
What should be done with unrankable maps of good quality?

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What should happen to these maps?

Remain as is. Let them rot in the Completed forum
Consider them for ranking anyway, if they're of good quality
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Total votes: 33
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While this doesn't happen often, some beatmappers make maps which do not meet some ranking criteria, examples would be difficulty, length, terrible song, etc.

That is to say that if someone made a map that was just too hard, but is of even EXCELLENT quality, it wouldn't get ranked. Same would happen if the map were too long.

Currently, any maps under these circumstances will just rot in 'Completed Beatmaps'.

What do you think?

Should a well-made map that is simply too long not get ranked due to length?

Should a well made map that is too hard or too easy not get ranked because of this?

I'm not expecting the ranking criteria to change, so I was thinking of a new beatmap board for uhm...approved, unranked maps. :P
A beatmap being too easy should never be a problem, in my opinion, as I'm sure someone would find it as a challenge for, say, their first SS. And there are always new players that would propably have some difficulty at first, anyhow.

A beatmap that's too hard, as long as the songs deserves to be that hard (the overall feel of it in general) and is overall made to excellent quality and makes sense should still be ranked. As far as some beatmappers making the beats appear ridiculously fast, or spreading the beats way too far apart to the point where it makes no sense just to make the song harder to play... I feel that destroys the overall feel of the song and should not be considered for ranking in that state.

As for length: I can't speak for everyone on this, but as long as an extremely long song (5 mins+ in general) has enough breaks and opportunities to readjust, refocus, etc., I'm fine with it. However, if it's a song that can be cut down without ruining it, and you still feel the need to map the whole song, make one difficulty the whole song and another with the cut version.

When I get some more time, I think I'll start going through all the completed maps and posting my thoughts, as all I've really done is whored out the ranked maps. ;)

Anyways, that's my 2 cents.
Yeah, if it's good, I don't see why not make an exception to the rule. Perhaps encourage the mapper to create an easier/shorter version, but if people are going to be playing the full version, because it's good, why not enable rankings? I actually like watching other people's replays of really difficult maps, and that's only easily possible when the map is ranked.
ZZT the Fifth
What about beatmaps that people won't rank because the beatmap creator can't add video to them, even though those people know it's due to the creator having a crappy system? :|
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
I think a separate "unrankable but good" category could be added, with subcategories for impossible songs lacking multiple difficulties and lengthy songs without breaks (or really really long songs with breaks). Maybe another category for really large .osz files (15MB+)?

I don't see how not having a video makes a beatmap unrankable, but surely a mod could assist with (or do) this for the troubled beatmapper. I think that not ranking a beatmap due to a lack of video shouldn't really be done, as it doesn't reflect on the playability of the beatmap. Also, a lot of people don't even play with videos on (due to lag, distractions, no video support).

Maybe when storyboarding and cheerleaders come into full effect, storyboarding could be considered for ranking since this is a pretty major aspect of Ouendan. Does anyone else think that this is important or is it just me?

chan wrote:

I think a separate "unrankable but good" category could be added, with subcategories for impossible songs lacking multiple difficulties and lengthy songs without breaks (or really really long songs with breaks).
I was thinking another form of "ranked" as well. Primary Ranked would be the beatmaps that conform for the most part to the EBA/Ouendan standards. No more than four or five minutes, reasonably passable on the hardest difficulty, even breaks, etc. Then Secondary Ranked comes in for all the other spectacular beatmaps that don't conform to the EBA/Ouendan standards. They should be specified by whatever means, why they're secondary (much more difficult than normal, really long, no breaks, not really a song).
This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.

peppy wrote:

What would the second level of ranked songs do? Be scored or not?
This might generate some controversy. In all fairness they ought to be scored: even if it is easy to rack up the points in a particular song that fits as Secondary Rankable, it's available for everyone to earn those points in. But my idea of fairness isn't the same as everyone else's, it's just how I feel about it.

I guess you wouldn't really need to separate the Primary and Secondary ranked maps, just make the tag manditory - that way, you could just include or force exclude a keyword from the search query when browsing the ranked beatmaps.
I think the real issues is high quality beatmaps that you can't really browse for so much as dig through a forum. Alot of the good ones I have I wish had rankings.

Surge wrote:

I think the real issues is high quality beatmaps that you can't really browse for so much as dig through a forum. Alot of the good ones I have I wish had rankings.
If this is the case, you should reply in their thread and bump them up for the moderators to give some attention to ;).
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