
Favourites in game to the website. [invalid]

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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A pretty simple idea which is to link the favourites you list in game onto the website. I have put a lot of songs on the favourite lists on the OSU! game but haven't really done anything on the website as most the time I play the beatmap before I favourite it, which I do in the game as i'm already on it. I know there's a favourites list A and B (Though for me B seems to have disappeared) so maybe linking 1 of them would be best so if the person has any secret favourites which he/she does not wish to show online then he/she can keep it secret..
For me it seems a simple idea which somebody should've thought of before so there's probably a problem here or there, either way post on the thread on your thoughts :roll:
(Moving to Feature Requests)

What you are asking for already exists :) It is called "Online Favourites". You can set a map as an online favourite after a play, here:

Your online favourites appear on your profile under the "Beatmaps" tab.
Favourites A and B don't exist anymore and have been replaced by collections.
Ayesha Altugle
I think he mean this:

collections in website
He meant only one of them:

ac585318 wrote:

I know there's a favourites list A and B (...) so maybe linking 1 of them would be best
And this is exactly the purpose of Online Favourites.
Ayesha Altugle

XPJ38 wrote:

He meant only one of them:

ac585318 wrote:

I know there's a favourites list A and B (...) so maybe linking 1 of them would be best
And this is exactly the purpose of Online Favourites.
Topic Starter
Well damn, I didn't notice ^^' Thank you for pointing that out :)
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