
[Archived] Accuracy won't go up but score will.

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Dr Tenma_old
Hi! I'm a new Osu! player and I've been improving a lot going from 50%~ accuracy from when I first started to 84.43% which I am right now. But Even though I'm getting higher accuracies for higher difficulties then my already lower ones my accuracy wont go up. It's stuck at 84.43% whether I play a new song or an old one. However my score and level continue to rise.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thanks!
P.S I read the common issues and I think it may be related to my PP. But just incase it's a bug or if I'm missing something extremely obvious I'd appreciate any help pointing me in the right direction. C:
Indeed it is related to your PP.
Only scores that have contributed to your PP are counted towards your accuracy.
Even if you 100% 50 maps that give you no PP, your accuracy won't budge at all.
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Dr Tenma_old
I know my answers been answered and all but can you give me an example of a song that will give PP and one that will not? o:
Thanks for replying by the way!
New/popular Hard and Insane maps are excellent for PP. You'd need to rank fairly decent (#500 or better) on those types of maps before your accuracy can increase. Your profile's Recent Activity section records your "good" plays, so check back often to see if you are gaining PP.
In my experience old/unpopular Hard modes work better. The less unique people who have played the map, the better the chance it will give you pp. It could be a coincedence though. Newer maps may give pp too, but I don't play newly ranked maps.

TheVileOne wrote:

In my experience old/unpopular Hard modes work better. The less unique people who have played the map, the better the chance it will give you pp. It could be a coincedence though. Newer maps may give pp too, but I don't play newly ranked maps.
I'm certain the wiki states that the map's newness plays a factor in pp reward.

Also, I've heard that old maps stop giving pp after some time, supposedly around a year or over.

chelly wrote:

I'm certain the wiki states that the map's newness plays a factor in pp reward.

Also, I've heard that old maps stop giving pp after some time, supposedly around a year or over.
nope. irrc pp is based on your online record compared with overall plays. And when you defear someone whom pp are higher than you, you have better chances in getting moar pp

also, what 'stop giving pp' in one year means : when you got a really good record ( # 1 of 10,000 overall ) it gives you much pp. and you pp will be increasing slowly, if many ppl keep playing that beatmap but no one are defeating you. but after one year no matter how much ppl playing that beatmap, you won't get pp
Please re-read the wiki. Both statements made by chelly are wrong.
Okay so I'm fairly new.... been playing less than a year now and I have improved a lot. But now my account is pretty stagnant. No PP gains and barely Score increase whilst accuracy won't go higher than 92.08% even if I FC a map.

xannie416 wrote:

Okay so I'm fairly new.... been playing less than a year now and I have improved a lot. But now my account is pretty stagnant. No PP gains and barely Score increase whilst accuracy won't go higher than 92.08% even if I FC a map.
you're replying to a 12 years old post lol. The reason why this is happening to you now is due to community/forums/topics/2051204?n=1
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