
ave;new feat. Sakura Saori - Piste SMILE Non-stop!!

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lol, i already have this music from a long time. Good luck Andrea :3
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Moved to Pending Beatmaps :)
It's DS' Hard, as DS does end on an s-sound and so the genitive should not be s's but rather only s'.

(Same goes for x, z and ß)
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I'll tell that to Bruno, but usually he wants to keep the 's at the end as well.

Jenny wrote:

It's DS' Hard, as DS does end on an s-sound and so the genitive should not be s's but rather only s'.

(Same goes for x, z and ß)
I know that it's DS instead DS's but I already ranked 10 guest diffs like this, so it wouldn't be ok if I use a different one now, shouldn't be a big problem.
Cleaned thread. If you don't have criticism for this map specifically, do not post here.
Wrong tittleeeee!!! I told you the correct one, but why its still wrong??

ave;new Project feat. Sakura Saori - Piste ☆SMILE♪ Non-stop!! ~ Kagayake Ashina no Star Dai Sakusen~
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Miya wrote:

Wrong tittleeeee!!! I told you the correct one, but why its still wrong??

ave;new Project feat. Sakura Saori - Piste ☆SMILE♪ Non-stop!! ~ Kagayake Ashina no Star Dai Sakusen~
I have added the rest as tags, the osz gets corrupted if I add that part of the title.

EDIT: Reported in Technical Support.

EDIT2: After many tests, it's characters' limit on title, added the other part of title in tags.
I added correct artist using notepad and my osu still alive, you should try.

+ starred
I am from your M4M post and I am new to modding so I hope this helps :)

00:12:380 - 's game play was uncomfortable.Too many tight notes.
00:16:343 - 's stream is far away for a continuing stream.Put them closer.
00:25:965 - 's game play was a bit tight (The notes were a bit off beat)
00:37:852 - ~Add a circle.Without it,it's kinda confusing.
01:24:267 - ~01:24:762 - : I think it should be triplets as it matches the beat more.
I think 01:32:050 - should be a triplet and then make a triangle jump to make the ending match the jump beats.

This difficulty is as good as perfect ^^ That's what I had to expect from you :)

There should be more triplets in the map.I am not trying to brag but this I could complete this map with a track pad ><.
Some notes could be further away to make it harder.

01:21:764 - Should start a new combo to not let the beginners get confused with the beat.Same for 01:23:984 -
Others are fine.

The star shaped slider in the end could be fixed in order to look more like a star,as the end does not link the head of the slider.

I hope this helped! :)
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Thanks ^^
May i make taiko diff? please :3
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Sorry, I don't want taiko/ctb/mania guest difficulties. ><
Trying M4M from your queue >w<
All fine~
I'll just be really nazi lol =w=

Saten's Normal
00:07:003 (3) - The distance here. If it's not intentional I think you should fix it since you use 1.00x here :3.
00:14:644 (1) - 117|59 to stack with (1)
00:37:569 (1) - NC here?
00:38:135 (3) - Same as 00:07:003 (3) but in this case around 1.35
Just a suggestion maybe.. : 01:10:116 (4,5) - put finishes on both heads.
01:13:512 (1) - move to 257|171 to stack with (1)
01:27:097 (1) - maybe move it to 248|96?

DS's Hard
00:18:607 (3) - move the end point a little for a better blanket
00:20:588 (1,2,3) - maybe like this?, Coordinates are: (1) at 328|238 (2) at 395|157 (3) at the same place where it was.
00:20:871 (3,4) - make it so it curls evenly around?
01:25:824 (4,7) - maybe copy (4) and Rotate a little bit to make them similiar ?
Same finish suggestion just like in Easy

00:56:814 (6) - Stack it
01:16:059 (2) - Ctrl G ? Flows better imo
01:30:635 (7,1) - Maybe remove these and put some circles (jumps) ?
Same finish suggestion just like in Easy

This is all I could find to suggest~
Nice map~ :3 and catchy song >w<
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Thanks for modding!

Fixed some stuff and updated.
hey there, m4m i guess :P

so let's start then


00:07:993 (2) - Maybe, just maybe, rotate this by some degrees to the right, to get a nice path between 00:07:569 (1,2) - these two!
00:12:380 (1,2,3) - It's just me I suppose but could you check this part? Because for me, it sounds wrong... the jump to 00:12:805 (3) - doesn't fit the vocal (or the background) at all, .. up to you
00:17:899 (4,5,6,7) - Try this pattern! It has a better flow for overall.
00:22:427 (5) - An angular slider would fit better here, just to follow some nice patterns before, because the current curve seems a bit weird for me
00:40:965 (4,1) - What about stacking 4 to the slider start?
01:32:616 (10) - What about making this finish louder?

can't say much about it, there aren't a lot things i could suggest because it would destroy your map :D good job~

[DS's Hard]

00:23:984 (2) - I think the blanket could be a little better here, move the last white point a bit down.
01:06:295 (3,4) - This confused me a little, try regular spacing
01:28:088 (4,5,6) - Try this pattern? It looks a bit nicer if it's round imo

This map is really awesome! The blankets are perfectly used, the only thing i kinda dislike are these stacks (00:34:880 (6,7) - like this) Maybe you could replace some of them by sliders .. but it's up to you, i didn't mod them because it's like the map style of this map. xD

[Saten's Normal]

HP 2 and OD 3? raeally? increase both by 1, at least to get a better diffspread

00:14:644 (1) - This isn't perfectly stacked with 00:12:380 (1) - , please fix it :)
00:40:682 (2,3,4) - Could you check the DS between them? it seems like it isn't the same.
01:29:361 (1) - O: kawaii

Looks fine as well, just nazi i suppose ><

Sorry for that crap mod, but yeah, there isn't much to say, nice mapset!
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Okay, fixed some small stuff.

Thanks for modding! <3
and looks fixed now, i wonder what the hell happened o_O
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Yeah that's a weird bug, submitting again fixed it.

Thank you anyways!
Thanks for modding, fixed some stuff.
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Updated o3o

kk bby

[Saten's Easy]

  1. 00:07:852 (1,2,1) - So repetitive ;A; Use different pattern?
  2. 00:12:380 (1,2,1) - ^
  3. 00:25:258 (4) - Have a beat instead of a slider,so it's more predictable for newbies
  4. 00:50:588 (1) - Add a beat here and move the spinner start on 00:50:871 (1) and the end on 00:50:871 (1) . Looks and sounds way better imo
    y u no ar10 on kiai
  5. 01:04:173 (2) - Isn't this too fast compared to the rest of the map?

    [DS's Hard]

  6. 00:22:427 (1) - I don't see why you added NC here
  7. 00:50:871 (1,2,3,4) - Use a different pattern,this one is too hard for a "Hard" diff
  8. 00:53:701 (4) - Add NC
  9. 00:54:267 (7) - ^
  10. 01:30:352 (3) - Hidden beat with a pause. Too confusive,use spacing for this one.

    [0108 Style]

  11. 00:12:380 (1,2,3,4) - Holy shit,jump enorme così all'inizio della mappa? Fallo un po' piu' facile..

Nice map val

/me runs

Chyo-Kun wrote:

[Saten's Easy]

  1. 00:07:852 (1,2,1) - So repetitive ;A; Use different pattern? different? look at the rest of the map =w=
  2. 00:12:380 (1,2,1) - ^ ^
  3. 00:25:258 (4) - Have a beat instead of a slider,so it's more predictable for newbies how would a hitcircle help them predict this better?
  4. 00:50:588 (1) - Add a beat here and move the spinner start on 00:50:871 (1) and the end on 00:50:871 (1) . Looks and sounds way better imo I used to have it like that, but then I changed my mind. It also makes the spinner fairly long enough
    y u no ar10 on kiai lol
  5. 01:04:173 (2) - Isn't this too fast compared to the rest of the map? how?
[ Zzz ]
HI~ Andrea

Saten's Normal

01:00:776 (2) - Can you try

01:29:361 (1) - You Here Change This?
(I If you change I think that ...)


Very interesting map !!

DS's Hard

00:03:748 (2) - x388 y272 More Good Thinking Shape

00:02:192 (3,4,5,6) - Notes Do not overlap Better I think that ... ex : Do not try Roughly like that

00:04:597 (3,4,5,6) - Notes Do not overlap Better I think that ... ex : 00:06:861 (3,4,5,6) -

00:11:248 (1,2,3,4) - Seems to be obscured

00:13:795 (2,3) - x288 y324 More Good Thinking Shape

00:47:899 (6) - Seems to be obscured

00:54:692 (8) - ^

01:20:729 (2) - x416 y248 More Good Thinking Shape

01:21:578 (3,4,5,6) - = 00:04:597 (3,4,5,6) - Notes Do not overlap Better I think that ... ex : 00:06:861 (3,4,5,6) -

Like this

01:27:522 (2) - x396 y256 More Good Thinking Shape

+Star!! Good Map!!
My mods are so bad </3

Sorry ;(
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Thank you guys for checking :3

  • General
  1. Hard diff doesn't have Lead-in like the other difficulties.
    Inconsistency in AudioLeadIn:

    [DS's Hard] : 0
    [Insane] : 1000
    [Saten's Normal] : 1000
  2. I'm curious o.o why did you add Saten as Saten-san in tags? that's her previous username?
  3. Inconsistency in tags. Remove that "~" in Hard.
    Inconsistency in Tags:

    [DS's Hard] : osuplayer111 Darksonic Saten-san ~Kagayake Ashina no Star Dai Sakusen~
    [Insane] : osuplayer111 Darksonic Saten-san Kagayake Ashina no Star Dai Sakusen
    [Saten's Normal] : osuplayer111 Darksonic Saten-san Kagayake Ashina no Star Dai Sakusen
  • [DS's Hard]
  1. 00:03:748 (2) - Move this slider a grid to the right to make the pattern perfect. :P
  2. 00:07:286 (6) - ^ down in this case, to make a flower-like pattern. Yeah nazi stuff huehueahu
  3. 00:15:210 (4) - ^ this pattern would flow slightly better if you move this slider to x348 y224 (approximately) so I suggest you to do it. :3
  4. 00:17:899 (1) - This slider sounds awful where it ends. It sounds more according to the vocals if you extend it to 00:18:324. It would make much more sense and sound better. This also goes for 00:22:427 (1).
  5. 00:32:758 (1) - Move this slider a tad to the left to make this pattern look more clean? just a suggestion, as always.
  6. 00:51:437 (5) - This slider flow better if you place it over here rather than where it is now imo. It destroys a little bit the structure of the pattern but it feels more natural to play.
  7. 00:55:682 (2,3) - You can improve this blanket a bit, you know~
  8. 01:02:192 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) - This pattern flows a bit awkwardly. To make it flow more naturally, try selecting 01:02:758 (4,5) and then press CTRL+G. Do that with 01:03:324 (7,8) too. You'll see it plays better with the slider curves.
  9. 01:15:069 (4) - This is up to you but, this pattern flows awkward too, so my suggestion is moving 01:15:069 (4) like this to make it flow better.
  10. 01:19:597 (2) - Move this slider to x144 y136 for a slightly better pattern?
  11. 01:24:833 (1,2,3) - Well this pattern here is like this just because you wanted to stack 01:25:258 (2) with 01:23:984 (5). Well if that's the case, then make it flow good. If the curve is like this it will flow much better with the previous slider. The rest of the notes arrangement is up to you. :?

    Most of stuff mentioned are nazi/small details for polishment. Also some ways to make the flow better.
  • [Insane]
  1. 00:03:748 (3) - This pattern will flow better if you flip this slider vertically aka CTRL+J. Try it :3
  2. 00:06:861 (2) - This note flows a bit awkward with the next stream. To make it flow better with it try moving this note over here?
  3. 00:08:276 (3) - Again o3o this pattern would flow more naturally if you place this note over here. The same goes to 00:09:126 (7).
  4. 00:15:069 (3,4) - This flows bad because 00:15:069 (3)'s curve is oriented up. So why not placing (4) over there to make it fit with the curve?
  5. 00:16:272 (8,1) - I think these two streams are too far away from each other ;_; i can't tap them. Maybe im too bad at this game and that's all xD..
    00:24:833 (7) - Again to improve flow you can move this note to the left, so it fits with the previous slider curve.
  6. 01:14:503 (5) - To make this pattern less weird to play o.o how about moving this note a bit down?
  7. 01:20:305 (1) - Perhaps make this slider curved this way? to make a better flow with 01:20:588 (2,3). Just an example though. o3o
  8. 01:31:909 (2,3) - Tapping notes like this before a stream is painful ;_; breaking combo at the end of the song is painful as well. How about replacing these two notes with a slider? Again, it may be only me that feels this wrong.

    Very challenging difficulty, I must say.~

When I was looking at Saten's difficulty I thought it was a Easy difficulty (I don't know why, I'm just sleepy, I think I misreaded the difficulty name) but now that I know it is a Normal difficulty, I think it is fine.

Call me back Bakandrea o3o
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Thank you for the awesome mod, Kei.

Fixed most of the stuff <3
  • Changelog (IRC mod)
  1. Fixed some blankets in Hard.
  2. Fixed a NC bug in Hard and fixed a spacing error.
  3. Changed the background due to bad resolution. Changed it from 1024x640 to 1366x768.
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Thank you really much once again for your help, Kei. :)
Enna Alouette
Go go rank <3
Just asked myself if Saten's changes were applied :o
Which changes?
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Saten's difficulty didn't need any major fix, so if you mean the previous mods yeah, they're all addressed.
Less talk, more ranks please.

/me runs

Andrea wrote:

Saten's difficulty didn't need any major fix, so if you mean the previous mods yeah, they're all addressed.
Yeaaa, I meant Kei's mod in general owo.
It is, as far as I can see

Darksonic wrote:

Less talk, more ranks please.

/me runs
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Thanks a lot <333
gz Andrea, gz xD
Congratulations Andrea!! I already congratulated you ingame, but who cares o3o
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Thank you guys :D
Gratz <3
Gratz <3
lol what
Congratz huehue
gratsu >3<//
Grats Bakandrea!!
lol I wasn't ready to mod it yet anyway grats~
so tired when insane FC :o
interesting music + map :D
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