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Hey, everyone!

I just started playing osu about a week ago after seeing some popular League of Legends streamers playing it. I used to be a big DDR/Stepmania/FFR fan, but it's been years since I played any of those.

I feel I picked up the game rather quick. Just been downloading random beatmaps, and beating them on hard (which tbh some seem too easy) and practicing some "insane" ones, namely Psy - Gentleman (Sonnyc) lately, lol.

I've read many threads about the whole mouse vs tablet debate. For the most part, I feel I can do without a tablet. Someone used the analogy (it's more a preference than a necessity, like a fightstick for fighting games); which I feel is true.

Anyways.. I kept reading and watching videos, and I've seen both mouse AND tablet users using keys on the keyboard (assuming z/x) for clicks. Is it bad I've just been using pure mouse and right-clicking this whole time? >.> I personally find it much easier, but in the long run idk if it'll be feasible to continue this way.


EDIT: Oh, and I keep hitting my download limit for songs rather quick.. Should I be downloading them in "Beatmat Packs"? Are the songs in those packs pretty good?
To answer your question about z/x vs mouseclicks, it's based on preference. I myself cannot for the life of me click with a mouse >.< Though being a pure mouse-user can be quite difficult.

I also played DDR back in the day (who needs a dancemat when you have a controller XD) I picked up pretty fast too, but I found my footing at the normal diffs when I first started. As time went by I slowly went to the harder diffs and am now trying the insanes. Some of which are surprisingly easy. Well anywho, welcome to osu! ^^ *adds to friends*
Welcome to the communnity, and beatmap packs contain mostly all of the maps that pertain to the beatmap pack's theme, so if you find one that you think you might like, download it! Another way to raise your upload limit is to support osu!
Welcome to osu! btw osu is with a lowercase letter Hope you enjoy the forums. You could just stick with keyboard and play CTB.
Welcome to the forum! I suggest it is more fun for you to FC a map instead of passing a map :) .
FC means you get the highest combo. In osu!, combo counts a lot on score, so try to do that^^
Yunia Anindya
welcome to the forum~ :3
Welcome to the forums/community. :D
Hi and welcome to osu! and the community Laurix!!
Using just the mouse is ok to start but you will probably find it difficult to keep up with some of the faster songs using clicks alone. Try using your keyboard together with the mouse, but overall it is personal preference. Whatever is most comfortable for you.
And yes beatmap packs are a great way to get a lot of good maps pretty quickly so they are good to look into
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