
[STD] Moop's Intermediate Tournament (Formerly OLRT) (4v4, 50k-160k) Registrations Closed

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If you have any questions, ask in the Questions and Feedback channel on the Discord Server


This is a 4v4 tourney for players in the rank range of 50k-160k.

Basic Information:
  1. The bracket will be double elimination
  2. We will be using Scorev2
  3. The tourney will be using the UTC time zone for everything time-related
  4. This tourney is not going to be badged
  5. The maximum team size is 8, minimum team size of 5.
  6. Staff members cannot play in the tournament apart from Streamers and Commentators
  7. Players and staff are required to be in the discord for the duration of the tournament
  1. Staff registrations open: June 21st
  2. Player & team registrations open: June 21st
  3. All registrations close: July 10th
  4. Screening: July 11th - 17th
  5. Qualifier Pool Release: July 18th
  1. A match may be rescheduled 24 hours before the scheduled date provided both teams agree to the new rescheduled date.
  2. The rescheduling must be posted within the #reschedules channel in Discord with the provided format, including evidence of both teams agreeing to the new rescheduled time. (screenshot of dms etc.)
  3. Reschedules past the 24 hour threshold will be accepted based on referee discretion and may not be met.


Qualifiers will be played to determine who qualifies as well as team seeding.

  1. Every team must have at least four members present to their qualifier session to be eligible, each map will be played by a minimum and maximum of 4 players per team, benched players can be subbed for teams of size > 4 per map.
  2. Lobbies of predetermined times will be provided for teams to sign up to on the main sheet up to 24 hours before the start time of each lobby. Each team may only register for 1 lobby, you may change the lobby which your team plays in. You may only play in 1 lobby barring exceptions made by staff.
  3. Maps will not be aborted, players may be required to replay maps at the end of the lobby in case of disconnection at the referee’s discretion.
  4. If you miss your scheduled lobby, you may reschedule to a later lobby provided it meets rescheduling rules. Failure to attend a rescheduled lobby without prior notice will result in team disqualification.
  5. If your team cannot meet any of the scheduled times, you may contact any member of the admin team to arrange a special lobby, this however cannot be guaranteed based on referee schedules.
A team's seed will be calculated by ranking the mean percentile of their combined score for each map against all other teams, based on the normal distribution curve.
Qualifier Mappool

  1. No warmups for qualifiers.
  2. Qualifiers mappool consists of 10 maps of which there are 4 NM, 2 HD, 2 HR, and 2 DT maps.
  3. The mappool will be played through once in order, starting with NM1 and ending with DT2.
  4. In cases of ties in points, the team with higher normalised score across each map will be seeded higher.
  5. Disclaimer: This tourney will be pooled towards the more extreme end of 50k tournaments despite the rank range extending to 160k. Be prepared >:)

Match Rules

Tournament Procedure

  1. At least four players per team must be present for their match on time.
  2. A 10 minute buffer will be given to teams, afterwards it's an automatic forfeit for said team.
  3. Warmups must be under 5 minutes total time, is an osu standard map, submitted to osu! Servers.
  4. DT can be used at the team’s discretion, HT cannot be used, 1 NF per team at least.
  5. Teams may choose to skip their own warmup.
  6. Timers are enforced at Referee Discretion: (120 for picks and bans, 120 for ready)
  7. Each team has one grace abort if there is a disconnect within the first 30 seconds of the map or 1/4 of map play whichever comes first.
  8. If a disconnect occurs after the 30 second mark and the player in question cannot provide evidence of their final score in the lobby, their score when they left the multi will be added to the final score of their team.
  9. If the scores are tied, no points will be given for the map and the match will continue, in the case where enough maps have been tied such that there are no longer enough maps for a team to win, the mappool will "reset" except for maps banned by each team.
  10. Your team can only ban one map per modpool, excluding nomod.
  11. Your team cannot pick two maps from the same modpool in a row, excluding nomod.
  12. Your team may call for one 5 minute break once per match anytime after warmups have been played.

  1. Nomod has a 0.8x multiplier to the final score, and does not apply to TB.
  2. Three players with mods selected (other than NF) with two unique mods per team, HDHR counts as HR, HDEZ counts as EZ, any combination of mods with FL counts as FL.
  3. Nofail will be enforced on all maps and must be picked for free mod, failed scores without NF are not counted.
  4. DT mod is a viable option as long as both teams agree to use it. HT is not allowed.
  5. EZ mod will have a score multiplier of 2.
  6. Tiebreaker is considered freemod, again without the NM multiplier


A base criteria for eligibility will be applied to all players at time of registration based on playcount, total time played and account creation date.Further manual screening will also be conducted to remove any player deemed suspicious or is in violation of osu! rules and guidelines.


Yes there are prizes for the top 3 teams.
No, you cannot contribute to it, we appreciate it though :)


Takasaki Yu
hmmmm, yes

txFPS wrote:

i guess this is youtube now
Kanade Hisaishi
lets go
Brown Guy 2
o!LRT will be missed

Takasaki Yu wrote:

hmmmm, yes
hmmmm, yes
Joon Yorigami
wow that rank range
i need friends
its time poggers
les go
Amamya Kokoro
go go guraaim!!
It's goooooood
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