
[Finished][osu!catch] 4 Digit Player Tournament Season 4

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Congratulations Kazuyo on winning the 4th Season of the 4 Digit Player Tournament

Hello and welcome to the 4th Season of the "4 Digit Player Tournament".
You may ask, what does 4 Digit Player Tournament mean? It means that this tournament will be for players who are currently a 4 digit player in the gamemode "Catch the Beat".
That means the ranks will be from #1000 - #9999.
You need to be a 4 digit throughout the whole tournament

Our reason to host this tournament is to give lower ranked players some tournament experience.

General Rules:

- ScoreV2 will be used as a win condition for this tournament.

- Players will be seeded based on the results of the Qualifier Lobbies. The seeds are Top Seed, High Seed, Low Seed and Unseeded, each contain 16 players.

- In this tournament, only a total of 64 players are able to participate. This year we will use Qualifier Lobbies so everyone has a chance to participate.

- If a player changes his name after the registration, please immediately contact "GinIkari". If the player does not say something about their name change, they will be not able to play their games.

- The bracket stage will be double elimination.

- In order to join this tournament, you are not allowed to have violated the Osu! community guidelines in the last 12 Months, repetition of what is said of the start of the sentence.

Mod Rules:

- The Tiebreaker will be played with NoMod, it is also allowed to play it with Hidden.
Any other mod is strictly forbidden.

- When picking either Double Time or HardRock maps, you are allowed to pick Hidden alongside Double Time or HardRock.

- At any map, players are not allowed to use the following mods : Easy, Flashlight, Sudden Death, other difficulty reducing, or unranked mods, except No Fail.

In-game rules:

- You cannot nullify a beatmap under any circumstance.

- Only in the first 10 seconds of a map, can the map be retried if anything hindering happens such as a disconnect. This is only allowed once per match per player.

- Player are allowed to join 15 minutes later as Scheduled. We might come to be ahead or behind schedule sometimes, so its recommended to plan well before each match.

- If they have not joined the lobby within 15 minutes it will be counted as a Win by Default for the opponent.

- If a player quits the lobby mid match, he has 5 minutes to come back, otherwise it will be submitted as a Win by Default.

- As for rolls, the player who rolled higher will ban second and pick first or ban first and pick second. The decision will be made by the player who rolled higher.
Always remember that this is just a game (I.e behave yourself)

Tournament Sign-in: 2021-04-14 // 14th April 2021
Tournament Screening + Sign-in closed: 2020-05-14 // 14th May 2021
Tournament Start: 2021-06-03 or 2021-06-10 // 03 June 2021 or 10th June 2021 (depending on screening)

Registration Form:

1st Place = 6 Months of Osu!Supporter + 1 Badge
2nd Place = 4 Months of Osu!Supporter
3rd Placer = 2 Months of Osu!Supporter

Tournament Host:


Graphic Designer:



SnowleopardHe Ang CTBLaffey Gaming


ObscenaryPekorratAmaZdogshit playerSnowleopardgal1lovemathboyxtremeitiesJUFFJakkubonBeckaEliminate 3JielefecosilgamZytosySSScottyh-e-c-a123OasixZazuwonderleifHe Ang CTBJoon YorigamiLaffey GamingWesleyMasterForcer


Yuno4lifeSnowleopardgal1dogshit playerKureiji OlliezencatSadEggAayuriGinoshi


Snowleopard[Raine]BeckaAayuriHe Ang CTBDataPata

Mappool Creator:

BoberOfDarknessInryukaAmaZ-Sachiko-lovemathboyJakkubonClara-RustyyObscenaryBolticoR-34[Amazing]RellsHe Ang CTBVertiMniam[Eun]RedcXca

Mappool Tester:

dogshit playerPekorratALEJANDROMT44NamSProYuno4life-Sachiko-AmaZlovemathboyMaihrohorokoKureiji Ollie-RustyyEliminate 3Mashiro MamaKatsuragiObscenaryNellyBolticoR-34Oasix[Amazing]RellsHe Ang CTBJoon YorigamiMniamdedotikeaRedcXcaMinato Yukina[Eun][224]Miriai-
Yay for 4PDT! The registration form has been sent. :)
dogshit player
im 4 digit
time for the 61st seed last year become 1st seed this year
Time to get beaten up by sadegg over there when RNG goes wrong
[TKS] Vappy
3 Macau
4 digit forever
Uh hi. Im massacre101 and im a 3k four digit in catch. I wish I can join. I dont know if Im late but if im late please give me a chance. I wanna try a tournament : >
can't wait to win the tournament with my ultimate trick
> le moi
> found out about the tournament 16 minutes before form close.
> applied to join 15 mins before form close.
> hasnt actually read the rules

Italy wrote:

can't wait to win the tournament with my ultimate trick
calin plz do not do trolling
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