
Issue with skins

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So when I use default skin I am able to see 100 , 300 and other chinese or japanese signs when I roll that snake thing and at the end if you do it nicely then you can see 300 or 100 in game. But when I use other skin I am not able to see 100 , 300 etc while playing but they are visible in skin preview.

Example-Default :

Example-Aesthetic :
- Virtu -
These are intentionally removed for players' sake.

When facing higher difficulties, these 300s really are a nuisance, you can try it out by watching a pro replay in Default skin.

At a beginner's level, this is hard to notice though.

Let me know if you still wanna leave 300s visible.
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Qiyana-sama wrote:

Let me know if you still wanna leave 300s visible.
Ok thanks for telling. I dont really want the 300's.
Also I really like the cursor trail I saw in a video. In that video the trail of the cursor was becoming multicolored and was smooth.
This one -
- Virtu -
This one was modded by an external software called danser. It's currently not available in the main game.

The best alternative I can suggest is McOsu with rainbow cursor & force cursortrail on.
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Thanks. I dont understand anything regarding MCosu or danser coz they are on steam. I dont like steam. Also I dont want to go through that hassle just for a cursor trail. So thank you so much @Qiyana-sama for the support.
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