
Chata - Harukaze Dance

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This beatmap was submitted using in-game submission on 2013年12月16日 at 0:02:04

Artist: Chata
Title: Harukaze Dance
Source: Motto Nee, Chanto Shiyou yo! After Story
Tags: eroge iyasine candysoft ending
BPM: 165
Filesize: 7608kb
Play Time: 03:25
Difficulties Available:
  1. Insane (5 stars, 696 notes)
  2. iyasine's Hard (4.88 stars, 470 notes)
  3. Normal (2.62 stars, 196 notes)
Download: Chata - Harukaze Dance
Information: Scores/Beatmap Listing
my 6th ranked map... and my 1st full ranked map c:
iyasine's Hard - by iyasine
01:03:243 - You could add a note here, its kiai time so theres no problem adding a fast beat here
02:03:061 - Add note

I cant really find something to mod here. It was really hard to read for me.. sorry :P
Topic Starter

Dat Leper wrote:

01:03:243 - You could add a note here, its kiai time so theres no problem adding a fast beat here
02:03:061 - Add note fixed

I cant really find something to mod here. It was really hard to read for me.. sorry :P
thank you


01:45:970 (2) - 緩やかに曲げてみるとか!手前の1番とセットで見た目よくなるかも?

02:13:242 (1) - もう少し左に移動したほうが見た目と流れ良くなるかも?


00:13:061 (1) - NC ?
00:13:243 (1) - Remove NC ? 個人的にはこっちの方が00:13:061 - ここが認識しやすかった!
00:36:788 (5,6) - 個人的にDistance 0.7 ~ 0.8が好きです!
01:12:606 - ここからのAudio Volume+10% ? BGMの方かなり小さいけど、Volumeちょっと上げて強調しても面白いかなって!
02:28:334 - ^

相変わらずの完成度の高さで、もう文句のつけようがないっす・・・。nice Insane :D


unsnap note があるのでAIMODで確認してそれを修正してください
00:26:697 (4) - あんまり綺麗な流れじゃないと思うのでCtrl+Gの形をお勧めします
00:38:334 (5) - move x132 y200こっちのほうが好きです
00:45:061 (4) - こっちの頭もFinishでいいと思う
01:00:334 (7) - スタックさせるのは 00:59:788 (4) - こっちのほうが好き
01:02:697 (4) - remove noteして配置に工夫させると面白そう
01:08:879 (6,7) - 逆にしたほうがいいと思う (01:07:970 (2,3) - こっちとそろえるようにしたほうがわかりやすいし、流れも綺麗だと思います)
01:34:515 (1) - 問題はないけどAimかなりきつい
02:00:697 (4) - さっきとおなじ
02:18:333 (4) - ^
03:03:697 (2) - なんか違和感が・・・改善案はなし
03:04:697 - 裏とってるようなきもするけどココの音は拾ったほうがいいと思う

[iyasine's Hard]
AR-1 これはAR8だと普通にInsaneレベルのmappingだと思います・・・


HP-1 一番低難易度設定で4は高いと思います。3にしておくのが無難ではないでしょうか・・・。
00:34:334 (1) - 一番低難易度でここまで隅まで持ってくるのは危ないかもしれない?
03:20:879 (2) - Finish音拾うならこっちのほうがbetter?

よく整ったmapsetでよく練られたとてもいい譜面だと思います :)

タグに"eroge iyasine candysoft ending" など入れたほうがいいとおもうます

00:34:334 (1) - 最初にwhistle追加
01:49:970 (1) - 上と同じく
03:21:606 (3) - NC?

[iyasine's Hard]
00:38:515 (1,2) - 流れがあまり良くないのでもっと右の方に曲げたほうがいいかも
00:41:424 (1) - 反対側にぐにゃあっと
01:15:424 (2) - スライダーを消してサークルを2つ配置したほうが見栄えがよろしいかと hitsound入れ忘れずに
01:31:606 (3) - 提案!
01:41:606 (1,2,3,1) - ここだけ少しDSが空いてるのは違和感あります・・・
01:54:152 (1) - こちらも流れが悪いのでこんな感じに
02:21:243 (4) - スライダーを直線ではなくカーブで
03:22:879 (1) - なぜここにNCを入れているのでしょうか?

特に言うことないです :o 楽しい譜面でした

Satellite wrote:

[iyasine's Hard]
AR-1 これはAR8だと普通にInsaneレベルのmappingだと思います・・・


Piscis wrote:

[iyasine's Hard]
00:38:515 (1,2) - 流れがあまり良くないのでもっと右の方に曲げたほうがいいかも nice!
00:41:424 (1) - 反対側にぐにゃあっとnice!
01:15:424 (2) - スライダーを消してサークルを2つ配置したほうが見栄えがよろしいかと hitsound入れ忘れずに今のままでも見栄えそこまで悪くないと思うのとスライダーが自分的にはシックリくるのでこのままで。
01:31:606 (3) - 提案!1/1の曲げすぎたスライダーあまり好きじゃないのでこのままで。
01:41:606 (1,2,3,1) - ここだけ少しDSが空いてるのは違和感あります・・・ん~DS1.3で統一してるのでこのままで行きたいですが、もう少し他の方の意見を待ってみます。とりあえず保留で。
01:54:152 (1) - こちらも流れが悪いのでこんな感じにnice!
02:21:243 (4) - スライダーを直線ではなくカーブでnice!
03:22:879 (1) - なぜここにNCを入れているのでしょうか?最後の締めで入れてたんですけど、良く考えたらいらないですねコレ!消しました!
さてらいとさん、Piscisさん modと☆ありがとう~!
Hi バナナ here

add gd creator's id to tag


00:03:061 (3,1) - ctrl+g them like this?, vocal at 00:02:879 and 00:04:334 will both jump, and sliders are all slide to right side
00:42:697 (5) - remove the whistle at slider head, (or move it to (4)'s tail, clap and whistle hears strange together IMO)
00:45:606 - volume up? for SC2 clap is not used in this section, and the mp3 seems louder from 00:37:243. my suggestion is to use 70% volume here and the kiai
01:01:424 (5) - i don't like the overlap here.. suggestion is like this, it can also fill the blank at left
01:05:606 (5) - i can understand the reason why stack, but the right side is empty until, consider unstack it and balance the jump pattern like this

besides, i think your jump pattern plays fun, but is not so well in edit, as i mentioned in 01:05:606, the right-up of the play field is empty for a long time, and this makes your pattern not so decent, it is avoidable if you also think it to be an issue ._.

02:31:060 (2) - jump between sliders is easier to get 300, and i think here can have a bigger jumper
02:29:606 (2) - consider 02:26:879 (4,3)'s direction, i think this slider can be ctrl+g and move up, and this slider's tail stack with 02:28:151 (2) like this
02:59:788 - hit sound volume->35? i didn't notice the piano when test play, and i think it is because the loud hit sound

[iyasine's Hard]
00:02:334 (1) - move it up to x:96 y:324? this is the first note, far away from center is not suit IMO
00:10:879 (5,1,2,3,1,2) - move these notes down to form a triangle pattern like this, and then rearrange 00:12:879 (3,4), to avoid 00:12:334 (1) overlapping with hp bar in some custom skin
nice hard

00:34:334 (1) - ctrl+shift+r and rotate 84° with selection center, to avoid overlapping with hp bar in some custom skin
02:15:061 (2) - blanket (1)'s head?
03:12:879 (3) - use the same shape with 03:09:970 (3)?

that's it, good luck~ :)
Topic Starter
thank you for mod and star !!


  1. 00:34:334 (1) - ww
  2. 00:52:152 (2,3) - i feel adding a jump here is better to play w
  3. 00:57:788 (2) - ctrl+G?
  4. 01:00:334 (7) - remove this note? i feel it doesn't fit the back jump w
  5. 01:16:697 (2) - 0,0
  6. 02:32:879 (4,5) - maybe don't stack, increase some spacing here
  7. 2nd part nice
Iyasine's Hard

  1. 00:07:243 (4,5) - a little hard to keep distance here, i suggest about 1.2x this combo
  2. 02:52:334 (1) - miss clap here
  3. 03:22:334 (3) - add clap to (3), (4) end, and green (1), don't clap on (4) head

  1. 00:21:243 (3) - move the end of the slider 1 grid down (?)
_(:3 」∠ )_

Banana wrote:

[iyasine's Hard]
00:02:334 (1) - move it up to x:96 y:324? this is the first note, far away from center is not suit IMO fixed
00:10:879 (5,1,2,3,1,2) - move these notes down to form a triangle pattern like this, and then rearrange 00:12:879 (3,4), to avoid fixed
00:12:334 (1) overlapping with hp bar in some custom skin fixed
nice hard

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:

Iyasine's Hard

  1. 00:07:243 (4,5) - a little hard to keep distance here, i suggest about 1.2x this combo fixed
  2. 02:52:334 (1) - miss clap here nice!
  3. 03:22:334 (3) - add clap to (3), (4) end, and green (1), don't clap on (4) headfixed
Thanks for modding Banana,Ar3sgice <3
red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. fine
  1. 00:02:334 (1,2) - ここの部分の流れが少し強引な感じがし、私にはここがまだ調節可能なポイントであるように感じました。
  2. 00:03:788 (2,1) - 理由としては上記の者と同じ。
  3. 00:24:515 (2) - 開始とリバースにあるclapの影響で00:25:424 を意識した音がなく、そこの音の抜け方が不自然に感じました。
  4. 00:30:334 (2) - 00:30:697 - でピアノを拾っており、00:31:061 でclapを使った上で、whistleも使ってピアノも意識させようとさせており、色々混ざってしまい、結局どっち付かずな音付けとなっているように感じました。それらを両方同時に使うことで、そのポイントの音が強くなりすぎ、どちらも殺してしまう音付けです。
    そもそもピアノは00:30:515 - 00:30:879 - のred tick上にもあり、このフォローの仕方はNormalとはいえ中途半端で、他のピアノを拾っていないこともそれを感じさせる大きな要素の一つとなっています。
    1. ピアノの音を全て無視し、whistleをこの箇所から完全に削除する。
    2. 変化として取り入れて、00:31:061 - の箇所を工夫する
      1. ピアノに重点を置いてclapを削除
      2. 後ろのupbeatに合わせてwhistleを削除
  5. 00:32:879 (2) - なぜこのタイミングでupbeatではなくボーカルに取る音を切り替えているのでしょうか?
    00:27:424 (3) - 同様のリズムに変更をする必要性があるように思えます。
  6. 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4) - ここの音の付け方が私にはよく分かりませんでした。
    主な原因は00:24:515 (2)と同じで00:35:606 - の音を意識して拾えていないので、この箇所のclapが全体的に浮き、ヒットサウンドと曲がフィットしていません。

    1. 00:34:334 (1) - 1/1
    2. 00:35:061 (2) - 3/2 リバース
    3. 00:36:515 (3) - 1/1
  7. 00:45:606 (4) - ここの音は・・・
  8. 00:55:424 (2) - 音取り的な意味で00:55:424 (2) にすごい違和感が。
    00:54:334 - 00:55:061 - でそれぞれ1/1スライダーにリズムを変更させて、そのサークルを削除させるのがこちらからの提案です。
  9. 01:40:152 (2) - 00:24:515 (2)と同じ
  10. 01:48:515 (2) - same as 00:32:879 (2)
  11. 01:49:970 (1,2,3) - 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4)参照
  12. 03:20:879 (2) - ここはなぜ1/2?
    03:21:606 - まで伸ばして2/1スライダーでいいのでは?

  1. 00:05:970 (2,3) - なぜここで動きを止めて溜めるような配置に?
  2. 00:12:879 (3) - これを削除してみるのはどうでしょうか?
    00:12:697 までと 00:13:061 からのボーカルで一つの区切りを加える事で、変化をうまく加えることができ、曲とよりフィットすると思います。
  3. 00:24:879 - うーん、これは確かにrankableだけどsliderslideに付けるには音として引きずる感じ?と耳に刺さる感じがあって私は良いと思いません。
  4. 00:35:606 (1) - Hardだけどここに無理してスピナーを入れる必要ってあるかな・・・?

    1. 00:35:606 (4) - circle
    2. 00:35:970 (5) - ^
    3. 00:36:152 (6) - 1/1
    4. 00:36:697 (7) - 1/2 + リバース
  5. 01:51:243 (1) - ^

  1. snapしてないのが多数。AIModで確認してresnapしといてください。
  2. Hardと同様にsliderslideを使用してのヒットサウンドに関しての調節案。
    理由などについてはHard, 00:24:879のところを参照、タイムラグを付けているヒットサウンドでなので、直前のnoteに付ければsliderslideよりも上手く扱えます。

mod time: 2 hours


NewRulerNA wrote:


  1. 00:05:970 (2,3) - なぜここで動きを止めて溜めるような配置に?
  2. 00:12:879 (3) - これを削除してみるのはどうでしょうか?
    00:12:697 までと 00:13:061 からのボーカルで一つの区切りを加える事で、変化をうまく加えることができ、曲とよりフィットすると思います。nice!
  3. 00:24:879 - うーん、これは確かにrankableだけどsliderslideに付けるには音として引きずる感じ?と耳に刺さる感じがあって私は良いと思いません。
    一応ルールにダメとは書いてないのでrankableです。Very Nice!!!スライダーの頭にWhistleがついていて対応できない所もあったので指摘を受けた部分だけ修正。
  4. 00:35:606 (1) - Hardだけどここに無理してスピナーを入れる必要ってあるかな・・・?

    1. 00:35:606 (4) - circle
    2. 00:35:970 (5) - ^
    3. 00:36:152 (6) - 1/1
    4. 00:36:697 (7) - 1/2 + リバース
    例えばこんな音取りもできます。別にこの例に拘る必要もないので、そちらに音のとり方は任せます。nice! 内容はかなり違うけどnote追加しました。
  5. 01:51:243 (1) - ^

modあざっす :D
Topic Starter

NewRulerNA wrote:

red: Unrankable issue.
blue: may be unrankable issue.
Bold: not unrankable, but should fix it.

  1. fine
  1. 00:02:334 (1,2) - ここの部分の流れが少し強引な感じがし、私にはここがまだ調節可能なポイントであるように感じました。
  2. 00:03:788 (2,1) - 理由としては上記の者と同じ。
  3. 00:24:515 (2) - 開始とリバースにあるclapの影響で00:25:424 を意識した音がなく、そこの音の抜け方が不自然に感じました。
  4. 00:30:334 (2) - 00:30:697 - でピアノを拾っており、00:31:061 でclapを使った上で、whistleも使ってピアノも意識させようとさせており、色々混ざってしまい、結局どっち付かずな音付けとなっているように感じました。それらを両方同時に使うことで、そのポイントの音が強くなりすぎ、どちらも殺してしまう音付けです。
    そもそもピアノは00:30:515 - 00:30:879 - のred tick上にもあり、このフォローの仕方はNormalとはいえ中途半端で、他のピアノを拾っていないこともそれを感じさせる大きな要素の一つとなっています。 自分はやはりどちらの音も取りたいと思います。EasyやNormalなどでは取れない音が出てくるのはしょうがないですし、そこまで気にする必用はないと自分は思いました
    1. ピアノの音を全て無視し、whistleをこの箇所から完全に削除する。
    2. 変化として取り入れて、00:31:061 - の箇所を工夫する
      1. ピアノに重点を置いてclapを削除
      2. 後ろのupbeatに合わせてwhistleを削除
  5. 00:32:879 (2) - なぜこのタイミングでupbeatではなくボーカルに取る音を切り替えているのでしょうか? ここだけベース(?)の音が伸びているように聞こえます。ボーカルの音を取ったつもりはありません。確かにその前まではベースはとっていませんが次からパターンも変わりますし、曲に合ってないことはないと思うのでこのままにしておきます。
    00:27:424 (3) - 同様のリズムに変更をする必要性があるように思えます。
  6. 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4) - ここの音の付け方が私にはよく分かりませんでした。自分は00:35:606 - にclapを入れるくらいの強い音があるようには聞こえません。
    主な原因は00:24:515 (2)と同じで00:35:606 - の音を意識して拾えていないので、この箇所のclapが全体的に浮き、ヒットサウンドと曲がフィットしていません。

    1. 00:34:334 (1) - 1/1
    2. 00:35:061 (2) - 3/2 リバース
    3. 00:36:515 (3) - 1/1
  7. 00:45:606 (4) - ここの音は・・・ drum-hitclapよりもfinishのほうが合うと思いましたが、2ばんはtickに音がついているため、drum finishのwavがないと変更できません。入手できれば変更するかもしれませんが、今は音量を上げて様子を見ます。
  8. 00:55:424 (2) - 音取り的な意味で00:55:424 (2) にすごい違和感が。
    00:54:334 - 00:55:061 - でそれぞれ1/1スライダーにリズムを変更させて、そのサークルを削除させるのがこちらからの提案です。
  9. 01:40:152 (2) - 00:24:515 (2)と同じ
  10. 01:48:515 (2) - same as 00:32:879 (2)
  11. 01:49:970 (1,2,3) - 00:34:334 (1,2,3,4)参照
  12. 03:20:879 (2) - ここはなぜ1/2?
    03:21:606 - まで伸ばして2/1スライダーでいいのでは?
  1. snapしてないのが多数。AIModで確認してresnapしといてください。
  2. Hardと同様にsliderslideを使用してのヒットサウンドに関しての調節案。
    理由などについてはHard, 00:24:879のところを参照、タイムラグを付けているヒットサウンドでなので、直前のnoteに付ければsliderslideよりも上手く扱えます。

mod time: 2 hours

modありがとうございました :)
Topic Starter

[CSGA]Ar3sgice wrote:



  1. 00:34:334 (1) - ww
  2. 00:52:152 (2,3) - i feel adding a jump here is better to play w
  3. 00:57:788 (2) - ctrl+G?
  4. 01:00:334 (7) - remove this note? i feel it doesn't fit the back jump w
  5. 01:16:697 (2) - 0,0
  6. 02:32:879 (4,5) - maybe don't stack, increase some spacing here ok
  7. 2nd part nice

  1. 00:21:243 (3) - move the end of the slider 1 grid down (?)
_(:3 」∠ )_
Thank you for moddinggg!!!!
Hi! request from via in-game

Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Good.

  1. 01:34:515 (1) - Ctrl+Gしたほうが直後のジャンプが気持ちいい気がしました。
  2. 01:55:242 (4,5,6,1) - スペーシングにばらつきがあり見た目も悪く感じました。何かしら工夫を加えてジャンプにしようと思いましたがちょっと難しいので軽くスペーシングを整えるだけでも十分よくなると思います。
  3. 02:00:515 (3) - x228 y48 くらいに置いて大きいジャンプに!!??
  4. 02:03:970 (3,4,5) - こんな感じのジャンプどうでしょう?結構いい感じになってます

    02:03:970 (3) - x440 y384
    02:04:151 (4) - x304 y276
    02:04:333 (5) - 02:03:424 (3) - にスタック


[卍†★☆iyasine☆★†卍's Hard]
  1. 00:02:334 (1,2,3,4) - なんかtick音がいい感じで邪魔なのが気になるんでスライダーをそれぞれ交換したいところ・・・・

    こんな感じに・・・ ただここを変更すると00:08:697 (3,3) - こっちの統一感が損なわれるので変えるならこっちも変えたほうがいいです。
  2. 02:51:788 (3) - 少し窮屈な感じだと思いました。02:51:061 (1,2,3,4,1) - この5つが揃った感じになってるので終端とnoteで三角形作るみたいに綺麗にしましょう。


  1. Looks fine ^^
ganbare~~~ :)
Topic Starter

Guy wrote:

Hi! request from via in-game

Red : You must be fix.
Blue : You should be fix.
Black : Just suggestion.

  1. Good.

  1. 01:34:515 (1) - Ctrl+Gしたほうが直後のジャンプが気持ちいい気がしました。 noteが隅に行き過ぎて叩きづらいということもありましたし、提案の通り直しました。
  2. 01:55:242 (4,5,6,1) - スペーシングにばらつきがあり見た目も悪く感じました。何かしら工夫を加えてジャンプにしようと思いましたがちょっと難しいので軽くスペーシングを整えるだけでも十分よくなると思います。スペーシングのばらつきはわざとですが、スペーシングが狭まっていくよりかは広がっていくほうがあっていそうなのでここは案が思い浮かびしだい修正します。
  3. 02:00:515 (3) - x228 y48 くらいに置いて大きいジャンプに!!??おk
  4. 02:03:970 (3,4,5) - こんな感じのジャンプどうでしょう?結構いい感じになってます うーん、1番と3番でもここはスタックなのです。自分はこれがあってるかなあと思ったんですがどうでしょうか・・・わざわざとても丁寧に画像を編集して頂いたのに修正せず誠に申し訳ありません。

    02:03:970 (3) - x440 y384
    02:04:151 (4) - x304 y276
    02:04:333 (5) - 02:03:424 (3) - にスタック


[卍†★☆iyasine☆★†卍's Hard]
  1. 00:02:334 (1,2,3,4) - なんかtick音がいい感じで邪魔なのが気になるんでスライダーをそれぞれ交換したいところ・・・・

    こんな感じに・・・ ただここを変更すると00:08:697 (3,3) - こっちの統一感が損なわれるので変えるならこっちも変えたほうがいいです。
  2. 02:51:788 (3) - 少し窮屈な感じだと思いました。02:51:061 (1,2,3,4,1) - この5つが揃った感じになってるので終端とnoteで三角形作るみたいに綺麗にしましょう。


  1. Looks fine ^^
ganbare~~~ :)
moddexinguとsuta-ありがとう :)

Guy wrote:

[卍†★☆iyasine☆★†卍's Hard]

  • ちょw
  1. 00:02:334 (1,2,3,4) - なんかtick音がいい感じで邪魔なのが気になるんでスライダーをそれぞれ交換したいところ・・・・

    こんな感じに・・・ ただここを変更すると00:08:697 (3,3) - こっちの統一感が損なわれるので変えるならこっちも変えたほうがいいです。
  2. 02:51:788 (3) - 少し窮屈な感じだと思いました。02:51:061 (1,2,3,4,1) - この5つが揃った感じになってるので終端とnoteで三角形作るみたいに綺麗にしましょう。

All fixed!! さすがい!! modありがとおお :D
As my promise.Sorry I am late
ごめんね、私のpoor modding~X X

Black: just suggetions
Blue: might consider
Red: Unrankable issue

Hitsound is a little small,consider make some hitsound louder?


  • 00:08:515 (3) –when I first play I miss this.I think it can be a note on 00:08:697 –instead of slider
    00:12:879 –add note?
    00:36:788 (5) –delete note
    00:43:061 (1) –add Finish in the head of slider
    01:11:970 (3) –add finish in the end of slider
    01:58:697 (1) –add finish in the haed of slider
    01:52:424 (5) – delete note
    02:44:970 (3,4) – change whistle to clap
    03:00:515 (3) and 03:03:697 (2) –I can’t understand what you think 0.0 why use blue line,I think it not necessary

[ iyasine's Hard]

  • 00:18:152 (1,2) –make a better blanket XD

nice diff \w/

Good luck to the nice song and sugoi map
Topic Starter

Fycho wrote:

As my promise.Sorry I am late
ごめんね、私のpoor modding~X X

Black: just suggetions
Blue: might consider
Red: Unrankable issue

Hitsound is a little small,consider make some hitsound louder?


  • 00:08:515 (3) –when I first play I miss this.I think it can be a note on 00:08:697 –instead of slider
    00:12:879 –add note?
    00:36:788 (5) –delete note
    00:43:061 (1) –add Finish in the head of slider ok
    01:11:970 (3) –add finish in the end of slider ok
    01:58:697 (1) –add finish in the haed of slider ok
    01:52:424 (5) – delete note
    02:44:970 (3,4) – change whistle to clap
    03:00:515 (3) and 03:03:697 (2) –I can’t understand what you think 0.0 why use blue line,I think it not necessary

nice diff \w/

Good luck to the nice song and sugoi map
thank you for modding!!!

Fycho wrote:

[ iyasine's Hard]

  • 00:18:152 (1,2) –make a better blanket XD Fixed

Good luck to the nice song and sugoi map
Thanks for modding~ Fycho!!

Random mod because I happen to have nothing to do :D

*Bolded = Unrankable or strongly suggested; red = Highly suggested or questionable (still weaker than the bolded ones); black = Minor suggestions/rants; blue = Notes/advices to avoid/fix repeated problems. Also note that hitsound suggestions on a diff may apply on similar parts of the song and the other diffs of the mapset.

  1. 00:07:424 (1,3) - Swap NC to follow the stanza more accurately?
  2. 00:31:424 (3,1) - ^
  3. 00:35:061 - Use Drum for sampleset, Soft for addition, then add a whistle here? Goes better with the music. If you do this, remove the clap here and add one for 00:35:424 (2), for the sake of hitsound consistency. The sudden change of the hitsound pattern just doesn't flow nicely for me.
  4. 02:53:970 (3,1) - Also swap NC for the same reason as 00:07:424 (1,3)?
>iyasine's Hard
  1. 00:06:697 (3,1) - Swap NC so the spacing change will be more readable and not as unexpected as how it is now? It's kinda okay as is, but might throw off players in their first attempt.
  2. 00:23:788 (3) - Split this into a 1/2 slider and a circle? This one follows the vocal nicely, and I think it's the best way to go here (or in other words, the best object rhythm here).
  3. 00:26:879 (1) - I think it's very awkward to ignore the instrument at 00:27:061, so make this a 1/2 slider with a repeat?
  4. 00:30:152 (5,1) - Swap NC to follow the stanza accurately?
  5. 00:56:697 - Add a finish here because there are some sounds from an instrument that is similar to 00:55:970?
  6. 01:41:243 (5) - Move this to (444,152) so it will actually form a neat blanket pattern with 01:40:334 (2) while playing? The stack makes the note look a bit misplaced... If you decided to follow this, make sure the spacing around here is all correct.
  7. 02:59:879 - 03:08:424 - Not that it will matter a lot, but since maaagic mapped this part in Normal (the easier diff), it feels weird to see the harder diff has this part unmapped. Since it's a guest diff, though, I'll let this pass, but it would be nice if you want to map this section.
  1. While the design is pretty nice, the flow is really weird at places, especially in the kiai times. In general, I don't like how the Insane diff is mapped, if I have to be honest.
  2. 00:04:515 (3,1) - This partial overlap looks weird, TBH; just saying.
  3. 00:09:788 (2,3) - ^. Seems like your style, so I'll leave it at that and won't complain too much, although placing 00:10:334 (3) at (232,176) creates a better flow here.
  4. 00:16:879 (1,2) - I don't recommend to make the spacing this small, as players may be tricked into thinking that they're only 1/4 beats apart, especially considering there are going to be parts where the spacing is as small as this, where the objects are ACTUALLY 1/4 beats apart. Just use the normal spacing altogether, IMO. (Applies to similar parts, yeah.)
  5. 00:20:697 (4,6) - Move them to (320,172)? This is to make sure they're not overlapped by 00:20:152 (2), and thus can be more readable.
Hmm, that's it I guess.

Good luck on the way 8-)

Hinsvar wrote:

>iyasine's Hard
  1. 00:06:697 (3,1) - Swap NC so the spacing change will be more readable and not as unexpected as how it is now? It's kinda okay as is, but might throw off players in their first attempt.ok~
  2. 00:23:788 (3) - Split this into a 1/2 slider and a circle? This one follows the vocal nicely, and I think it's the best way to go here (or in other words, the best object rhythm here).hmm...sorry keep it , I like this best
  3. 00:26:879 (1) - I think it's very awkward to ignore the instrument at 00:27:061, so make this a 1/2 slider with a repeat?keep it
  4. 00:30:152 (5,1) - Swap NC to follow the stanza accurately?nice!
  5. 00:56:697 - Add a finish here because there are some sounds from an instrument that is similar to 00:55:970?keep it
  6. 01:41:243 (5) - Move this to (444,152) so it will actually form a neat blanket pattern with 01:40:334 (2) while playing? The stack makes the note look a bit misplaced... If you decided to follow this, make sure the spacing around here is all correct.very nice!
  7. 02:59:879 - 03:08:424 - Not that it will matter a lot, but since maaagic mapped this part in Normal (the easier diff), it feels weird to see the harder diff has this part unmapped. Since it's a guest diff, though, I'll let this pass, but it would be nice if you want to map this section.
It once suspends
Thanks for modding~ Hinsvar :oops:
Topic Starter
fixed !! Thank you Hinsvar~ :)
Abe Nana
hi ~ random mod here

little suggestion

[iyasine's Hard]

00:40:152 - finish
00:41:424 - ^
00:41:970 - ^
01:55:788 - ^
01:57:061 - ^
01:57:606 (2) - ^
02:48:152 - ^
02:49:424 - ^
02:49:970 - ^
03:12:515 (4,1) - swap NC
03:23:061 (1) - whistle


00:38:697 (1) - finish
00:40:152 (1) - ^
00:41:243 - ^
01:55:788 - finish
01:56:879 (5) - 01:57:606 finish
02:48:152 - 02:51:061 - finish
02:52:515 - ここのfinishを外して 02:52:152 (6) - ここと 02:53:061ここに入れてみればどうだろ
03:10:697 (2) - finish推薦
03:22:334 (3) - ^

All fixed!! ちゃたさんmodありがとう~(;_;)
Topic Starter

-Chata- wrote:

hi ~ random mod here

little suggestion


00:38:697 (1) - finish
00:40:152 (1) - ^
00:41:243 - ^
01:55:788 - finish
01:56:879 (5) - 01:57:606 finish
02:48:152 - 02:51:061 - finish
02:52:515 - ここのfinishを外して 02:52:152 (6) - ここと 02:53:061ここに入れてみればどうだろ
03:10:697 (2) - finish推薦
03:22:334 (3) - ^

Ello, random mod o̿ ̭ o̿
00:24:515 (2) - This zig-zag slider is a little too much. A simple straight slider can work here, but that's just imo.

00:50:334 (3) - Add finish on the head.
01:40:152 (2) - Straight slider?
01:45:606 - Should add a note here.
01:48:515 - Leave this tick empty, so the rhythm remains consistent with the previous one (01:42:697)
01:49:970 - Also leave this tick empty so it corresponds well with 01:44:152
01:51:424- Leave this tick empty to match 01:45:606
02:05:970 (3) - Add finish on the head.
02:58:334 (3) - ^
[iyasine's Hard]
00:45:970 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:48:879 (1) - ^
00:50:334 (5) - ^
00:51:061 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try replacing this stream with a mini slider instead? (=ヮ=)೨ Not a big fan of streams in a Hard diff.
02:01:606 (1) - Add finish on the head.
02:04:515 (1) - ^
02:05:970 (5) - ^
02:17:424 (1) - ^
02:53:970 (1) - ^
02:56:879 (1) - ^
02:58:334 (4) - ^
00:41:243 (5) - Move this note to about 360/240 so it it's under the head of 00:40:152 (1) - better.

Hope this helps!
some fixed!! Thanks for modding~ crystalmask :D
Topic Starter

10crystalmask01 wrote:

Ello, random mod o̿ ̭ o̿
00:24:515 (2) - This zig-zag slider is a little too much. A simple straight slider can work here, but that's just imo.

00:50:334 (3) - Add finish on the head.
01:40:152 (2) - Straight slider?
01:45:606 - Should add a note here.
01:48:515 - Leave this tick empty, so the rhythm remains consistent with the previous one (01:42:697)
01:49:970 - Also leave this tick empty so it corresponds well with 01:44:152
01:51:424- Leave this tick empty to match 01:45:606
02:05:970 (3) - Add finish on the head.
02:58:334 (3) - ^
[iyasine's Hard]
00:45:970 (1) - Add finish on the head.
00:48:879 (1) - ^
00:50:334 (5) - ^
00:51:061 (1,2,3,4,5) - Try replacing this stream with a mini slider instead? (=ヮ=)೨ Not a big fan of streams in a Hard diff.
02:01:606 (1) - Add finish on the head.
02:04:515 (1) - ^
02:05:970 (5) - ^
02:17:424 (1) - ^
02:53:970 (1) - ^
02:56:879 (1) - ^
02:58:334 (4) - ^
00:41:243 (5) - Move this note to about 360/240 so it it's under the head of 00:40:152 (1) - better.

Hope this helps!
fixed, thank you~ :)
:D b

just change BG to 1024x768 and I will bubble ;)
Topic Starter

Frostmourne wrote:

:D b

just change BG to 1024x768 and I will bubble ;)
ok fixed!!!
thank you frostmourne~~ :)
Bubbled ~
Topic Starter
Thank you!!! :)
Thanks~ Frost :oops:
nice shoot:3

  1. Why don't you add " ending " to tags ? As you know, it is ending song of this game.
  1. HP Drain rate -1. The same as it is a little difficult for beginners. i guess it prevents the player from fail.
  2. 00:30:334 (3) - Flow suggestion: feels better to move (3) up like this my suggestion ,it will flow more naturally.
  3. 00:34:334 (1) - add a whistle to the head of the slider.
  4. 01:07:788 (3) - hmm.. it is better to bend slider to the opposite direction for the flow and design imo.
  5. 01:49:970 (1) - ^ same as above
  1. 00:07:243 (4) - i don't know why you followed the vocal only here. it is better to follow the background sound same as your previous part. so you should consider remaking 1/2 slider here, like this
  2. 00:19:243 (4,5) - i prefer to put more jump :3 same as here 00:27:970 (4,5) -
  3. 00:51:061 (1,2,3,4,5) - 5 hits ... i wish you will remake this part. but this is a matter of taste. aha
  4. 01:26:697 (1) - missing a clap
  5. 01:41:061 (4,5) - ^ please put more jump again.
  6. 01:57:606 (2) - remove a finish here since it follows nothing.
  7. 02:30:697 (1) - add a finish to the head of the slider here to follow the crash cymbal in the music.
  8. 02:49:970 (2) - same
  9. 02:59:606 - i feel kinda empty here, it is better to use 1/2 rhythm for playing same as your previous 5-hits part (00:51:424 (5,6) - ,02:07:061 (5,6) - ). so please put a note here.
  10. 03:18:515 - how about adding more finish sound for the climax ? will be more interesting
  1. 00:53:424 (2) - add a whistle. please check here 00:58:879 (1,2) -
  2. 00:59:606 - ^
  3. 01:05:061 (2) - ^, and you should be able to apply my suggestion for the rest of the all part ... #2 kiai, #3
  4. 03:20:152 - finish
    nothing to say ... excellent :3
that's all i got. whenever you're ready, call me back for recheck.

alacat wrote:


  1. 00:07:243 (4) - i don't know why you followed the vocal only here. it is better to follow the background sound same as your previous part. so you should consider remaking 1/2 slider here, like this nice!
  2. 00:19:243 (4,5) - i prefer to put more jump :3 same as here 00:27:970 (4,5) - fixed!
  3. 00:51:061 (1,2,3,4,5) - 5 hits ... i wish you will remake this part. but this is a matter of taste. aha fixed!
  4. 01:26:697 (1) - missing a clap nice!
  5. 01:41:061 (4,5) - ^ please put more jump again. fixed!
  6. 01:57:606 (2) - remove a finish here since it follows nothing. fixed!
  7. 02:30:697 (1) - add a finish to the head of the slider here to follow the crash cymbal in the music. nice!
  8. 02:49:970 (2) - same fixed!
  9. 02:59:606 - i feel kinda empty here, it is better to use 1/2 rhythm for playing same as your previous 5-hits part (00:51:424 (5,6) - ,02:07:061 (5,6) - ). so please put a note here. nice! add note!
  10. 03:18:515 - how about adding more finish sound for the climax ? will be more interesting fixed!スライダーの頭にfinish追加しました!
that's all i got. whenever you're ready, call me back for recheck.
All fixed! あらきゃっとさんmodありがとおお :D
Topic Starter

alacat wrote:


  1. Why don't you add " ending " to tags ? As you know, it is ending song of this game. fixed
  1. HP Drain rate -1. The same as it is a little difficult for beginners. i guess it prevents the player from fail. fixed
  2. 00:30:334 (3) - Flow suggestion: feels better to move (3) up like this my suggestion ,it will flow more naturally. fixed
  3. 00:34:334 (1) - add a whistle to the head of the slider. ここはno changeでorz
  4. 01:07:788 (3) - hmm.. it is better to bend slider to the opposite direction for the flow and design imo. fixed
  5. 01:49:970 (1) - ^ same as above ^
  1. 00:53:424 (2) - add a whistle. please check here 00:58:879 (1,2) - fixed
  2. 00:59:606 - ^ fixed
  3. 01:05:061 (2) - ^, and you should be able to apply my suggestion for the rest of the all part ... #2 kiai, #3 fixed
  4. 03:20:152 - finish fixed
    nothing to say ... excellent :3
that's all i got. whenever you're ready, call me back for recheck.
ありがとうございます!!ほとんど直しました ;)
Topic Starter

Quilt wrote:

Topic Starter

alacat wrote:

ありがとうございます!!! :)
やった~ :D
chata <3 gratz :3 !
- Yuuto -
おめでとおおお 8-)
Gratzz!! iyasine and maaagic!!^^
Congrats!!Ranked too late
Topic Starter
thank you~ :)
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