
Question about mentorship

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I'm looking to improve my mapping and hopefully rank my very own map one day, but I'm a rather visual learner so reading these pages and pages of guides just doesn't seem to be clicking with me. I still have no idea where and how I should be placing circles and sliders, and all my maps feel very stiff. I was wondering if it would be possible to find a mentor outside of the mentorship program as it is already closed, and where and how I could do so.

If this is the wrong place to ask a question like this I apologize.

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ask someone you respect as a mapper for feedback on a map

better to do that than to actually ask them to mentor you, people are generally very willing to help others but the word "mentor" sounds like a big commitment so it may turn people away

I doubt many people will mind if you keep going back to them with new maps, either, so you can pretty much get the same thing without asking for more than a bit of feedback at once. you may even make friends that way
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I guess I've never really thought of it that way. I always thought randomly asking someone to give you feedback over and over would be more obnoxious compared to something like a mentorship where both parties have to agree to it beforehand so they know what to expect. Thank you for the insight!

I don't really know of any mappers. It feels like every map I play is mapped by a different person, so I don't really know who I should ask. I will look though my maps list and pick out some of my favorites and see if that works.
regarding worrying about potentially "coming off as obnoxious", you can always just hit them up for more of a regular chat at times as well to mitigate seeming like you always just ask for things

Additionally, people tend to like to talk about their preferences and what they have worked on and the like, at least to some extent, so if you chat with them in some way about things like what their music taste is or their various mapping principles, you will perhaps also get some glimpses that may be beneficial learning-wise, while also probably coming off as more friendly than just always asking for things. Does not really quite line up with your visual learning, but otherwise pretty win-win of a scenario
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Thank you for the tips! Everything you guys have said are all very helpful! I'll try to find a few mappers I like and ask them for some advice, and maybe chat it up a bit. Thank you guys so much for the help.
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