
Question on How Advanced player grinds

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I've just reached 5000 pp few days ago. Soon I realised that it is getting harder and harder to improve even a little in long time.

Can any pros give me some tips and tricks?

1.How do I grind slightly faster in higher difficulty rank maps.

2.What kind of pattern improves stamina in a faster way? (Jack, Chordstream, LN stream, or maybe some more specific patterns?)

3.How you guys plan your "training routine"(hardcore player maybe?) to let you grind and recover fast at the same time?

Watched some osu!mania progressions in youtube. some players are really excellent they can reach 10th dan or even α/β reform dan in just a year. I've been playing for one year and 4 months and im currently rf6
I don't consider myself pro, but I'm no random

1. can't help you on the first question, fuck ranked

2. Pretty much anything helps stamina, but I don't think LNs will.

3. here's how I train:
-warmup with speed maps
-warmup with jacks
-speeds jacks
-kinda tired so i play slow but dense chordjacks + longjacks
-regained some stamina after playing slower jacks so play speed jacks again
-tired again so play some fun dense chordjack/longjack maps like give it to dem (at 0.85/0.9)
-tired af cant play jacks anymore so rest 1-2 min
-play stamina maps till i can't play well anymore

In the past, I did speed maps after playing jacks, but I hated playing speed maps. Almost all of them sound shit except for like moon gate. It drove me crazy. Also, for some weird reason, being tired from jacks affected me playing speed maps way more than stamina maps.

There's ups and downs with being a one trick:
pro: you can consistently see your progress, track how well you are progressing, and become respectable in that skill set
con: you suck at other skills and if you're having a bad day, you want to be a school shooter

To respond to your last point, reaching different dan levels is 90% practice and 10% talent imo. Reaching alpha/beta level within one year is possible and should be normal if you can play at least two hours everyday without breaks and have the proper knowledge. It's just that most people have other things they have to do in their lives and can't play consistently. You also have to factor in age, if you're younger you learn faster.
to be honest i dont really have a routine i just play whatever i feel like playing
since im having fun i end up touching almost all skillsets in a session

if youre bored download, download, download more beatmaps

seeing that you play both 4k and 7k if you get bored of one keymode play the other one, i usually touch both keymodes in sessions to keep myself entertained

When it comes to ranked play i usually only try and grind pp when im peaked in energy
then i go to profiles with 200-300 more pp than me and farm their top plays

dont let dans be the sole determining factor of your progress, this video gives good insight on why this can harm you instead of help you
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Big thanks to edp446 and timebombed, you guys just like enlightened me to enjoy, instead of "playing" the game. Hope I can better no matter what, I still love the game. Anyway big thanks and good luck always.
I'm no pro nor 4k player, but I can give some advice on how to keep ur mindset healthy during ur grinding session.

1.How do I grind slightly faster in higher difficulty rank maps.
You don't. Grinding is not something that can be done quickly. It's why you grind; a slow but forward journey. Especially at high levels, your improvement might slow down. It's all a part of improvement.

2.What kind of pattern improves stamina in a faster way? (Jack, Chordstream, LN stream, or maybe some more specific patterns?)
No comment as I don't specialize in 4k. The best advice from learning 7k speed tho is to not pause unless you feel sharp/unnatural pain, or if your fingers are "stuck". If your fingers become stuck, it means lactic acid is built up in ur fingers. Take a short break, do some finger stretches, and keep playing. If its unnatural/sharp pain tho, stop for the day.

3.How you guys plan your "training routine"(hardcore player maybe?) to let you grind and recover fast at the same time?
I used to be an LN player, and I would focus 3 days on FLN(inverses), 3 days on brackets, and 1 day on farming. Now, I've switched my focus on more rice/speed, so my current routine is 2 days on speed, 3 days on brackets, 1 day on FLN, and 1 day on farming/rest.
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Haengsyo wrote:

I'm no pro nor 4k player, but I can give some advice on how to keep ur mindset healthy during ur grinding session.

1.How do I grind slightly faster in higher difficulty rank maps.
You don't. Grinding is not something that can be done quickly. It's why you grind; a slow but forward journey. Especially at high levels, your improvement might slow down. It's all a part of improvement.

2.What kind of pattern improves stamina in a faster way? (Jack, Chordstream, LN stream, or maybe some more specific patterns?)
No comment as I don't specialize in 4k. The best advice from learning 7k speed tho is to not pause unless you feel sharp/unnatural pain, or if your fingers are "stuck". If your fingers become stuck, it means lactic acid is built up in ur fingers. Take a short break, do some finger stretches, and keep playing. If its unnatural/sharp pain tho, stop for the day.

3.How you guys plan your "training routine"(hardcore player maybe?) to let you grind and recover fast at the same time?
I used to be an LN player, and I would focus 3 days on FLN(inverses), 3 days on brackets, and 1 day on farming. Now, I've switched my focus on more rice/speed, so my current routine is 2 days on speed, 3 days on brackets, 1 day on FLN, and 1 day on farming/rest.
Wow, didn't realise any comments from 7k pkayer as 7k players are rare for me lol. I love and play 7k much too, and your daily routine is really nice for me, maybe I can try it, appreciate it
1. uh, idk
2. probably jacks but everything works
i warm up with maps that are relatively hard, but not to the point where I cant even A rank it. I play maps that I can atleast S rank for warm up. you should not be worried if it s abad session because those happen
enjoy the game, you dont need to grind for any dan because thats just gonna destroy you
if you want a good session, sleep well, eat well, and have a good mindset
doesnt work everytime but thats basically all
to improve all you really have to do is, play
get new maps, uprate maps, and please dont brute force and only play maps that you can atleast a rank to actually see improvement
this is how i got delta dan in under a year of playing the game and im still improving really fast because i play new maps, uprate maps, and i dont stress myself out because of dans
you should play almost every skillset everyday if you want to see improvement on everything, but if you want to improve on just one skillset you should focus on that for a session or more and hope that you dont rust on the other ones
if you wanna improve at ln, i recommend playing with scorev2
thats all i guess
I'm around like your skill level ish, but here's my 2 cents
1: I wouldn't really recommend playing ranked maps to improve, they're generally not all that helpful for most skillsets

2: really anything works for improving stamina as long as it's, ya know, stamina draining. I personally feel like dense chordjacks are the most helpful for improving overall stamina but it's important to make sure you don't just have good stamina in 1 certain skillset, so try some JS/HS and stream stamina charts as well

3: I don't necessarily have a defined routine when I play mania, but here's my general gameplan

Warm up with accuracy stuff
Move onto whatever skillset I feel like playing
Get a few scores for that skillset
Try to go for whatever scores I'm pushing for
Get scores for the other skillsets
I'm working on to stay fresh with them
Try to go for 1 last good score

That's just what I find to be most effective, here's some other tips I've found to be helpful

Use rate mods as much as you can, and don't feel ashamed for not always playing a file on whatever your max rate score is. I know it may sound dumb, but this is something I struggle with. For one reason or another, it's hard for me to swallow my pride when it comes to rate mods, and if I couldn't go for a good score on something on my max rate, I just wouldn't play the song even if it'd be helpful for the skillset I was trying to improve on.

Go for different types of scores, and still finish the charts if you don't get them. A Ranks, S Ranks, 97-98% runs, FCs, SS's, whatever, try to get a good amount of each, and don't just quit out if you screw up. I know it can be tempting to just reset if you miss on an FC, but finishing the chart will give you more familiarity with the later parts of it, which will only make future attempts easier.
I'm not the greatest player in the world like I said, but I hope this advice was at least somewhat helpful for you.
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nanhira wrote:

1. uh, idk
2. probably jacks but everything works
i warm up with maps that are relatively hard, but not to the point where I cant even A rank it. I play maps that I can atleast S rank for warm up. you should not be worried if it s abad session because those happen
enjoy the game, you dont need to grind for any dan because thats just gonna destroy you
if you want a good session, sleep well, eat well, and have a good mindset
doesnt work everytime but thats basically all
to improve all you really have to do is, play
get new maps, uprate maps, and please dont brute force and only play maps that you can atleast a rank to actually see improvement
this is how i got delta dan in under a year of playing the game and im still improving really fast because i play new maps, uprate maps, and i dont stress myself out because of dans
you should play almost every skillset everyday if you want to see improvement on everything, but if you want to improve on just one skillset you should focus on that for a session or more and hope that you dont rust on the other ones
if you wanna improve at ln, i recommend playing with scorev2
thats all i guess
Thanks nanhira god owo
here are some tips first so always take break when you needed and you will suddenly get skillboost trust me it will happen for sure but not always working (skillboost).

1, always try to find what's hard for you but wasn't impossible and grind it for multiple times until you can beat it with accuracy of 98-99%+ then move on to another diffcult rank maps, well there's also another method.... PAUSE THE MAP and decrease the amount of the pause everytime you do the rank map. (well that's how I do it).

2, anything other than LN but I would suggest Handstream or Jack, base on yourself try a hard map that is long, I do DJ sharpnel (their music is banger)maps to improve stamina, but make sure to pause when you are like super tired or your finger can't move like it stop moving

3, well I just train by playing harder beatmaps eveytime (like the 1), grind from consistency -> stamina -> speed -> jack.

4, Well some players not just start from osu mania they probably play other rhythm games too (like me), but I speedrun from 10th dan to beta in less than 3 months lol and i'm about to reach gamma. But it's not really worth it, i'm doing it because for one purpose "competitive", you don't really have to put everything into dans and could just enjoy the game, lastly try get a rate changer so you don't have to go find maps all over the place but still couldn't find higher speed version of it. uhh so far I use this one

sometimes progress can be slow and can be fast it's randomize lol, for me "No talent Pure effort"
some DJ sharpnel maps that could use for improving stamina: (Ig all handstream haha)
based necro
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