Hello everyone, I just passed the original 4th reform dan with 97.67%, but I am wondering if this counts. Because I heard that the newer version has a different jack map than the old one. https://i.ppy.sh/0632ca015d7f9421c611049811ab046905eee719/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f7a43576f7a50382e706e67 <This is the one I completed
https://i.ppy.sh/01230ca5c55f82d48af93143d6c2fd5a0d351bfe/68747470733a2f2f6f73752e7070792e73682f73732f38393836323239 <This is the newer version I haven't done
Does this count? Thanks for reading.
https://i.ppy.sh/01230ca5c55f82d48af93143d6c2fd5a0d351bfe/68747470733a2f2f6f73752e7070792e73682f73732f38393836323239 <This is the newer version I haven't done
Does this count? Thanks for reading.