A revision of my original FreeMod Skin that I made back in March 2021 for the Skinning Contest. A grayscale/ monochromatic skin with subtle low-saturation colors here and there.
What's new compared to 1.2.0?
- Nearly everything from the UI to the gameplay has been tweaked and redesigned to look cleaner
- Now includes more SFX for buttons (hovering, clicking), typing, volume bar, etc.
- Animations for menu-back and hit-0, 50, 100
- Extra cursors and 2 extra sets of default-numbers
- Now with freemodallowed.png
- [11/29/2021] Added image for menu bg and extra imgur link for the screenshots since they won't load properly here
- [09/12/2021] Minor design tweaks and more optimized customs folder
- [07/18/2021] Remade in-game 100, 50, and miss to be more visible
Click to view
Menu BG (I don't have supporter so I only have the image itself. Rest assured, you will see this when you open up the game Finally got supporter yay)
Song Selection
Gameplay #1
Gameplay #2
Gameplay #3
Section Pass
Section Fail
Pause Menu
Fail Menu
Ranking Screen
Ranking Screen (Stats)
Skip Button
- applause.wav - ASGORE/Undertale [Music Box] by R3 Music Box
- Hitsounds and UI sound effects made by me