From discussion in modhelp.
The basic idea of this proposed rule is to support single difficulty mapsets or mapsets without proper spread.
A mapset can be ranked or approved with one difficulty or more, ignoring the 6 minute requirement, the minimum difficulty requirement, and the difficulty spread requirement.
Currently there is a large issue with the ranking system and the effect it has on the quality of beatmaps.
A beatmapper can work on a three minute map and polish a single difficulty to perfection, while another mapper can make four unpolished, 'acceptable' difficulties in the same time window.
Both have spent the same amount of time and effort into the map.
Only one gets ranked.
This cuts off that extra polished difficulty from the ranking pool, leaving only the 'okay' stuff for the playerbase.
An example of an extremely polished map restricted by the rules in place.
Maps with a single difficulty or ones that don't have a proper spread would still follow the same ranking/approving methods in place. Two / three people to push the maps forward depending on mapset length.
Mappers are losing motivation to finish their sets, and a lot of amazing maps are winding up in the graveyard.
They have worked hard to get the maps that good.
No reason to hold them back any longer.
Thoughts on this? I personally think a relaxation on ranking and approval is what this game needs to usher back in the high quality content it once had. Of course, the occasional bad map will be created that tries to go through this new process, but that's what the approval team is for, to slow that down.
15:51 Charles445: honestly though what I'd like to see in mapping is a relaxation on the process
15:51 Maddy: LOL
15:51 Charles445: a lot of the really good mappers are getting frustrated with the regulations and whatnot, that's why so many people quit
15:51 mm201: we need to frame ranking in the right context
15:51 Maddy: charles pls add rule
15:51 Charles445: the main issue I see is that, you have ppl who work REALLY hard on 1 difficulty, and people who work pretty hard on 4 diffs
15:51 Maddy: DONT USE different spacing on streams
15:51 mm201: ranking is freezing the map from additional changes so that it can be given a scoreboard
15:51 Maddy: best rule ever
15:52 Charles445: it takes the same amount of work, but only the 4 diff map with the pretty ok diffs is pushed forwards
15:52 Blue Dragon: Maddy: oh god YES
15:52 Maddy: aka no stream jumps i mean
15:52 Maddy: pls
15:52 Charles445: that's why honestly we should support single diff good stuff
15:52 mm201: quality control is an extra bonus
15:52 *Blue Dragon is listening to [ DM Ashura - Classical Insanity]
15:52 Blue Dragon: i don't wanna play stuff like this anymore
15:52 mm201: but not central to the process
15:52 Charles445: restricting the good from doing their thing is detrimental
15:52 Alumetorz: lol@charles story of my life
15:52 Maddy: classical insanity is not that bad
15:52 Makyu: Hello
15:52 mm201: we help mappers fix mistakes before the map is frozen and they can't any more
15:52 Blue Dragon: most of the patterns are cool
15:52 Charles445: I wish we did that
15:52 Alumetorz: my <another diffs are so bad
15:52 Blue Dragon: but the differently spaced streams
15:52 Blue Dragon: are lol
15:52 Maddy: yeah lulz
15:52 Charles445: every bubble I check is either unrankable or just bd
15:52 Charles445: bad*
15:52 Charles445: not BD LOL
15:53 Blue Dragon: kinda like upertreff-
15:53 Maddy: or just bd
15:53 Maddy: LOL
15:53 Blue Dragon: wow i'm offended
15:53 Blue Dragon: again
15:53 Charles445: LOL
15:53 mm201: we also try to mentor mappers so that they can make better maps later
15:53 Blue Dragon: I have a problem with mentoring
15:53 Charles445: mm201 though, thoughts on allowing for single diff things ever?
15:53 Charles445: It'd make so many players and mappers happy it's crazy
15:53 Blue Dragon: every mapper I try teaching about stuff
15:53 Blue Dragon: ends up mapping better than me
15:53 Alumetorz: lol
15:53 mm201: Charles445: sure why not
15:53 Charles445: Let's do this shit
15:53 Alumetorz: isnt it a good thing bd?
15:54 Blue Dragon: not really because i see how it's easy to map better than me
15:54 mm201: more maps != less good maps
15:54 Maddy: allowing single diffs , what
15:54 Shiro: I actually agree with Charles on that one
15:54 Blue Dragon: Charles445: oh god yes
15:54 mm201: but it's not up to me
15:54 Charles445: Let's make a thread somewhere mm201
15:54 *Blue Dragon is listening to [ Wyvern's Spirit - Force Zero]
15:54 Charles445: we can discuss this
15:54 Blue Dragon: oh god yes
15:54 Shiro: Charles: ML first ?
15:54 Charles445: idk
15:54 Charles445: NR seems the better place
15:54 Maddy: what are you talking about
15:54 Charles445: newrules
15:55 Maddy: :o
15:55 Nafar: just a little thingy about ranking criteria n things like that: Maybe try and add a way to encourage mappers trying out new stuff
15:55 mm201: I would probably be annoyed by single-difficulty expert-only sets but I can ignore them
15:55 Blue Dragon: Nafar: the problem with that is that most people go WAY too far
15:55 Blue Dragon: when trying new stuff
15:55 Maddy: wow are you talking about single diff ranks or what
15:55 Maddy: i dont get it
15:55 Charles445: yes we are
15:55 Maddy: oh my god
15:55 Charles445: mm201 actually a place for them to stay would be good
15:55 Charles445: yknow, like how approval once was
15:55 Blue Dragon: also please make easy-only maps rankable or remove them from gray area
15:55 Nafar: BD: I know, because when they do they mostly do not go for approval/ranking anyways
15:55 Blue Dragon: because mapping songs like this is sad
15:55 mm201: BD yes
15:55 Nafar: since with new stuff its usually rather hard getting things ranked
15:55 *Blue Dragon is listening to [ Enya - China Roses]
15:56 Charles445: mm201 should I make a thread in newrules or are you going to do that?
15:56 Maddy: but short songs too?
15:56 Maddy: or like approved
15:56 those: With the new system
15:56 mm201: charles: you should
15:56 Charles445: Alright here goes
15:56 Blue Dragon: I don't get the new system
The basic idea of this proposed rule is to support single difficulty mapsets or mapsets without proper spread.
A mapset can be ranked or approved with one difficulty or more, ignoring the 6 minute requirement, the minimum difficulty requirement, and the difficulty spread requirement.
Currently there is a large issue with the ranking system and the effect it has on the quality of beatmaps.
A beatmapper can work on a three minute map and polish a single difficulty to perfection, while another mapper can make four unpolished, 'acceptable' difficulties in the same time window.
Both have spent the same amount of time and effort into the map.
Only one gets ranked.
This cuts off that extra polished difficulty from the ranking pool, leaving only the 'okay' stuff for the playerbase.
An example of an extremely polished map restricted by the rules in place.
Maps with a single difficulty or ones that don't have a proper spread would still follow the same ranking/approving methods in place. Two / three people to push the maps forward depending on mapset length.
Mappers are losing motivation to finish their sets, and a lot of amazing maps are winding up in the graveyard.
They have worked hard to get the maps that good.
No reason to hold them back any longer.
Thoughts on this? I personally think a relaxation on ranking and approval is what this game needs to usher back in the high quality content it once had. Of course, the occasional bad map will be created that tries to go through this new process, but that's what the approval team is for, to slow that down.