.
Here's the replay with the skin that i have problem with. Also i dont have any problem with this with other skins

skin dl:

Would be glad if anyone could help me figure out what's the problem
Hi, kind of a late reply for the date of your post but here's the problem:

You've got a section in your skin.ini where you tell the skin which image elements to use for the LNs, something like:

NoteImage0: Orbs\YELLOW
NoteImage0H: Orbs\YELLOW
Noteimage0L: Orbs\yellowbody
NoteImage0T: Orbs\yellowcap

Whenever there's a typo on the name of the files it's pointing to, it will fall back to its "default" source. In your case, you have a typo here:

(Here it says "NoteImage2T: Orbs\bleucap" when it should be "NoteImage2T: Orbs\bluecap")

This makes the LN tail of your third row fall back to its default source, which would be your blue circle. The blue circle is rendered at a different height than your caps, so naturally it looks taller.

TL;DR: To solve, simply correct your typo so that the skin.ini's //Images section looks like this:

NoteImage0T: Orbs\yellowcap
NoteImage1T: Orbs\bluecap
NoteImage2T: Orbs\bluecap
NoteImage3T: Orbs\yellowcap

PD: Sorry if i'm overexplaining things here, but it should make things clear enough for anyone reading this post too^^
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