
How the heck do you play 16ths? :( :(

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So I've been playing Taiko for about 2 months now... I think I am doing pretty well, (right now ranked ~1800) and can play most songs that aren't ridiculously complicated on the pattern changes or extremely fast (Scarlet Rose etc).

But one thing I consistently struggle with are 16th notes and I simply feel that my fingers cannot possibly play that fast. Before I go any further, here is what I consider a 16th note (all of these are from the same song for BPM purposes):

1/4th note(s) :

1/8th note(s) :

1/16th note(s) (or heck maybe even 32nds at this point?) :

Having played original OSU! for almost a year, I was able to stream at pretty high BPM speeds (230+ if I remember correctly), but things like this just absolutely murder me in songs.

Any suggestions from the community? Note : I also play ddkk for my hand settings : as;'
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Those notes are supposed to be hard, luckily in Taiko mode you can still rank in several songs even with misses.

BTW, it seems that nobody has ever passed the song in the example without misses.
Be born with machine gun hands.
Don't worry, it's just an unfortunate side-effect of sliders auto-converting into notes - pretty much impossible to play. Some top level speed players (TTTL, Remilia-Scarlet) can vibrate their fingers to stream over 400BPM for a second or two, but even that only goes so far.
that's 1/32, and yes, it's almost unlikely to FC through. inb4 this map
Streaming with 2 hands (in which the key layout is kddk) will help a bit, but it's all up to each player's key reference.
Tips from someone who has a hobby for percussion...

Get in the habit of using both hands equally. You don't have to over complicate rhythms to compensate for the second hand, but don't find yourself trying to use your fingers as jack hammers. KDDK style is probably best here.

Keep in mind what it should sound like when played perfectly. The taiko is an instrument in this game, and you are playing it. Keep the hitsounds loud and be consious of exactly what it would sound like IF you played it perfectly. When you have this in mind, you will be practicing the rhythm at slower speeds when you are not playing (tapping on desks, songs in your head, etc.) without even knowing.

NEVER FORCE YOUR HANDS TO PLAY A SPEED YOU CAN'T PLAY. This is how people (including me) get wrist problems. You probably notice that your hands tense up, shake, and/or hurt right before trying to play a really fast part of a song. This is causing a lot of damage because you are forcing your hands to move the most when they are the hardest to move. As an alternative, don't worry about missing a few notes and play the pattern at the 16th pace (you should know what that sounds/feels like if you used the above tip) without tensing up. When you are used to playing this part with your hands relaxed, your hands will one day "click" into the rhythm and you will be able to play it at full speed without tensing up.

tl;dr: Use both hands, learn and practice the rhythm outside the game, and NEVER, EVER play when you tense up your hands.

In some cases (like the song you listed), the osu>taiko translation made an almost impossible map, but the "16ths" (they are 32nd notes) are not that uncommon in ranked Onis, so it's still worth it to practice the speed. These tips probably won't make you the first person to FC that map, but they WILL help you improve in the physical part of playing difficult patterns.

Mithost wrote:

[...] but the "16ths" (they are 32nd notes) are not that uncommon in ranked Onis [...]
Yes, they are.
The fastest you generally see are 6th streams (triplet rhythms at a speed of 24th notes), and even those are usually only 1/2 beats long (4 notes)
Any tips for ddkk players? D:
If you are using actual musical notation, a n-th note is one that divides one 4/4-timed bar (between two bar lines) into n equal parts at a specific BPM.
So your "8th" is more likely to be a 16th seeing that the bar ends beyond the large don, at which if it ends would the ddk cluster be at 8th.
Also authentically speaking, notes just touching each other are at 16th under normal scroll speed settings (1.40 SV in osu!)
Your third picture probably features a bar cut short to 2/4 time, in which case it is actually 32nd notes.
Judging solely by bar lines, it can only be legit 16th notes if and only if it is on half scroll speed in that bar.

Also concurring to Mithost's opinion about kddk. With both kind of notes distributed to each hand, you can execute alternated sequences to deal with any clusters.
Practically each hand will be dealing with notes at half the density (e.g. 16th to 8th) under perfectly distributed handswitching.

Finally may I suggest that the note division scheme itself is not the main question, but rather it should be the combined effect with the BPM?
You should note that 16th notes in 100BPM is equivalent to 8th notes in 200BPM in terms of time differences, although the latter will scroll twice as fast under equal SV.
Actually... that specific roll there in Melody Blooming in the Earth is 64th notes. It's 128 NPS and pretty much impossible to hit. Just look at the leaderboards.

I think what you're worrying about are 32nd note rolls I call them death rolls. They are typically around 20 NPS (which is still pretty fast) and you'll only see them in osu>taiko maps. The only way I can hit them is either with my two index fingers for dons or my two middle fingers for kats. That means if you want to hit those 32nds, you'll probably have to play it in KDDK. I suppose a way to get yourself better at hitting 32nds is to practice hitting 16ths with one finger. Just try on songs with lower BPM, then do it on faster ones, ect. If you can hit 16ths with one finger, you can hit 32nds with two.

Also, to clear things up, I made this. The 32nds are from Burst the Gravity.
fyi, the "64ths" on your sight is actually 2 beats long, so it's not really 64ths, but 32nds. You can look to the barlines (stanza) in the screenshot to clarify.
Tap the Drum Center Left/Right button as quick as you can?(But don't try too hard at the moment.practise makes perfect,you can get a high Accuracy in the future/XD
1/32 notes also on the Hataraku 2000(Taiko Tatsujin),but I cannot a better solution to solve it.. :(

XK2238 wrote:

fyi, the "64ths" on your sight is actually 2 beats long, so it's not really 64ths, but 32nds.
Yeah, I thought that too, but I found out it happens during a time signature change. That one measure is in 2/4 and all 16 notes happen in one beat.
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