
Grid spacing in relation to distance snapping?

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This is a feature request. Feature requests can be voted up by supporters.
Current Priority: +0
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So instead of having arbitrary grid space divisions, how about setting it up so that the distance is similar to what you get from alt-snapping beats? So, if you alt-snap a beat at .5x while your grid is set up for .5x spacing, then the beat will land exactly one square away. Or, if your grid is setup for .25x, then it will land two squares away. This would also help align sliders, since you could set the grid snapping to a devision of your slider speed.
I've been thinking about this for awhile and I'm not sure why I didn't post about it.
This may work for horizontal and vertical spacing, but nothing else. I guess it wouldn't hurt, though.
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It's mostly a suggestion to add some consistency to the beat spacing, in case somebody doesn't want to use alt-snapping all the time.

Here's another idea: How about an alt-spacing grid? Like, whenever you hold alt, a new grid appears, one that is radial, focused around the previous beat. There could be a slider for how many radials to use and a second to determine the distance of the circles to the grid.
If you want full radial scope, you could turn off grid snapping while distance snapping couldnt you? I'm not too sure how to implement this one, but I'll have a think about it. Keep the input coming :).
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I was mostly thinking it would be useful to have radial snaps, that way if you want the distances to be uniform in 8 or 16 directions, you could.
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