This thread should have lived a long time ago, and not in this time. Our lives would be better off without it in our presence.
The reason I say this is because Weegee posted in it, he's an idiot who surpasses idiocy and hits rock bottom.
Really why isn't he banned? I can list several reasons to do so, including multiple attempts at what we presume to be (air quotes)"rick rolling" (/air quotes), general idiocy and posting in threads in a way that ticks people off...also his avatar is stupid.
What I'm trying to say is, wisen up Weegee (incase you don't know what that means, it means don't be so stupid and annoying), you're really getting on my nerves, seriously Forumshit was bad enough before.
Also don't revive dead threads with posts that tarnish them, let them rest in peace. (Or start making awesome posts...Ahaha, yeah that'll never happen right?)
That goes for all of you.
Oh oh oh, and kids these days don't know what it used to be like, you're bloody lucky to even HAVE a Forum Games/Random, once there was a time when they didn't even exist! You had to walk both ways uphill in the snow barefoot just to make a random post. AND it only cost a NICKEL! Can you imagine that? A nickel! Yep, things were nicer back in those days, I bet you kids don't even know the true value of a nickel, you can get a good square meal for a nickel these days.
So you better bloody wisen up people.
And I'd like this thread to die again, that would be nice.
Signed, Adam
P.S I totally meant that part about everything.
+Angry letter from concerned grandparent.