
What kind of things are inside you ?

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Hi !
I'm new there. In first, I'm french. And more exactly, a french girl. I'm 15 and the 27 of may I will be 16 years old ! I think I'm not a interesting girl, but let introduce myself ! /o/ I have a dog and in the future, I want to be a vet. I love sciences and languages. I'm a creative person I think 'cause I practice photography, drawing, writing, I play guitar and listen to the music, coding and do some graphics things. I love rock and didn't like actual songs like the things that we can hear on radio. I love reading and playing video games. I'm someone who is very curious, I love discover new things. My friends told me about Osu... And here I came ! In fact, I don't really know what things I can add so, if you have questions feel free to ask.
Welcome. Can you teach me French? Oh, and you seem like the type of person I'd like to hang out with :3

Have fun
Hello there. Welcome welcome.

So you do draw, I would like to see one if it's okay with you. ^^
I like creative people. I read too, you read novels? what books/novels have you read?
Yunia Anindya
You seem fun to talk to :3 Welcome to osu! and the forums, enjoy your time here.
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I think I'm not very good to teach something !
Of course, I reaaaad a love of novels. Especially, fantastic one. And you, what king of book you read ? And if I have the time, I will post some drawing there~

Thank you, you are very nice ! :)
Ooooh, so you like to draw and write? What do you like to draw? ^^

And welcome to osu! Hope you enjoy your stay! :D

PandoraBox wrote:

Of course, I reaaaad a love of novels. Especially, fantastic one. And you, what king of book you read ? And if I have the time, I will post some drawing there~
I like Romance and Adventure. Hunger Games, Perks of being a wallflower, Percy Jackson and the Olympians, etc etc. I also like John Green's and Rick Riordan's. Oh, that would be great. Pleased to meet you. ^^
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Oh yeah, Ria-Chan ! :3 I love draw mangas characters and others things like that !

Oh, Hunger Games it's a good book and I really love the film. I'm so excited to watch the second !
What kind of things are inside you ?
I have a dirty mind and I should feel bad.

Welcome, PandoraBox ! You seem to be an interesting person, so feel free to post in our #french forum too :D
See you later and enjoy your stay here.
"Hunger Games" was an awesome movie I agree! :D Ah so you draw manga characters. I like to draw some fantasy-oriented things (mostly dragons xp)
Guitar, video games, AND coding!!
I like you.....
Welcome to the forums and the community!!!!
Hope you enjoy your stay here and feel free to message me ingame if you ever wanna do multi or w/e :)
Welcome to Osu! If you need any help with anything feel free to pm me~
Are you by any chance a Pandora Hearts fan? (your avatar pretty much gives it away but it's always good to be sure. :^))
Welcome to the forums!
Welcome to osu! :3
Send me a message if you need anything~
Welcome ~

Really looking forward for your drawing ~
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Thank you all. :)

And yay, I'm a Pandora Hearts Fan :D

You are so nice here.

Varetyr wrote:

What kind of things are inside you ?
I have a dirty mind and I should feel bad.
So I am not the only one. Phew!

Welcome to the forums :)
Kanye West
what kind of things are inside of me, you ask?


PandoraBox wrote:

And yay, I'm a Pandora Hearts Fan :D
Aw cool, it's my favourite manga.
Well anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay.

Kanye West wrote:

what kind of things are inside of me, you ask?

shovel :-)
Kyonko Hizara
Hika is inside of me
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