
Modification of Hawku Drivers to Enable Compatibility with Huion HS64

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I recently purchased a Huion HS64 and want to use the Hawku drivers. The reason I think it should be possible to do this is because they are compatible with the Huion H430P which is similar in design both internally and physically, minus a few dimension changes.

In the source code on Github this code snippet in /TabletDriverService/config/tablet.cfg:
# Huion H430P
USBTablet "{62F12D4C-3431-4EFD-8DD7-8E9AAB18D30C}"
CheckString 201 "HUION_T176"
Name "Huion H430P"
ReportId 0x08
ReportLength 12
DetectMask 0x80
IgnoreMask 0x60
MaxX 24384
MaxY 15240
MaxPressure 4095
Width 121.92
Height 76.20
InitStrings 100 200
AuxReportId 0x08
AuxReportLength 12
AuxDetectMask 0xE0
AuxgnoreMask 0x80
AuxCustomData ReportId Source=0
AuxCustomData ButtonsLow Source=4 SourceMask=0x0F
AuxCustomData Detect Source=1
AuxButtonCount 4

There are also some Huion related entries in TabletDriverGUI/App.xaml.cs and TabletDriverGUI/MainWindow.Settings.cs but these seem to just be for GUI rendering.

If possible, a solution without rewriting large parts of the source code but I am willing to compile/build if necessary.
moved from general discussion
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