
The Have You Game!

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Firstly this game is call the have you game ok some examples..

Me: Have you noticed what was i doing?
Next person: No.. Have you shave your beard
Next person: Yesh.. Have you dance with a maniac?
Next person: No why would i ? Have you flip your table?

Also if you answered the question from above you can create your question for the person below your reply..

Just use HAVE YOU and no nudity or else...


Have you shaved your underarm? pffft xD
No. Have you sleep today?
Yes a little nap, have you played league today ?
No, I don't play that game.

Have you fc'ed a map with HDHR?
Yes I did, it was this one :3

Have you met with another kitsune before? In real life?
kitsune is a fox right? hmm.. i probably did. my memory's so vague. cant clearly remember

have you killed an animal?
Never. I don't like animals but I have no intention of killing them.

have you been inlove?
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yesh im hideyoshi >w<

have you dare to kiss you to someone?
have you broken any bones?
No, luckily and will never be.

Have you drunk 8 cups of water today?
No, I'm fasting.

Have you play another game today?
yes , cod black ops ...
have you ever peed in the shower?
I have. To be honest, in pool too.

Have you called your couples?
No I have not.

Have you walked in on your parents doing le sexy times before?
thankfully, no. have you been walked in on during le sexy times before?
walked in on no , having my friend wake up on the couch next to us while in the motions yes luckily we had an understanding and was not interrupted ...
have you ever eaten a bug?
Yes, happened once when I was yawning and one flew into my mouth.

Have you ever had a surgery?
only a minor one, once when i was little. a few stitches after landing my forehead on the edge of a stair x.x

same q
have my right arms wrist just pretty much twisted ughhh i was lucky, usually injurys like that dont even heal , took like 3 surgerys getting drugged wasnt fun lol.-Taken from other thread lol pretty much same question.

Have you ever gotten so mad from osu that you started throwing stuff around you ?
Yes, I was too cute so they had cuteness reduction surgery on me >.<

Have you ever bitten somebody before? :3
I can't seem to remember .__. But yeah I guess, when I'm still a kid xP

Have you being pro at osu!?
I'm pro already *runs*

Have you updated your userpage?
yes with a pic of pizzi >:DDD

same have you
Nope, it was around 2 months ago. I'm too lazy to get it updated <.<;;;

Have you brush your teeth today?
just woke up, so no. have you been sleeping well lately?

salted_nuts wrote:

just woke up
wait wat O.O

OT: I'm nocturnal in a house full of day-people and a dog that'll bark at falling leaves given the chance. I could be sleeping better.

Have you meditated recently?
i don't meditate. i can't stand staying still in silence, tbh. i get fidgety too easily :| heck, i can't even sleep without the radio/tv on.
have you accomplished your dream you had as a child, or have you given up on it or have you come up with a new one?
Both, kind of. For the longest time my (thoroughly unoriginal) dream was to play guitar in a band for a living. To make a long story short, I eventually decided that it wasn't feasible to make a living in a band, and that making a career out of my guitar playing wasn't something I wanted to do, so the dream instead became simply writing thought provoking music and getting it out whoever would listen; if I could have an impact on even a single person through my music I would consider that dream fulfilled. Since I had to find another career path, I shortly afterward decided to become a game designer. Not very specific, and I don't know if you'd call it a dream per se, but there you have it.

Same question, because you're much better at coming up with thought provoking questions than I am. This is the wrong thread for that...

Have you gotten any new music lately?
No . . . still earraping with the same music.

Have you tried playing harp?
I'd love to try.

Have you ever tripped down a flight of stairs?
Yes, and then I had this bruise as big as a fist on my forehead.

Have you gotten yourself a bf/gf?
never but tried smelling a bit of something because of my cousin's demand

have you ever baked a cake?
many. i love baking. have you shotgunned can of beer before?
Nope ._.

Have you ever been involved in a car accident?
No but I've heard of a few that had happened close by.

Have you ever stapled your thumb?
I think I did in elementary school.
...It was fun~

Have you ever taken so long to think of something for a post that someone else ends up posting before you?
No, but I haven't posted that much.

Have you ever met someone that you actually kind of know over the internet?
I met my brother's ex-classmate (from like grade 4) over the internet.
I think i have, but I forget about any details regarding that.

Have you ever confessed to someone before?
Well no, but once when I was 7, a friend of mine asked me to give this flower to a girl he liked and he played the I'll owe you one card, so I did it and she simply said "gross".

Have you ever eaten chocolate with peanut butter?
yes >///< gdamit ninja panda. yes umm reese's cups?
on the flip side, have you been rejected before?
Why yes I'm having a delightful time coping with it.

Have you eaten anything today?
Just a few people~
I recently gained half a pound so I'm thinking I'm gonna have to cut back a little >3<

Have you ever crossplayed before?~
Nope, but I plan to do it sometime in the future. It looks fun.

Have you ever danced/played in the rain before?
i've done more than dance/play in the rain o.o

have you experienced flooding before?
I have not. It isn't really a problem in my area.

Have you ever had a sudden revelation where something you didn't get just clicked?
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yes probably a porn just showed

have you smell your underarms?
I can smell them when I sit normally, on a side note I may have gotten testicular cancer from your post.
Have you ever intentionally gone into a public toilet with a friend to see if people were self conscious about taking a dump?
No..... but I am pretty self-conscious about it myself...
I'm pretty self-conscious in general... ._. It's tough being a kitsune sometimes.


salted_nuts wrote:

i've done more than dance/play in the rain o.o

have you experienced flooding before?
I actually go downtown every day for work (for this summer, and then school @ UoT), except on that particular day I took an earlier train and managed to escape the huge mess~ >:3
Although I sort of wished I were there to see what it was really like. Would've wanted to if I had friends with me.

Anyways, have you ever.... humped a pillow before?
I probably humped my pillow Sasha when I was sleeping. I probably do it on a regular basis. Different positions too.

Have you ever walked in on people riding the love train?
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