
Can i be pro at osu std/mania using a laptop keyboard?

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So I always play any osu using my laptop keyboard, but my skill was stuck at 4 stars(mania) right now, and someone said that a Mechanical keyboard will help but I think a nice mechanical keyboard was too expensive becuz I want to save my money to buy some Valorant skin, so the point that I won't buy mechanical keyboard because another reason too ) ´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ `
Btw I really don't know it was about my laptop keyboard or my hand position when playing mania.
( Sorry for my bad English )
Peripherals certainly help, but they are never a necessity to get good. In osu!standard, FGSky is a prime example. He used a pillow as a mousepad and some super old cheap mouse on a laptop to play on his lap, and he got to 2 digits like that. Of course, he upgraded his setup now from the support from the community, but it just comes to show that you don't need top-tier peripherals to get good. Also I don't recommend cheaping out on a mech kb if you do buy one, because cheap ones tend to have a low polling rate which can segment your UR bar(watch tokaku's cheap keyboard video on YT for more info).
It all comes down to your skill. You won't need it unless you play extremely competitive acc (probably irrelevant for standard) or competing with top players in general.
Am I pro enough for you :(. I only play on my laptop. My specialty is in dense chordjack: 98% on 1.1 break, 97% on give it do dem 0.9, 96% on lynessa's bad apple. My dense CJ is greater than any rank 2k player 100000000000000%.
i know a handful of people who got pretty far on a laptop keyboard, however it ultimately depends on your laptop. Some laptop keyboards have really bad chord splitting which would cause some patterns to be unhitable. its possible, just not ideal
You can get surprisingly far with a laptop keyboard, however from personal experience, it breaks down kinda quick compared to an external keyboard. My laptop keyboard lasted 2 years until it ultimately broke this year :')
laptop keyboards can get a bit weird with hand movement but soon you will get comfortable overtime. although this may sound like a good thing, laptop keyboards have higher possibilities of damage.

i would recommend using membrane keyboards because membrane keyboards are super light to touch making it easier to handle speed patterns and other.
i play better on a laptop keyboard than on my mechanical keyboard
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