
Modding vs. Mapping

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Does it necessary means that "If you are good at mapping, you are also good at modding" and vice versa ?

Like by modding maps I know what stuff causes general modders dislike; And by mapping I also know what is good or bad visually.

Unless I'm wrong.
I'd imagine you can definitely make decent maps and still suck at modding. Since you need to be able to explain briefly and convincingly why you think things needs to be changed, while still not being so stubborn that you force your own mapping style onto others.

with mapping you can easily just get into refining a single style and make good maps, while with modding you can't just try and make everyone fit into your box as there isn't a best way to map.

same thing happens with other skills. not everyone good at math makes a good math teacher, not every athlete can be a coach, etc.

a better metaphor would be asking an artist to critique your art. They are really good at their art, but maybe you do something different that they don't do, or they aren't very well spoken and cant explain their thought process. There's a lot of things that they would need to know how to do outside of art alone to give others constructive criticisms.
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In the other hand, will good at modding makes you a decent mapper ?

In mapping, you only need to communicate with yourself and think why would this pattern be good / bad, therefore with a decent modder's mind, could mapping be improved ?

For modding, is it just like "Adapting with other's style + effective communication + own mapping knowledge" ?
It's a positive feedback loop. Getting better at modding helps you get better at mapping, since it's easier for you to reason about your own maps and judge how well they work. Getting better at mapping helps you get better at modding, since you have more knowledge and experience.

lewski wrote:

It's a positive feedback loop. Getting better at modding helps you get better at mapping, since it's easier for you to reason about your own maps and judge how well they work. Getting better at mapping helps you get better at modding, since you have more knowledge and experience.
Essentially this. They do benefit each other, but being good at one does not still automatically also make you good at the other
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ah i see, thanks for clarifying
good at modding = you can find things to improve, and provide solution, both subjective and with respect to RC.

good at mapping: this is very subjective how you define it. you can make a map very representative of the song but is not fun to play for you or other ppl but it's flawless and rankeable.

you can also make a fun map but is against RC so can't rank it.

A good map should be one that is both fun to play and follows RC

imo, after modding too much, your creativity could go down because all you think is how to be flawless, not how to make it fun. on the other hand, analyzing other maps will give you more ideas how to develop your own style. I say a good balance of the 2 is the best.
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