
Dio's Bizarre Autumn Duo Tournament [osu!STD Open Rank 2v2 Team Size 2]

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Congratulations to the top 3 teams!

Bartek22830 and Intercambing in first place!

Vinno and rollpan in second place!

BoshyMan741 and Tekkito in third place!

  1. This is a 2v2 open rank international osu! standard tournament with team size 2.
  2. Mod pools, win condition, multiplayer settings, and team size requirements are going to be variable throughout this tournament. Many mappools will have those conditions change from map to map.
  3. All players must join the discord server; otherwise, your registration is void.
  4. The tournament will have a qualifier stage first; then, at most the top 64 Teams move on to a double elimination bracket stage.
  5. There will be a bracket reset in the Grand Finals if necessary.
  6. Matches in RO64 and RO32 are Best of 9.
  7. Matches in RO16 and QF are Best of 11.
  8. Matches in SF, F, and GF are Best of 13.
  9. Each Team gets 1 ban in RO64 and RO32 and 2 bans from RO16 to GF.
  10. The bracket stage will follow traditional seeding as follows: #1 vs. #64, #2 vs. #63, etc.
  11. All times are in UTC. Find your own time zone here. Alternatively, the current time in UTC is displayed on the main spreadsheet.
  12. Referees, Mappoolers, Playtesters, and Admins are NOT allowed to play in the tournament. However, graphic designers, commentators, and streamers ARE allowed to play.

  1. A referee will make the lobby at least 5 minutes before the match and ping the Teams in the discord server about their match. Teams should be online to receive their invites.
  2. Teams will be allowed 1 optional warmup each with a maximum song length of 4:00.
  3. Teams will !roll to determine pick and ban order. The winner of the roll chooses either the pick order or the ban order, and the loser chooses the remaining order.
  4. For example, if Team 1 wins the roll and chooses to ban second, Team 2 can choose to either pick first or second.
  5. If a team is not in the lobby by 10 minutes after the scheduled match start time, they lose all their bans.
  6. If a team is not in the lobby by 15 minutes after the scheduled match start time, they forfeit the match.
  7. Banned maps are effectively removed from the mappool for that match.
  8. There are no restrictions on consecutive picks or bans.
  9. Each team has 120 seconds to pick/ban a map. After a team picks a map, both teams have 90 seconds to ready up for the map.
  10. All mods are allowed on the tiebreaker; however, all scores will be divided by their mod multiplier. Teams are not required to take any mods on the tiebreaker.
  11. In the case of a genuine disconnection in the first 30 seconds of the map, the map may be replayed. This can only be used once in a match per team. If a team disconnects on the same map twice in a row or on two different maps, they must deal with the consequences of their disconnect. This rule is to prevent abuse through manually leaving the game after missing on a map.

  1. All teams will play on the same mappool each week.
  2. There will be separate map pools for each round of play. The mappool format will be variable from week to week, with different ways of grouping maps.
  3. Expect the following star ratings for an equivalent aim consistency "NM1" map:
    1. Qualifiers: 6.70*
    2. RO64: 6.30*
    3. RO32: 6.55*
    4. RO16: 6.80*
    5. QF: 7.05*
    6. SF: 7.30*
    7. F: 7.55*
    8. GF: 7.80*

  1. Registrations End: July 16 at 23:59 UTC
  2. 2 week buffer for screening
  3. Qualifiers: July 30th - August 1st
  4. RO64: August 6th - August 8th
  5. RO32: August 13th - August 15th
  6. RO16: August 20th - August 22nd
  7. QF: August 27th - August 29th
  8. SF: September 3rd - September 5th
  9. F: September 10th - September 12th
  10. GF: September 17th - September 19th

A badge for the winning team and banners for second and third place!

Host: D I O

Spreadsheets: D I O, LeoFLT

Graphics: ChillierPear, D I O

Mappoolers: D I O

Streamers: Anexile, BubblyQT, chrissi, Cindergoat, D I O, Damarsh, DanX, im afk, Moltenfury, moof, Nambulance, oliebol, shdewz, Takiaz, tigereyes144, Toffi, Tuco, Xpekade

Commentators: Anexile, Cindergoat, D I O, Damarsh, Doomsday, freddiiieeee, moof, N1ghtbeat, Nambulance, Suicune3, tigereyes144, lystia, Toffi, Vaf

Referees: Aidown, AO4Lukas, Big Brayn, BlackBQ, BubblyQT, Chaozz, chrissi, Cindergoat, DanX, DizzyH, Evan1, Fairy Bread, freddiiieeee, GDLenny, Kaneko Chiharu, [K], kurtis-, LeoFLT, Mashyuf, MatthewBubbles, moof, Nambulance, P a t r i c k, Prade, real cute, Rijrya, shdewz, shineasone, SnipeTheNeko, Spartan Plume, Speshimen, StartAndSelect, Suicune3, Takiaz, TheAleboy, tigereyes144, Toffi, Tuudug, Vespulaz, Xpekade, Yazzehh

If you want to help with the tournament, either with staffing or prize pool donations, feel free to DM DIO#8797 on Discord.
Ain't gonna staff this time round but good luck with it regardless!
Dio's BAD
should've announced this while my ign was still Tusk :(
Dio's BAD
dios aweome
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