Bartek22830 and Intercambing in first place!
Vinno and rollpan in second place!
BoshyMan741 and Tekkito in third place!
- This is a 2v2 open rank international osu! standard tournament with team size 2.
- Mod pools, win condition, multiplayer settings, and team size requirements are going to be variable throughout this tournament. Many mappools will have those conditions change from map to map.
- All players must join the discord server; otherwise, your registration is void.
- The tournament will have a qualifier stage first; then, at most the top 64 Teams move on to a double elimination bracket stage.
- There will be a bracket reset in the Grand Finals if necessary.
- Matches in RO64 and RO32 are Best of 9.
- Matches in RO16 and QF are Best of 11.
- Matches in SF, F, and GF are Best of 13.
- Each Team gets 1 ban in RO64 and RO32 and 2 bans from RO16 to GF.
- The bracket stage will follow traditional seeding as follows: #1 vs. #64, #2 vs. #63, etc.
- All times are in UTC. Find your own time zone here. Alternatively, the current time in UTC is displayed on the main spreadsheet.
- Referees, Mappoolers, Playtesters, and Admins are NOT allowed to play in the tournament. However, graphic designers, commentators, and streamers ARE allowed to play.
- A referee will make the lobby at least 5 minutes before the match and ping the Teams in the discord server about their match. Teams should be online to receive their invites.
- Teams will be allowed 1 optional warmup each with a maximum song length of 4:00.
- Teams will !roll to determine pick and ban order. The winner of the roll chooses either the pick order or the ban order, and the loser chooses the remaining order.
- For example, if Team 1 wins the roll and chooses to ban second, Team 2 can choose to either pick first or second.
- If a team is not in the lobby by 10 minutes after the scheduled match start time, they lose all their bans.
- If a team is not in the lobby by 15 minutes after the scheduled match start time, they forfeit the match.
- Banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for that match.
- There are no restrictions on consecutive picks or bans.
- Each team has 120 seconds to pick/ban a map. After a team picks a map, both teams have 90 seconds to ready up for the map.
- All mods are allowed on the tiebreaker; however, all scores will be divided by their mod multiplier. Teams are not required to take any mods on the tiebreaker.
- In the case of a genuine disconnection in the first 30 seconds of the map, the map may be replayed. This can only be used once in a match per team. If a team disconnects on the same map twice in a row or on two different maps, they must deal with the consequences of their disconnect. This rule is to prevent abuse through manually leaving the game after missing on a map.
- All teams will play on the same mappool each week.
- There will be separate map pools for each round of play. The mappool format will be variable from week to week, with different ways of grouping maps.
- Expect the following star ratings for an equivalent aim consistency "NM1" map:
- Qualifiers: 6.70*
- RO64: 6.30*
- RO32: 6.55*
- RO16: 6.80*
- QF: 7.05*
- SF: 7.30*
- F: 7.55*
- GF: 7.80*
- Registrations End: July 16 at 23:59 UTC
- 2 week buffer for screening
- Qualifiers: July 30th - August 1st
- RO64: August 6th - August 8th
- RO32: August 13th - August 15th
- RO16: August 20th - August 22nd
- QF: August 27th - August 29th
- SF: September 3rd - September 5th
- F: September 10th - September 12th
- GF: September 17th - September 19th
Host: D I O
Spreadsheets: D I O, LeoFLT
Graphics: ChillierPear, D I O
Mappoolers: D I O
Streamers: Anexile, BubblyQT, chrissi, Cindergoat, D I O, Damarsh, DanX, im afk, Moltenfury, moof, Nambulance, oliebol, shdewz, Takiaz, tigereyes144, Toffi, Tuco, Xpekade
Commentators: Anexile, Cindergoat, D I O, Damarsh, Doomsday, freddiiieeee, moof, N1ghtbeat, Nambulance, Suicune3, tigereyes144, lystia, Toffi, Vaf
Referees: Aidown, AO4Lukas, Big Brayn, BlackBQ, BubblyQT, Chaozz, chrissi, Cindergoat, DanX, DizzyH, Evan1, Fairy Bread, freddiiieeee, GDLenny, Kaneko Chiharu, [K], kurtis-, LeoFLT, Mashyuf, MatthewBubbles, moof, Nambulance, P a t r i c k, Prade, real cute, Rijrya, shdewz, shineasone, SnipeTheNeko, Spartan Plume, Speshimen, StartAndSelect, Suicune3, Takiaz, TheAleboy, tigereyes144, Toffi, Tuudug, Vespulaz, Xpekade, Yazzehh