Tournament open for everyone below rank #350
(it means that top 349 players in the global ranking chart cannot play in this tournament)
Registration Phase: 1st September to 24th September (Registration Form can be found in Main Sheet)
Screening Phase: 25th - 26th September
Qualifiers: 2nd - 3rd October
Seeding results: 4th October
Group Stages: 9th - 10th October
Round of 32: 16th - 17th October
Round of 16 + Losers Bracket 1: 23rd - 24th October
Quarterfinals + Losers Bracket 2 and 3: 30th - 31st October
Semifinals + Losers Bracket 4 and 5: 6th - 7th November
Finals + Losers Bracket 6 and 7: 13th - 14th November
Grand Finals + Loser Bracket 8: 20th - 21st November
Screening Phase: 25th - 26th September
Qualifiers: 2nd - 3rd October
Seeding results: 4th October
Group Stages: 9th - 10th October
Round of 32: 16th - 17th October
Round of 16 + Losers Bracket 1: 23rd - 24th October
Quarterfinals + Losers Bracket 2 and 3: 30th - 31st October
Semifinals + Losers Bracket 4 and 5: 6th - 7th November
Finals + Losers Bracket 6 and 7: 13th - 14th November
Grand Finals + Loser Bracket 8: 20th - 21st November
If you are interested in being part of the staff, contact me on Discord (Vized#5358).
If you are interested in being part of the staff, contact me on Discord (Vized#5358).
- This is a 1v1 double elimination tournament organized into 7/8 stages depending on the number of participants: Qualifiers, Group Stages, (RO32), RO16, Quarterfinals, Semifinals, Finals, Grand Finals.
- Used scoring system: v2.
- Victory system: Best of 11 (first player to reach 6 points, wins) for every stage except Finals and Grand Finals where it will be Best of 13 (first players to reach 7 points, wins). If both players are facing their matchpoint together, Tiebreaker will be played.
- There is no limit of players who can sign up: after registration phase will be closed, the best 24/32/64 players will advance to the next stage with a selection done by Qualifiers (seeding system: average rank).
- Everyone can sign up and play the tournament except Hosts, Mappoolers, Custom Mappers and Referees. Possibly if Playtesters/Replayers can avoid signing up it would be better too but I wont deny them to try.
- Everyone must keep a respectful and correct behaviour during the tournament and on the Discord server.
- Both staff members and players have to join the Discord Server and stay in it until the end of the tournament to be considered part of the staff or to validate their registration.
- Every change/update of the rules or other stuff will be announced only on the Discord Server in the #announcements channel.
- NoMod does not exist in this tournament.
- Rank limit: #350 and below. Participants are not allowed to rank up more than #350 due to a submitted play, otherwise they will immediately be kicked from the tournament.
- Used scoring system: v2.
- Victory system: Best of 11 (first player to reach 6 points, wins) for every stage except Finals and Grand Finals where it will be Best of 13 (first players to reach 7 points, wins). If both players are facing their matchpoint together, Tiebreaker will be played.
- There is no limit of players who can sign up: after registration phase will be closed, the best 24/32/64 players will advance to the next stage with a selection done by Qualifiers (seeding system: average rank).
- Everyone can sign up and play the tournament except Hosts, Mappoolers, Custom Mappers and Referees. Possibly if Playtesters/Replayers can avoid signing up it would be better too but I wont deny them to try.
- Everyone must keep a respectful and correct behaviour during the tournament and on the Discord server.
- Both staff members and players have to join the Discord Server and stay in it until the end of the tournament to be considered part of the staff or to validate their registration.
- Every change/update of the rules or other stuff will be announced only on the Discord Server in the #announcements channel.
- NoMod does not exist in this tournament.
- Rank limit: #350 and below. Participants are not allowed to rank up more than #350 due to a submitted play, otherwise they will immediately be kicked from the tournament.
- Every mappool (except Qualifiers) will contain a total of 17 maps divided in 2 Pools + Tiebreaker:
- Pool 1: 2 HR - 2 HD - 2 EZ - 2 FL - 1 EZFL;
- Pool 2: 3 FM - 2 DT - 2 DTFM - 1 HDHR.
- Qualifiers mappool will contain a total of 5 maps organized in this way: 1 HR, 1 HD, 1 EZ, 1 FL, 1 DT.
- Specific mod maps must be played with that specific mod only.
- FreeMod maps must be played at least with one mod. Possible usable mod/mod combinations for FM maps are these: HR, HD, EZ, FL, HDHR, HDEZ, HRFL, EZFL.
- DoubleTime FreeMod maps must be played under FreeMod conditions as explained above but with DT/NC enabled as well.
- There is a "Special Rule" for FM and DTFM maps, which puts some limitations on the mod pick or changes the score multiplier of specific mod combinations. This rule exists to balance things in the whole FM/DTFM pool.
- Tiebreaker must be played under FreeMod conditions as explained above.
- Mappools will be released on Sunday for the next weekend.
- Pool 1: 2 HR - 2 HD - 2 EZ - 2 FL - 1 EZFL;
- Pool 2: 3 FM - 2 DT - 2 DTFM - 1 HDHR.
- Qualifiers mappool will contain a total of 5 maps organized in this way: 1 HR, 1 HD, 1 EZ, 1 FL, 1 DT.
- Specific mod maps must be played with that specific mod only.
- FreeMod maps must be played at least with one mod. Possible usable mod/mod combinations for FM maps are these: HR, HD, EZ, FL, HDHR, HDEZ, HRFL, EZFL.
- DoubleTime FreeMod maps must be played under FreeMod conditions as explained above but with DT/NC enabled as well.
- There is a "Special Rule" for FM and DTFM maps, which puts some limitations on the mod pick or changes the score multiplier of specific mod combinations. This rule exists to balance things in the whole FM/DTFM pool.
- Tiebreaker must be played under FreeMod conditions as explained above.
- Mappools will be released on Sunday for the next weekend.
- The !roll function will be used by players to determine bans and picks as follows:
- The winner of !roll must decide whether to use DT or NC for every map in the DT pool (DT and DTFM).
- The winner of !roll will ban first in the first ban turn and second in the second ban turn.
- In case of identical “!roll”, the function must be repeated until players get a different result.
- Who bans second can decide to ban a map or use their ban to unban the previous opponent’s ban.
- There are 2 bans per player, 1 for each pool: The first ban turn will be only dedicated to Pool 1, while the second ban turn will be only dedicated to Pool 2. A ban turn includes 1 ban (or unban) per player in the specified pool. You can always use your ban to unban the previous opponent’s ban also in the second ban turn.
- Banned maps at the end of both ban turns, cannot be picked by any player during the whole match.
- If a map of a specific mod gets banned, the other map of the same mod cannot be banned by any player (ex. player1 bans HR1, no one can ban HR2). DT and DTFM count as separated specific mods. Maximum 2 FM can be banned (at least 1 must stay playable). TB is not bannable.
- First pick will be done after both ban turns by the player who wins the roll.
- Bans/Unbans and Picks have to be selected within 2 minutes each, otherwise a “!roll” done by the Referee will decide instead of the player.
- The winner of !roll must decide whether to use DT or NC for every map in the DT pool (DT and DTFM).
- The winner of !roll will ban first in the first ban turn and second in the second ban turn.
- In case of identical “!roll”, the function must be repeated until players get a different result.
- Who bans second can decide to ban a map or use their ban to unban the previous opponent’s ban.
- There are 2 bans per player, 1 for each pool: The first ban turn will be only dedicated to Pool 1, while the second ban turn will be only dedicated to Pool 2. A ban turn includes 1 ban (or unban) per player in the specified pool. You can always use your ban to unban the previous opponent’s ban also in the second ban turn.
- Banned maps at the end of both ban turns, cannot be picked by any player during the whole match.
- If a map of a specific mod gets banned, the other map of the same mod cannot be banned by any player (ex. player1 bans HR1, no one can ban HR2). DT and DTFM count as separated specific mods. Maximum 2 FM can be banned (at least 1 must stay playable). TB is not bannable.
- First pick will be done after both ban turns by the player who wins the roll.
- Bans/Unbans and Picks have to be selected within 2 minutes each, otherwise a “!roll” done by the Referee will decide instead of the player.
- There will be a Referee that will start the private lobby, will invite players 10 minutes before the match and will ensure that the match will be played correctly and will respect all the rules for each match.
- If no staff or Referee is available for a match, it will be postponed.
- The Private Lobbies created by the Referees will follow this syntax: “TMT: (name of the stage) - (player1) vs (player2)”.
- If one player does not show within 5 minutes they will automatically lose the “!roll”
- If one player does not show within 15 minutes they will automatically lose the match by default with a score of 0 - (-1)
- If both players do not show until 15 minutes the player with the highest seed will automatically win the match with a score of 0 - (-1) and both will be grrrr reacted.
- If a player disconnects from the match in any point of the map without having hit one single object, map will be played again (this rule is valid only once per player per match, if a second time this happens, the point will be assigned to the other player)
- If a player disconnects from the match after 10 seconds from the beginning of the map having hit at least one object (ghostapping does not count), the point will be assigned to the other player.
- If both players fail a map, the player with the highest failed score will get the point.
- If a player fails a map and the other does not, the point will be assigned to the player who did not fail apart from the score.
- In case of a tie, the map will be played again. In case of 3 consecutive ties on the same map, the player must choose another pick and the map will be considered as an Extra Ban.
- From Group Stages to Grand Finals each player is free to pick a warmup with a maximum of 2:30 minutes in total. Alternatively both players can find a deal and choose only one warmup for both with a maximum of 5 minutes in total. In case of this deal, the proof (screenshot) should be sent to the referee within 2h before the match.
- Warmups will be played under FreeMod conditions as explained in the Mappool Regulations section (at least one mod is mandatory).
- Players have to send warmups to the assigned Referee before the match, otherwise their warmup will be skipped.
- If no staff or Referee is available for a match, it will be postponed.
- The Private Lobbies created by the Referees will follow this syntax: “TMT: (name of the stage) - (player1) vs (player2)”.
- If one player does not show within 5 minutes they will automatically lose the “!roll”
- If one player does not show within 15 minutes they will automatically lose the match by default with a score of 0 - (-1)
- If both players do not show until 15 minutes the player with the highest seed will automatically win the match with a score of 0 - (-1) and both will be grrrr reacted.
- If a player disconnects from the match in any point of the map without having hit one single object, map will be played again (this rule is valid only once per player per match, if a second time this happens, the point will be assigned to the other player)
- If a player disconnects from the match after 10 seconds from the beginning of the map having hit at least one object (ghostapping does not count), the point will be assigned to the other player.
- If both players fail a map, the player with the highest failed score will get the point.
- If a player fails a map and the other does not, the point will be assigned to the player who did not fail apart from the score.
- In case of a tie, the map will be played again. In case of 3 consecutive ties on the same map, the player must choose another pick and the map will be considered as an Extra Ban.
- From Group Stages to Grand Finals each player is free to pick a warmup with a maximum of 2:30 minutes in total. Alternatively both players can find a deal and choose only one warmup for both with a maximum of 5 minutes in total. In case of this deal, the proof (screenshot) should be sent to the referee within 2h before the match.
- Warmups will be played under FreeMod conditions as explained in the Mappool Regulations section (at least one mod is mandatory).
- Players have to send warmups to the assigned Referee before the match, otherwise their warmup will be skipped.
- The Private Lobbies created by the Referees for Qualifiers will follow this syntax: “TMT: (Qualifiers) - Lobby n.(number of the Lobby)”
- There will be no warmup or ban during the Qualifiers stage.
- In the Qualifiers stage a specific mappool will be used.
- Players are free to choose the Qualifier Lobby they want to play in.
- Every map will be played twice in rotation and only the highest individual score per map will be registered.
- Failed scores in Qualifiers will be counted (NoFail can be enabled by Referees during lobbies at their discretion).
- Players can decide to not play the second run or to play only specific maps in it, but the whole first run is mandatory. If a player does not play the first run or some parts of it, it will be considered a No Show.
- There will be no warmup or ban during the Qualifiers stage.
- In the Qualifiers stage a specific mappool will be used.
- Players are free to choose the Qualifier Lobby they want to play in.
- Every map will be played twice in rotation and only the highest individual score per map will be registered.
- Failed scores in Qualifiers will be counted (NoFail can be enabled by Referees during lobbies at their discretion).
- Players can decide to not play the second run or to play only specific maps in it, but the whole first run is mandatory. If a player does not play the first run or some parts of it, it will be considered a No Show.
- Matches will be held during weekends following the Stages Scheduling in the Main Spreadsheet.
- Matches’ schedules will be released a week before the match.
- Matches can be rescheduled in the #reschedules channel in the Discord server following the pinned format and a proof that both parts agree with the change (screenshot).
- Reschedules can be presented until Wednesday 23:59 UTC+0 of the week in which the match will take place.
- Players can reschedule a match also on Thursday or Friday of the same scheduled week if it is strictly necessary and the adequate staff is available. In this case please communicate your reschedule as soon as you can to have more possibilities to find available staff for the match.
- If no one is able to be a Referee for your match, it will be postponed.
- For Qualifiers only: rescheduling is open until the beginning of the lobby the player signed for only in extreme cases and possibly providing reasons to the staff, otherwise rescheduling for Qualifiers lobbies is regularly open until 1 hour before the involved lobby. This does not apply to other stages, it is strictly a Qualifiers feature.
- Matches’ schedules will be released a week before the match.
- Matches can be rescheduled in the #reschedules channel in the Discord server following the pinned format and a proof that both parts agree with the change (screenshot).
- Reschedules can be presented until Wednesday 23:59 UTC+0 of the week in which the match will take place.
- Players can reschedule a match also on Thursday or Friday of the same scheduled week if it is strictly necessary and the adequate staff is available. In this case please communicate your reschedule as soon as you can to have more possibilities to find available staff for the match.
- If no one is able to be a Referee for your match, it will be postponed.
- For Qualifiers only: rescheduling is open until the beginning of the lobby the player signed for only in extreme cases and possibly providing reasons to the staff, otherwise rescheduling for Qualifiers lobbies is regularly open until 1 hour before the involved lobby. This does not apply to other stages, it is strictly a Qualifiers feature.