
Crush 40 - Open Your Heart

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This map has been deleted on the request of its creator. It is no longer available.
Before even playing this song, I demand that you change the song's artist to Crush 40 as it should be.
You only gave us the .osu file with the beatmap data, we don't have the MP3, so we can't play the song.
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Whoops. :P

Okay, song should be uploaded now.
Your song is currently unbeatable, you seemed to have placed some beats on top of a slider's finish, forcing the player to let off the slider early in order to hit the next slider, and dooming their combo. In fact, these unfinishable sliders make me question if you play tested this map at all before releasing it. However, it's a good start. Get rid of those 2 second breaks, fix your beatspacing, fix your sliders, maybe add some variety to your sections that repeat, and you'll be good. A harder version would also be great.
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It's not unbeatable. I've beaten the map a few times already. As for the beats on the sliders, it's certainly possible to hit them. I've done it many times, and I'm far from an expert. It just takes practice. And I'm not sure how I could fix the beatspacing, I'd say it's pretty consistent. I used the distance snap feature on 99 percent of the map.

But I can get rid of the two second break, and change up the chorus somewhat. Thanks. :)
Here's try playing this edit where I changed the slider timing so they're not on top of each other. IMO it feels a lot more clean this way, and it'll make it possible to get a perfect.

On that note, make your S and Heart Sliders smoother. I like them, but they could look a bit better.

Download: Crush 40 - Open Your Heart (Mifune24) [Hard slider fix].osu
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Yeah, it does flow better. I'll fix up the sliders as well.
I agree with Gunzil. Try to never place a beat or slider at the same time.

Apart from that, I like it. And I was hoping someone to make a beatmap for this one. =D
You should make an easier version if you can too.

This one gets a star.
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Thanks. :mrgreen:

Hard mode is fixed up and free from all beat-on-slider shenanigans, and I kicked up the HP drain a bit. Also changed up the chorus a bit, as well as eliminating the brief breaks.

I'll do a normal mode in a couple days or so.
Your fixed version is great. The only problem I have now is a few cases of weird beatspacing. I'll see if I can find them later.
This version is awesome. There is one thing bothering me, is the fact that the game wants me to get the "latest version" of this beatmap, and it downloads the older version instead. Check if you can upload it again, or contact Peppy to solve this problem. (It should download the new version instead)


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I've uploaded it again. Let me know if you experience any problems.
I love this map. The beats match the pace and timing of the song perfectly on both modes, and the curved sliders and the beats before and after them give it a sense of constant motion. I really hope this song gets ranked. If it does, I'll be rocketing down the ranking board. :D
Just a few things with hard:

2:30.48 - blue 7 should be slightly closer to the end of the slider
2:37.50 - end of slider 2 and beats 3-5 should be closer to reflect the timing
2:54.13 - red 5 should be equidistant from 4 and 6

After that, should be rankable.
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Okey dokey.

I've made the changes. Here's hoping. 8-)
It's great now, but you might want to move the blue 7 so it's both close to the end of 6 and symmetrical with the 8 mirrored over the 1 (I hope you understand that :D)

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I literally had to read that 10 times over before I understood least I think I do... // yup, you did - Echo

*throws updated beatmap at you*
I approve of this beatmap. The spacing seemed a bit weird to me at first, but once I got the hang of it I see that the map is fine, and good quality.

Good song, good maps, good job. Ranked.
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Thanks for the rank, you guys. :)
I don't like having to revive an almost year old topic, but...

Why is it in the Ranked section when it's unranked on mine? What's the deal?

It says it's the most recent.
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