
Therion - The Crowning of Atlantis

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Gladi wrote:


This map is awesome.
>_______________________< V
Miliard =
''Source: Crowning of Atlantis" - is that the album? I think albums don't go to source.

Can't say anything, except "Go go ShaggoN!" :D
gj, really nice map :3
Amazing how this map change (for better) since I saw for the first time. Good work :3 (just a fact, I love this song. Therion <3)

Anyway, star ;*
Bitter wanted me to forced me

Bia wrote:

Bitter wanted me to forced me
You are not forced to star maps :P

Anyways, good luck ShaggoN!
nice map :D
Good job :)

Really minor suggestion for [Hard] that is really a Insane+

also pointed out the Illegal spinners

Star for awesome map
This song is <3. Every song that I've seen you map has been an awsome song.

Blue = design/minor issues. you do not have to change these if you don't want to.
Orange = moderate issues. it would be best if you change these.
Red = major issues. you need to change these

  1. Timing looks great
  2. Delete the .osb? Since it isn't being used I don't think.
  3. Your Easy BG is *very very slightly* too big. its literally 1 pixel too big, 1023x769, while the maximum is 1024x768. Its only small, but I bet a BAT would ask you to shrink it a bit.

Awesome. Looks good


Feels pretty hard for a normal, especially compared to the easy. I couldn't see anything wrong though.


Is this diff going for approval? Looks a bit long for a ranked map. Its within 5 minutes though, So I'd wait for a BAT's word on that one.
A pretty nice difficulty though. Everything looks good to me.

Awesome stuff. Hard might be a little long, but there have been ranked maps that are longer. Nevertheless, Good job ;)

Topic Starter
Mapped part of hard difficulty (including breaks) is about 3:48 or something, anyway it's under 4 minutes. I don't know why osu counts it 5 minutes. o_O
Amazing changes in this map... it's really nice. And great song, of course (Therion <3)

ShaggoN wrote:

Mapped part of hard difficulty (including breaks) is about 3:48 or something, anyway it's under 4 minutes. I don't know why osu counts it 5 minutes. o_O
Ah. I see. must be some little thing in the .osu that is doing that.
:) :)
:) :) :) :!:
hii ^^ its just suggest , feel free to ignore it :)

nice , all fine
01:52:232 - 3 how about short 1 tick and with repeat and delete 4 (note)
01:54:320 - 3 same
02:04:238 - 2 this jump its really needed?
03:32:294 - 5 finish?
everything else its fine , really nice map ^^
01:17:522 - 3 whistle?
03:24:053 - 5 finish?
03:26:104 - 1 ^
wow this diff its amazing ^^
Get this ranked

Remove the file "hitcircleoverlay.png" or add an "hitcircle.png" and an "approachcircle.png". Remember to do a full submission.

Add a "spinner-background.png" and a "spinner-metre.png" into the folder. This needs a full submission as well.



Stack leniency is unrankable. Increase it at least by 1 or 2 ticks.

Why on this difficulty the tags are totally different compared to Normal and Hard? Should be the same on all the difficulties.

Delete the latest 3 offsets because they are unused.

03:15:747 (3) - Silence the slidertick with some green timing sections or sounds weird to me.
03:17:835 (1) - ^


Stack leniency is unrankable. Increase it at least by 1 or 2 ticks.

Remove the latest offset because it's unused.

01:52:232 (3) - Same as Easy.
01:54:320 (3) - ^
03:13:659 (1) - ^
03:17:835 (3) - ^
03:51:211 (1) - ^


Stack leniency is unrankable. Increase it at least by 1 or 2 ticks.

Circle Size -1? Better to me.

02:08:935 (6) - New combo due to the jump.
02:48:213 (1) - Well... this spinner is unrankable but you did a great warning! I think it can be ranked anyway, but for this you need more BATs opinions.
03:15:616 (6) - Remove this circle? Sounds totally better to me.
03:45:992 (1) - Unrankable spinner. This should be changed at least.

This is a really great map. I liked it. Anyways, if you don't wanna add other things into your folder just force the default skin on all the difficulties. Good luck with the fixes.
Topic Starter
Everything fixed. Please redownload :3
Pointed out one little thing on IRC about Easy, now looks perfect!

it`s ranked
Yuji Tokaji
Congratz ~
Colin Hou
1 yeat's marathon lol

Genre: Rock (Instrumental)
It isn't Instrumental because there are lyrics on it. :/

Or maybe I'm wrong? o_O
No, there are lyrics. Just not at the preview point.
It should be Rock (English), then?

Edit: to be honest I'm not even sure if I would call this "Rock"... isn't there a bit of difference between melodic/symphonic metal and rock? lol
But then again, I don't really know much about this kind of music so pick what you think fits the most. >.>
Well changed for now.

Alace wrote:

it`s ranked
02:48:213 (1) - Ninja spinners are rankable now? Good job.

scar1410 wrote:

Alace wrote:

it`s ranked
02:48:213 (1) - Ninja spinners are rankable now? Good job.

dNextGen wrote:
Wizards in Winter : Oct 29, 2007
The Crowning of Atlantis : Jun 29, 2010
Rules are not the same in 2007, you know ?
Agreed with scar.

Even if there is a warning, a ninja spin shouldn't have been ranked. the rules are clear and the ninja spin is more a rule than a guideline.

So I think there's a problem here. And if you say "there's a warning" , It's not a reason.

scar1410 wrote:

Alace wrote:

it`s ranked
02:48:213 (1) - Ninja spinners are rankable now? Good job.

Not our fault your reflex sucks. Train here and don't complaint.
Topic Starter
i lol'd badly. if rules are so clear then go ahead and unrank 50% of beatmaps o.O
The only thing we are saying is regarding the date when the map was ranked. We are not asking for unrank or something. it's just that normally this should hacen't been ranked. I don't want to start a flame or something here, I'm just sayin that.

a 2010 map completely violating a rule. hm. that's what I mean.

For all of you that will say "GO TRAIN ON THAT MAP FOR NINJA SPIN" go away. I'm talking about now, and not about 2008/2007 maps where rules were not so clear.

I'm just surprised that no one even said something about that.

dNextGen wrote:

02:48:213 (1) - Ninja spinners are rankable now? Good job.
Ranked: Oct 29, 2007

ShaggoN wrote:

i lol'd badly. if rules are so clear then go ahead and unrank 50% of beatmaps o.O
this would be great if all maps with ninja spinners could be unranked... really...
but even if there are old maps with issues ...that's not a reason to rank that kind of maps now...

Sushi wrote:

The only thing we are saying is regarding the date when the map was ranked. We are not asking for unrank or something. it's just that normally this should hacen't been ranked. I don't want to start a flame or something here, I'm just sayin that.

a 2010 map completely violating a rule. hm. that's what I mean.

For all of you that will say "GO TRAIN ON THAT MAP FOR NINJA SPIN" go away. I'm talking about now, and not about 2008/2007 maps where rules were not so clear.

I'm just surprised that no one even said something about that.
Perhaps that's because no one is bitching about a single thing? Is anyone complaining about lack of distance spacing on [Insane]+ diffs? :roll:
Less whining, more skill. If people (especially MATs and BATs) didn't point this out, then we can say it's ok, huh?
Galkan. I'm talking as a mapper, not as a player.

If more skill = things that have been declared non-rankable, ok let's get back into 2007 maps. </irony>

What I mean, galkan, is that you're having some non-sense here.

If no one complained, that doesn't mean it is ok.

Be objective and stop having a biased look on this.
Well, this become too long with retard people like Galkan. :/
And my english is so bad.

Sushi wrote:

The only thing we are saying is regarding the date when the map was ranked. We are not asking for unrank or something. it's just that normally this should haven't been ranked. I don't want to start a flame or something here, I'm just sayin that.

a 2010 map completely violating a rule. hm. that's what I mean.

For all of you that will say "GO TRAIN ON THAT MAP FOR NINJA SPIN" go away. I'm talking about now, and not about 2008/2007 maps where rules were not so clear.

I'm just surprised that no one even said something about that.
That all~

btw Galkan, I didn't play this map.
Topic Starter
Anyways, come on...this spin is easy to 300 >_>

scar1410 wrote:

Well, this become too long with retard people like Galkan. :/
I'm retarded 'cause? I don't cry for every single thing that whole community didn't bitch about since this map is ranked?

scar1410 wrote:

btw Galkan, I didn't play this map.

Sushi wrote:

Galkan. I'm talking as a mapper, not as a player.
If more skill = things that have been declared non-rankable, ok let's get back into 2007 maps. </irony>
What I mean, galkan, is that you're having some non-sense here.
If no one complained, that doesn't mean it is ok.
Be objective and stop having a biased look on this.
How funny... not. So, from this PoV all that speed ups/downs/jumps/fast spins/etc are 2007-style and unrankable, huh?
Seriously, stop it. Both from mapper and player PoV you shouldn't even say a thing because...

ShaggoN wrote:

Anyways, come on...this spin is easy to 300 >_>
and it's not only HIS feeling as s a mapper, because no one pointed it (look who was modding)!. From now on, I will ignore all of your whining posts unless you:

a) point thing which is REALLY wrong
b) bring here BAT(s) and they tell I'm wrong and made a mistake in map rating.
Nice map!

map was ranked like 4 months ago.. submitted a year ago.. why would you even bring this up.. i swear some of you people need to buy a new brain or something

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

map was ranked like 4 months ago.. submitted a year ago.. why would you even bring this up.. i swear some of you people need to buy a new brain or something
ok...then I submit a map now with a ninja spinner ... it's ranked ... and 4 monthes later it's fine ????? *0*
are you kidding ??
if nobody bring that up, there would be other ninja spinners so... !!!

Eirene wrote:

yeahyeahyeahhh wrote:

map was ranked like 4 months ago.. submitted a year ago.. why would you even bring this up.. i swear some of you people need to buy a new brain or something
ok...then I submit a map now with a ninja spinner ... it's ranked ... and 4 monthes later it's fine ????? *0*
are you kidding ??
if nobody bring that up, there would be other ninja spinners so... !!!
My point is, complain about it then, while its pending. It was submitted a year about, you had a whole year up to 4 months ago to say something about it. Its dumb to attack a map 4 months after its ranked, should we go back and attack all maps in the past that have 1 thing unrankable in it? We might be busy. I will end my argument here.
Ok every thread I go on these days seems to have an argument on it.

How about you know...go out for Halloween or something and have some fun

Yes the spinner is a bad idea (if makes no difference if you can 300 it or not, its a bad idea), it was missed by modders apprently. Any need to argue for the next few days over it?

James2250 wrote:

Yes the spinner is a bad idea (if makes no difference if you can 300 it or not, its a bad idea), it was missed by modders apprently. Any need to argue for the next few days over it?
No, no.

osuplayer111 wrote:

02:48:213 (1) - Well... this spinner is unrankable but you did a great warning! I think it can be ranked anyway, but for this you need more BATs opinions.
Because of "great" warning, it's rankable ? This is the problem...
Hmm but well...
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