
Here's how you Linux players can get the Boss-Key to work again!

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Hello There,

As of recently I have completely moved to Linux (Arch BTW) and got osu! to run too (which isn't too hard). Although everything is working fine for me and the latencies are perfectly good, I've been really missing the boss-key feature. So I did some digging and found out how you can do it. It's extremely simple to do and my osu! runs just as before with minor changes (my ingame font changed for some reason)

How to enable the boss-key on linux:
1. Install wine-staging instead of wine-stable / wine if you haven't already.
2. Open winecfg in your osu! Wine-prefix (can be done via running WINEARCH=win32 WINEPREFIX=/dir/to/your/prefix winecfg in the terminal)
3. Go to the "Staging" tab in the configuration window.
4. Enable the "Hide Wine version from applications" checkbox and click "Apply", then "OK".
5. Profit??

If you now hit the boss-key ingame it should minimize to an system tray icon (it does for me in KDE Plasma, might be different in other WMs / DEs as they handle some stuff differently. Feel free to report on your experience).

Please do note that this might cause issues with other things in osu!, I still haven't tested this thoroughly. Peppy disabled this feature knowingly, as can be seen here: community/forums/topics/362773.
Tested this on LXDE (both the old and the new GTK3 one) and Cinnamon, can confirm it's working in both DEs without any issues
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