
Taiko Colosseum v2.0

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Note: This is an updated version of the previous forum post as many rules have been updated.

The Taiko Colosseum is a place to hold organise friendly matches between taiko players. When a match is registered, it will be organised and staffed with a referee. We try to stream as many matches as we can with commentators. In doing so, we hope to let everyone practice competitiveness and become comfortable with matches, without the stress and strain of a full tourney. There are no rank limits and but a few match restrictions. Of course, you can practice for tourneys here.

This is a continuous project cut up into 3-month-long seasons. We are currently on the Spring 2022 season, this is our sixth season since reviving the project!

  1. The base procedure is as follows: You find someone (or several people) to play a match with. You decide which level you want to play and register your match using the google form in the discord server. Your match will then be processed by the host and staffed. Rules regarding registration are found in the next block.
  2. The mappooling staff will make a set of mappools for each season. These will remain for the full season, but players are free to bring in custom pools for their matches. There are 16 pools made per season, 3 for each of the first 5 difficulty levels and 1 level 6 pool. People can choose whichever pool they want to play for their match.
  3. There are 6 difficulty levels in the default TC pools, going from 1 to 6 in increasing difficulty. These are named after types of gladiators who fought in the Roman Colosseum. Their names and general star ratings are:
    1. Level 1: Cestus (2-3*)
    2. Level 2: Laquearius (3-4*)
    3. Level 3: Retiarius (4-5*)
    4. Level 4: Murmillo (5-6*)
    5. Level 5: Sagittarius (6-7*)
    6. Level 6: Samnite (min. 7*)
    Each level, except for level 6, has 3 pools, increasing in difficulty within the level.

Registration and Scheduling
  1. Matches have to be scheduled on the weekend.
  2. There have to be two weeks minimum between the date of registering and the match date. This to ensure that the staff has time to ensure things work smoothly, without getting a sudden surprise of 5 more matches for a given weekend.
  3. The registration form only has to be filled in once for a match. We assume that all players listed in the registration forms have given consent and want to partake.
  4. Custom rules and mappools can be added at the end of the matched registration form. Custom rules can change anything, except for rules regarding timers
  5. You can fill in an unmatched registration. This is a sort of poster board for people to put themselves on if they're looking for an opponent for a specific level. When someone responds to your unmatched registration, you fill in a matched registration form.
  6. Reschedules can be done until Thursday 23:59 UTC+0 in the week of your match.
  7. All matches will have a referee. We try to stream all matches with commentary, but we cannot guarantee this, unfortunately.
  8. A full schedule of matches, their referees, levels and which are streamed is posted sometime on Friday before the matches.
  1. All TC mappools consist of 5 NM's, 2 HD's, 2HR's, 2DT's, 3 FM's and 1 TB.
  2. NM's are played without mods and the mod brackets are played with their respective mods. FreeMod's can be played as NM, HD, HR or HDHR.
  3. For 1v1 and 2v2, both players/teams need to have at least 1 mod selected for FreeMod picks.
  4. For 3v3, both teams need to have at least 2 mods selected for FreeMod picks.
  5. For 4v4, both teams need 2 players to have 1 mod selected for FreeMod picks.
  6. The TieBreaker is played as a FreeMod, but doesn't require mods and can be played without mods entirely.
  7. Custom mappools are allowed but need to be sent a week in advance of your match to the referee (If no referee has taken your match yet, send it to the host). This means that, if you register this week, you have to send it by the end of the following week. There are no limitations on your custom pool. As long as both teams are okay with it, you can play it.
  8. Custom mappools must be sent in as a .rar file containing the .osz files of the beatmaps AND a .txt document with a list of all the pool info noted as such:
    [pool ID]: Artist - Title (creator) [Difficulty], Map ID.
    Example -> DT1: Nog - Aether Ritual (Kqrth) [Ritual Oni], 1939224
  9. Referees need map ID's in order to ref. Please don't make them look up all the map ID's themselves.
General Match Regulations
  1. All matches are played as BO11 (first to 6). The regular mappool size is 15, where each player/team gets to ban 1 map. This may be different for custom pools/rules.
  2. All matches are played with TeamVs and ScoreV2 on. The name of the lobby will have the following structure: TC: (Player1/Team1) vs (Player2/Team2)
  3. The referee is to keep track of timers and ensure all players follow the rules. Their decisions are final and arguing with them is seen as disrespectful.
  4. Players are to be respectful towards the referee and their opponents. Being disrespectful can result in the referee removing you from the match entirely. Examples of disrespect are (but aren't limited to): Arguing with the referee, calling people names, being hateful in any way, getting mad at wins/losses and other toxic behaviour.
  5. Teasing isn't disrespectful per se, but someone can still interpret your behaviour as hateful or toxic. If someone asks you to stop, do so.
Base Match Procedure
  1. 10 minutes before match time, a referee will make a private lobby and invite both players/team captains. Team captains are to invite the rest of their team themselves.
  2. If not enough players are online by match time, the match can be postponed for a maximum of 10 minutes. If after this time not enough players are online to begin, the match is ended and the player/team who is online and in the room wins by default.
  3. For teams, as long as enough players are in the room to fill the slots, the match can proceed. If someone isn't available until later into the match, that's fine.
  4. Once enough players are online, the warmups will be played.
  5. Each player/team gets to pick 1 warmup. This must be sent an hour before match time to the referee. When a referee takes your match, they will appear under the match on the main sheet. Warmups can have a maximum drain time of 4 minutes. If a player/team fails to send in a warmup, they will not get one during the match.
  6. After the warmups, both players/team captains will roll a random number using the !roll command.
  7. The roll winner chooses to either decide the picking order OR the banning order. The roll loser then decides the other order once the winner has picked.
  8. Players/captains will have 2 minutes to give their ban.
  9. Players/captains will have 2 minutes to give their pick. Afterwards, they have 2 minutes to get ready.
  10. Failing to ban/pick in this time results in the referee banning/picking a random map using a roll. If a team captain is disconnecting in this time, a player is allowed to give the ban/pick.
  11. Picks/bans can be done across the entire pool except for the TieBreaker.
  12. Failed scores are counted and can be checked in the mp link of the match.
  13. If a map ends in a draw. The score is nullified and the map is replayed. this can be done so twice before the map picker is asked to pick a different map.
  14. If a player disconnects within 30 seconds of a pick, the map is aborted and replayed. Each side will get to do this once over the entire match.
  15. If a player disconnects after 30 seconds, there will be no aborts.
  16. If a player disconnects/is disconnected before the map begins, they get a maximum of 10 minutes to get back into the match.
  17. For teams, if one of their players disconnects before a map and they have more players to choose from, they have 2 minutes to decide who fills in for the disconnected player. Otherwise they too get those 10 minutes. Attempting to wait those 10 minutes when another player is available is seen as stalling.
  18. These 10 minutes 'postponement time' are all both teams have for the entire match and cannot be reused.

no fucking way
omg this is such a cool idea....
My Angel Seia
haha i rolypoly
taiko gaming
seems fun
-Green tea-
New season's pools are out, matches resume in 2 weeks.
someone do this for STD, nice concept but i succ at taiko
-Green tea-
Season Spring 2022 starts next week so imma bump this

-Jayden wrote:

someone do this for STD, nice concept but i succ at taiko
They did, its called maidbot :trolley:
the taiko colosseum had its final match today
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