
osu!/Discord Verification Bot

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Source code - Version 1.0

This was initially requested by Sinaeb for their tournament's discord server (and beta tested there), but the bot is now open for public use :)

Quick Info

  1. Link to add discord bot: Click Here

What does this discord bot do?

OsuVerification (I'm trying to think of a more fun name) is bot allows a user to link their osu! account to their discord account. Unlike other bots which use an honor system (allows a discord user to assume any osu! user), this bot requires verification from the osu! account in order to link them.

An idea of general usage:
  1. User joins a server that uses OsuVerification
  2. If not already verified, User uses the command "o-verify"
  3. The User is sent a code. They private message this code to user PurpleTurkey on osu!
  4. If done correctly, they are now verified. As configured by the discord server's admins, the User is given a role and their nickname is changed to their osu! username.

Command List

o-verify : Sends a verification code + instructions
o-verify help : A verification help menu
o-verify server : In case roles/nicknames are not automatically applied, this command can be used to manually do so

o-admin menu : Brings of a menu/list of admin commands
o-admin role @role : Sets the role you would like to give a user after they verify
o-admin nicknames true/false : Enable/Disable automatic nicknames (true sets a discord user's nickname to their osu! username upon verification)

* Only one discord account per osu user and vice versa

o-user @discorduser : Check if another discord user has been verified by the bot

Contact & Testing

  1. If you are interested in testing/trying out the bot, you can check out my discord server: Click here to join
  2. Because my osu! messages are being spammed, I might not see them. You can contact me on discord @ Turkey#3157 or leave a comment here :)
Hey I've been wondering If this project has any chance of revival, or If a newer similar one has been started?
Could really use a bot like this, and I have no luck of finding anything remotely similar or working for my Discord server.

Please hmu if possible.
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